Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 221 I Will Take Care Of A Compelling Villain

The man with presbyopic glasses was very excited. The more he looked at the flower, the more pleasing it was to his eyes. Sure enough, he was right about the ghost. This cat ghost is very cruel, a vicious and cruel ghost.

Think here.

He continued:

"Then let's go quickly, I will take you to get the corpse of the ghost king prepared for you."

In order to win Huahua's favor and trust, the man with presbyopic glasses said bluntly:

"I got this ghost king corpse from another member of Sen Luosi. I originally planned to get one myself, but he said there was a way to get one, so I spent a lot of 'price' from him bring here."

"Come on, I'll take you to see him."

along the way.

The man with presbyopic glasses did not forget to introduce that other member, and spared no effort to make Huahua deepen his strong impression of Senluosi, make him satisfied with Senluosi, and not regret joining Senluosi:

"The other member is code-named Fatty, but we prefer to call him Fat Man. Of course, there is another member who likes to call him Fatty, but Orange Cat, don't underestimate this member."

"His code name sounds a little weak, but his strength is actually very strong. Recently, he heard that he won the head of a ghost king, and his strength has improved a lot."

"And he snatched the ghost king's head from the Department of Defense, blatantly, haha."

"to be frank."

"In terms of cruelty, Fatty is not as good as me, but in terms of strength, even I have to be afraid of Fatty and act very cautiously. When you meet him, you have to be careful, don't be fooled by him, hahaha .”

The man with presbyopic glasses talked all the way, and brought Huahua to the rooftop of an abandoned factory in the suburbs of Luxia City.

"Let's wait here. Fatty made an appointment with me to trade on the roof of this factory."

in words.

The man with presbyopic glasses stopped by the railing and stood on the top floor of the factory, enjoying the wind and looking in a good mood.

Huahua looked around, feeling a bit puzzled. This factory was abandoned. Although it looked dilapidated, it was not empty of people. Looking downstairs from the roof, she could see some children playing beside the factory. This is an industrial area remodeled by residents. Area.

It seems to be able to see the doubts in Huamao's pupils.

The man with presbyopic glasses did not hide anything, he pushed his presbyopic glasses and explained:

"Do you think that if you meet here, there are too many people and it's easy to be seen, so you shouldn't choose a more concealed one."

Huahua nodded noncommittally.

To this.

The man with presbyopic glasses laughed:

"If it were me, I would have the same idea as you, choose a place that attracts less attention, but Fatty chose this place. He has some eccentricities. He feels that being a bad guy has to show off his power. In his words, what is that called? Forceful."

"He said that the meeting in the abandoned factory smelled like that bad guy. You don't have to worry about it, and that's the case with the fat man. But with me and the fat man here, it doesn't matter if we meet here. Unless the Department of Health encircles and suppresses it, no one can stop it. Stay with Fatty and me."

is talking.

The man with presbyopic glasses seemed to have sensed something, and his sick face raised a smile:

"he came."

Huahua followed the gaze of the man with presbyopic glasses and looked at the entrance of the factory roof behind her.

At some point, a figure appeared at the entrance door. Because the entrance of the abandoned passageway of the factory was dark and filled with gloom, it was difficult to see the figure's appearance clearly for a while, and it was vaguely visible that it was a chubby figure.

"I'm coming."

When the fat man opened his mouth, he threw a round thing in his hand towards the man with reading glasses:

"I brought you what you asked for."

The man with presbyopic glasses picked up something casually, and Huahua looked at it intently, it was the head of a ghost king.

Also at this time.

Seeing the man with presbyopic glasses looking at the ghost king's head, the fat man said slowly:

"It took me a lot of effort to cut off the beard from Wei Daosi from a long distance, and this ghost king was very strong before his death, so he is a rare promotion."

The man with presbyopic glasses listened, retracted his scrutiny and said with a smile:

"The strength is indeed good. I thought it was the head of a newly promoted ghost king. I didn't expect you to get such a high-quality product. Fatty, did you have an enmity with the Secretary of Defense recently? I heard that you have snatched it these days." The Secretary of Health twice, I am addicted to snatching."

The fat man laughed and waved his hands:

"That's not true. It's just the wool delivered to your door. You can't do it if you don't squeeze it. If it weren't for your good salary, I would still enjoy it myself."


The fat man was a little curious, and noticed Hua Hua beside the man with reading glasses:

"Glasses, when did you get a little follower, huh? The strength is pretty good."

As soon as his words came out.

The man with presbyopic glasses shook his head and said bluntly:

"No, no, no, this is not my little follower, but a member I invited, Orange Cat, I asked you for the ghost king's head, just for Orange Cat."

He didn't hide the satisfaction on his face, playing with the ghost king's head:

"Originally, I thought that a ghost king's head might not make the orange cat promoted to the ghost king, but also need to take it to kill some ghosts and exorcise ghosts. Now it seems that it is unnecessary. Your ghost king's head is very good, enough for the orange cat. Promoted to Ghost King."

The fat man looked surprised, and looked straight at Hua Hua:

"It turns out that you made it for it. I thought you would use it yourself. Not bad, it seems that we, Sen Luosi, have another ghost king."

Eyes are moving.

The fat man looked at Hua Hua:

"The orange cat ghost is not very old, and his strength is very good. With this potential alone, he can rank up in Senluosi. Now he has eaten the ghost king's head I gave him, and he has been promoted to the ghost king. Senluosi has the most potential ghost king. Yes, haha, it sounds very compelling, I like it."

The man with presbyopic glasses smiled when he heard that:

"Of course, I found this. For my sake, remember to take care of it."

"I'll take care of any villains who are strong enough," the fat man replied.

The words fell.

The fat man was about to leave, but the man with reading glasses stopped him:

"Wait, Fatty, you recently robbed Dao Si of the Guardian. It seems that you have no work at hand. Would you like to do something with me and go to Qin Province for a while?"

"Qin Province?"

The fat man was stunned for a moment, and soon thought of something and said:

"Monk Kongjing is dead, does Sen Luosi have any ideas?"

The man with presbyopic glasses nodded:

"Monk Kongjing is the real dragon guard of the Qin province. Now that he is dead, the real dragon guard will not be selected for a while. It is an excellent opportunity. Things are going well in the northeast. It is a critical time. It's our Senluosi."

"So we must not let the Department of Health and Dao pay too much attention to the Northeast. They asked me to go to Qin Province to make trouble and attract the attention of the Department of Health and Dao."

"Do you want to go together, anyway, you are idle if you are idle."


Facing the invitation from the man with presbyopic glasses, Fatty refused:

"I'm not idle. The tailor gave me something to do, and I'm still doing it. I'm just picking up wool on the way."

The fat man looked at the phone while talking, waved his hand and said:

"Stop talking, it's almost time, I have to leave."

"It's almost time? Is it so important? Do you want me to help, I happen to be here right now."

"No, you can't help."

"Fatty, are you underestimating me? Tell me what it is, and let me hear how I can't help you." The man with presbyopic glasses narrowed his eyes, he didn't want to lose face in front of Huahua.

The fat man looked over upon hearing this, and grinned:

"Hack with friends lol."

Man with presbyopic glasses: "..."

Huahua: (??w??)


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