Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 222 Sen Luosi Has Another \"Perverted Monster\"


Anxious to start a fight with Zhang Wei, the fat man left after saying something.

The man with presbyopic glasses coughed lightly, calmed down, and changed the subject:

"Then let's go, find a place to help you absorb the ghost king's head, promote the ghost king, and let me see your potential."

Huahua nodded, said nothing, and continued to straighten her face and return to the image of a cruel cat.

Then they leave here.

on the way.

The man with presbyopic glasses never forgets to ask Huahua:

"By the way, Orange Cat, you've been promoted to Ghost King, and we're going to Qin Province."

in words.

His morbid face was full of excitement:

"I can't wait any longer. Our madness in Qin Province will definitely make Wei Daosi remember the horror of Senluosi again, and even Senluosi himself did not expect that there are so many Senluosi besides me. A 'perverted monster', ha ha ha ha."


That night.

Outside the suburbs of Luxia City, there is an uninhabited mountain forest.

boom! ! !

There was a sound, and the birds in the mountains and forests were startled to take off, and the roar of the beasts continued. It seemed that the instinct of animals for danger felt terrible, and the birds and beasts frightened away for a while.

Observe carefully.

There was a gloomy wind blowing in this uninhabited mountain forest. When I looked closely, it was a chubby orange cat that was always invisible and real.

With the help of a man with presbyopic glasses, Huahua swallows the ghost king's head and is promoted to the ghost king.


the other side.

Luxia City University, Zhang Wei Dormitory.

at this time.

Zhang Wei was taking advantage of the night, in the dead of night, with a shovel, shoveling up the ghost king's body, and was going to trade the ghost king's head with the Secretary of Defense.

"Counting this head and the value of the jade slip, I have five ghost king heads, which should allow me to go to prison..."

The words are not finished.

Jingle Bell.

Zhang Wei's cell phone rang, it was a call from Lu Lianxue.

After picking up the phone, Lu Lianxue said that she had received news that the ghost king's head she had obtained at the Sichuan Provincial Airport had been cut off again. The Department of Health judged that it was Sen Luosi's revenge on him and the Department of Health. , because twice, every time Zhang Wei got the head, it was quickly robbed.

When Lu Lianxue said this, she sighed and said:

"Sen Luosi really holds a grudge. How long has it been since the incident in the Northeast, and he is still biting Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei, you can't relax your vigilance, be careful of Sen Luosi's revenge."

Zhang Wei nodded, and then asked:

"Xiaoxue, did the Secretary of Defense suspect that I was taking kickbacks? I traded with Secretary of Defense and was robbed twice in a row. Do you think I did it on purpose? In fact, I let the ghost snatch my head back."

Lu Lianxue forehead:

"Let's not say that I really suspected it, but the analysis team of the Department of Health and Dao speculated that the possibility is almost zero. The main reason is that Zhang Wei gave you the head of the ghost king. It is not the same. The Department of Health and Dao has a record."

"In addition, Zhang Wei helped you to help the old man Qiu, and later on, he also helped the Secretary of Defense to drive out ghosts many times. If you can't do this with your character, you must not get kickbacks."

Zhang Wei heard the words and said:

"That's fine. I'm afraid that the Secretary of Defense will think I'm taking a kickback and trade the ghost king's head with them, grab it back, and use it for myself. Then... huh?"

At this point, his voice stopped abruptly.

Through the connection of the ghost back pattern.

Zhang Wei suddenly looked towards the outskirts of Luxia City, the direction of the uninhabited forest where Huahua was.

Has Huahua been promoted to Ghost King?

So fast?

Surprised, Zhang Wei quickly sensed the situation on Huahua's side, and Zhang Wei's face changed when he sensed it.

Because of the special pattern on the ghost's back, in addition to synchronizing its own strength to the ghost, it can also sense the ghost's situation from the ghost. Immediately after the induction, Zhang Wei discovered that Huahua absorbed the corpse of the ghost king, and was promoted to the ghost king.

