Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 223 Kill, Kill As Much As You Want, Hahahaha

I thought about it.

The man with presbyopic glasses said bluntly:

"I'm quite strong, but going to the headquarters of the Department of Defense in Qin Province to kill, and snatching the corpse of Monk Kong Jing, etc., I can't do it. Orange cat, you underestimate the strength of the Department of Defense."

In his opinion.

The reason why Huahua said such cruel words was because she misjudged the strength of the Secretary of Defense. After all, Huahua stayed in such a small place and Gui was young, so she definitely didn't know the Secretary of Defense.

Immediately afterwards.

The man with presbyopic glasses suggested:

"It's impossible to go to the headquarters of the Department of Health and Dao in Qin Province, but you reminded me just now, what we have to do is to attract the attention of the Department of Health and Dao, so that they don't know what we are doing, so as to attract attention and help the Northeast side attract firepower .”

"And my strength is really strong, but I can't do some big things to attract the Secretary of Defense with you. After all, you are the ghost king, but there is still a gap with me."

"Let's split up and act."

"You do what you want to do, do whatever you want, as you like."

Huahua heard the words and asked:

"Meow~ what are you doing?"

"Of course I followed my original plan to make a fuss in Qin Province to attract the attention of the Department of Health and Dao."

The man with presbyopic glasses said, his eyes flickered, and he licked his lips pervertedly:

"It's up to me to attract the attention of the Secretary of Health, orange cat, you can do what you want with confidence, eat ghosts, kill people, do whatever you want, let it go, because I am not bragging, the Secretary of Health wants to deal with it I need to pay a lot."

"Meow~ Are you sure I can do anything."

Huahua asked.

As the man with presbyopic glasses nodded, and after receiving an affirmative answer, Huahua pretended to be excited on his cold face:

"Meow~ Then I'm letting go."

"Kill, kill as much as you want, hahahaha."

The man with presbyopic glasses finished speaking.

They have arrived at the airport.

Because the man with presbyopic glasses is not a ghost, but a human being, there is no way for him to fly for free, so he just asked Huahua to wait for him here, and he went to buy a ticket first.

Use it to buy air tickets.

Huahua quickly sent the message to Zhang Wei.


same moment.

Luxia City University, Zhang Wei Dormitory.

Zhang Wei was on the balcony of the dormitory, cleaning the corpse of the ghost king that had just been dug up.

This scene was horrifying. On the balcony of a dormitory in the middle of the night, a man was washing a dirt-stained corpse on the balcony sink.

Ding dong.

A message came, interrupting Zhang Wei's cleaning.

Picking it up and seeing that it was a message from Huahua, Zhang Wei couldn't help but click on the phone to read it.

next moment.

Zhang Wei frowned:

"Go to Qin Province to make trouble?"

He knew that Huahua had to do something, otherwise she would be easily suspected:

"It seems that I have to ask Wu Nian for help."

Fortunately, Qin Province, where Huahua and the others went, is Wu Nian's territory. If Wu Nian is taking care of them, there should be no problem.

Do whatever comes to mind.

Zhang Wei clicked on the address book and called Wu Nian.


Qin Province, Mount Wutai.

at this time.

Even though it was midnight, the main hall of Mount Wutai was full of monks, accompanied by their chanting, and the voice of Buddha reverberated.

After these days of busy work, Wutai Mountain has already dealt with the affairs behind the Buddha's head, Kong Jing, and now it is reciting scriptures for him, and Wu Nian is also sitting cross-legged in the forefront.

As the person who handed over his relics to Master Kongjing, Wu Nian is the only junior who sits in the front row. However, even if he sits among the elder monks, he is not obtrusive, and his demeanor is not inferior to that of the elders. generation, even worse than that.

This scene.

Standing outside the main hall, a glamorous figure with its head poking out secretly had a panoramic view, its beautiful eyes moved, and its gaze fell directly on Wu Nian.

Seeing Wu Nian sitting among the eminent monks, with a dusty appearance, her face unconsciously showed happiness.

Although she doesn't understand Buddhism, she can still tell from her position that Wu Nian has a detached position in Wutai Mountain, respected by the younger generation and valued by the older generation.

As expected of the man she was looking for.

But at the same time.

She is also a little irritable.

Wu Nian is so valued, will he be chosen as the host of Mount Wutai, or even the head of the Buddha?

She is Xia Mei, Zhang Wei's "online dating partner" introduced to Wu Nian, and she is also a Neptune.

I still remember.

When she was introduced to Wu Nian, she was quite speechless at first. As a Neptune, she was actually introduced to online dating? Isn't this funny, but knowing that Wu Nian is a monk, she let go of the idea of ​​refusing.

As a king of the sea, she has never seen any boy, but it is the first time for the monk, and after Zhang Wei introduced the betting, driven by the desire to win, she plans to attack the monk and add a lot to her record.

Then she started chatting with Wu Nian every day, and she found that Wu Nian was interesting, completely different from other boys.

Other boys chatted with her for the purpose of falling in love with her, but Wunian was wrong. When he chatted with her, the words on his lips all day long were... Amitabha, Xia Mei's benefactor, give up, the little monk still has nothing today. Love you.

To this.

Xia Mei was not angry, because she already knew about the bet, she found it more interesting, and vowed to tease Wu Nian.

And because of the bet, Wu Nian insisted on chatting with Xia Mei every day, and even took the initiative to chat with Xia Mei. In his opinion, as long as they chat for a long time, Xia Mei's benefactor will definitely get bored and give up at that time.

Talk to the back.

Xia Mei simply ran to find Wu Nian, and Wu Nian agreed, thinking that after meeting, Xia Mei would give up if she knew that she was a monk with pure six senses.

But who knew that before the meeting, Kong Jing Buddha died, so Wu Nian planned to postpone the meeting, but Xia Mei didn't agree, and came over to help. After all, although she is the king of the sea, it doesn't mean she has no sympathy. She wants to come and see See if there's anything I can do to help.

And this time, it means living up to now.

Just when Xia Mei looked at Wu Nian, she didn't know what she was thinking.


There was a vibration in the bag, and when he picked it up, he saw that there was a call from Wu Nian's mobile phone.

The reason why the mobile phone is in Xia Mei's hands is that Wu Nian gave it to Xia Mei this morning, because Wu Nian only learned that Zhang Wei came to Sichuan Province this morning. He was busy with the funeral of the Buddha's head, and his mobile phone has been turned off until now. , I had time to turn on my phone this morning.

In order to prevent Zhang Chao from having something urgent, he gave Xia Mei his mobile phone and asked Xia Mei to answer the call.

In this way.

One is that he can be busy with other things, and he doesn't have to worry about the phone. If there is a phone call, Xia Mei can answer it and let him know afterwards.

The second is that he once heard Zhang Wei say that girls like to check boys' mobile phones the most, and if they find out that there is something they don't like on the mobile phone, they will get angry and break up.

Wu Nian thought that her mobile phone was full of content related to Buddha, such as Buddhist scriptures, Buddhist songs, etc. Xia Mei would definitely feel bored after reading it, and would feel that her six senses were close, and she might give up if she couldn't move.

No way, who made him never fall in love.

He doesn't know.

This behavior of mine seems to reduce points, but it actually adds points. You must know that very few boys dare to give out their mobile phones. Xia Mei, who is the king of the sea, knows this best.

at the same time.

Xia Mei picked up the phone and looked at the caller ID:

"Hey, I thought someone called Wu Nian in the middle of the night, but it turned out to be Zhang Wei."


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