And the breath of the 'ghost king's corpse' is very familiar, it is not the ghost king he met at the Sichuan Provincial Airport not long ago.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei had a strange expression on his face.

Sen Luosi snatched my ghost king's head, and then... gave it to Huahua to improve her strength? ? ?

at this time

Lu Lianxue's voice came from her mobile phone:

"Zhang Wei, why did you suddenly stop talking? Are you still worried? Are you afraid that the Department of Health will suspect you and not send you to jail? Don't worry, I have asked many times. The Department of Health absolutely believes that you will not take kickbacks."

"And you don't have to worry about the Secretary of Defense canceling the deal with the ghost king's head that was robbed. After all, you are losing money now. You can't get anything from trading with the Secretary of Defense. The ghost king's head is still robbed, and the Secretary of Defense feels very sorry. "

"I heard that the Department of Health and Dao is even discussing whether to give you feedback and compensation."

Hearing Lu Lianxue's words, Zhang Wei didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and casually gave a reason:

"I'm not worried, I'm just digging up the ghost king's body."

"Oh! You mean the ghost king who broke into your dormitory. I almost forgot about it. Zhang Wei, what are you going to do with the ghost king's corpse?"

Lu Lianxue spoke.

Zhang Wei was silent for a while, and said leisurely:

"Deal with the Department of Health."


at the same time.

In the suburbs of Luxia City, there is no one in the mountains.


A meow.

Huahua opened her eyes, feeling the terrifying yin energy on her body, and rarely showed a satisfied smile on her cold face. She never expected that her first day as an undercover agent would be fruitful.

Until the sound of applause sounded beside him.

Only then did Huahua shake off her thoughts, and looked at the man with presbyopic glasses who was applauding.

I saw him clapping his hands and saying:

"Congratulations on being promoted to Ghost King, then let's go to Qin Province without delay."

Hua Hua nodded her head.


They left the uninhabited forest and headed for the airport.

On the way.

The man with presbyopic glasses said:

"Orange cat, how do you think you should make a fuss in Qin Province in order to attract the attention of the Department of Health and Dao."

Facing the questioning, Huahua knew that the other party was testing her, thinking about what Zhang Wei told herself before, when dealing with asking yourself questions, because the other party treats you as a cruel cat, then you should make it so big that the other party will be scared One jump.

Think about it.

Huahua said:

"Meow~ Kill! Kill all the ghosts in Qin Sheng, even if they are bad ghosts, you have to wring their heads off, gnaw them alive, drink their blood, and suck their souls in front of the Secretary of Health. "

It looked at the man with presbyopic glasses, his chubby face was full of cruelty:

"Since Sen Luosi asked us to attract attention, let's do this, not to mention attracting Wei Daosi, even ghosts will come here, and they will not be able to tell what we are doing."


"Just go to the headquarters of the Qin Provincial Health and Dao Department, kill them! Kill them all, and snatch the corpse of Monk Kong Jing by the way. I eat too many ghosts and people, but I haven't eaten a bald head yet."

"I remember you said that you are quite strong, so you can do this."

The man with presbyopic glasses was stunned.

When he first heard Huahua's previous words, he was excited for a while, but the more he heard the latter, even he was terrified. He was cruel, but not self-mutilated. He killed the Qin Provincial Health and Dao Department Headquarters? Just kidding, let alone him, the real dragon guards wouldn't dare to do that, okay?

That's the headquarters of the Department of Health and Dao of a province. Not to mention other things, it's just the 'handwriting' left by the real dragon guards of the past generations at the headquarters.

Also for this.

As Huahua uttered the last sentence, the corners of the man with presbyopic glasses twitched.

I can do a hell of a job.

Even if I die and turn into a ghost and continue to make trouble, I can't do it.


The orange cat is really ferocious, too fierce, even more ferocious than me. If it grows to be very powerful, it will definitely be the nightmare of the Department of Health. According to what it said, it will rush to the headquarters of the Department of Health and kill it indiscriminately.


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