Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 224 Wu Nian This Idiot Doesn't Like Me At All


Xia Mei picked up the phone, and Zhang Wei's voice came from inside:

"Wu Nian, you can finally get through to your phone. It just so happens that I have something urgent to call you right now. By the way, how busy are you with Master Kong Jing?"

Its sound came out.

Xia Mei covered her mouth with a smile and said:

"Zhang Wei, you're asking the wrong person. I'm not Wu Nian. Wu Nian is busy chanting sutras now."

Zhang Wei was taken aback by the sudden female voice, but quickly realized:


Although the voice on Wu Nian's phone surprised him, but the voice was also familiar. Wasn't it the one I bet with Wu Nian before and introduced to Xia Mei, the object of Wu Nian's online dating.

as predicted.

Xia Mei responded:

"it's me."

Zhang Wei said with a smile when he heard the words:

"Okay, Xia Mei, did you take down Wu Nian so quickly? Haha, I didn't expect me to win so quickly."

"Hee hee, I didn't win it, Wu Nian is an idiot who doesn't like me at all."

Xia Mei replied angrily.

Although he said bad things about Wu Nian, Zhang Wei couldn't hear the slightest bit of anger or unhappiness in his tone.


After a brief conversation, Zhang Wei said immediately after learning that Wu Nian was still chanting:

"Then Xia Mei will finish Wu Nian's busy work later, tell him, I have something urgent to find him."

Xia Mei nodded:

"Okay, Wu Nian is about half an hour away from finishing the chanting. These days, he recites it every day. I'll tell him later."

Zhang Wei caught the key information of his words, and let out a little surprise:

"Read it every day? Xia Mei, didn't you just go to Mount Wutai today? Have you lived for a few days?"


Xia Mei didn't hide it, after all, she was fooled by Zhang Wei into dating Wu Nian online, so she told about her coming to Mount Wutai.

And when it comes to looking for Wu Nian at Mount Wutai, Xia Mei can't stop talking.

Not long.

"Amitabha, Lord Natsumi, what are you doing with the little monk's cell phone?"

A long, dusty voice sounded from behind Xia Mei.

At some point, Xia Mei walked towards Xia Mei. Xia Mei looked back and found that not only Wu Nian, but also many monks came out of the hall one after another. Nothing to think about.

Thinking of this, Xia Mei blushed, and quickly changed the subject:

"I'm chatting with Zhang Wei, by the way, Wu Nian, Zhang Wei has urgent business with you."

in words.

Xia Mei handed the mobile phone to Wu Nian, and told Zhang Wei that he was looking for Wu Nian urgently.

Wu Nian was stunned for a moment, knowing that Zhang Wei was fine and wouldn't call so late, so he quickly answered the phone:

"Amitabha, Zhang looking for a monk for you?"

Zhang Wei also had no ink marks, and said bluntly:

"Wu Nian, I have something urgent to tell you, it's like this..."

for a moment.

After adding Huahua to Senluosi and coming to Qin Province, Zhang Wei said:

"Wu Nian, I should have a lot of face in Qin Province. Help me take care of Huahua. If Huahua has anything to do, please help me. If there is a problem, I will take care of it."

Thinking that Sen Luosi came to Qin Province to make trouble, he might need to do something to attract the attention of the Secretary of Health. Zhang Wei was afraid that Huahua would be affected by the Secretary of Health, and he was also afraid that Wu Nian would take responsibility for it. Anyway, he has five heads of the ghost king to offset Some flamboyant punishment should be more than enough.

To this.

Wu Nian shook his head:

"Amitabha, Zhang is sorry for you. You are a good friend of this little monk, and you have helped this little monk break through life and death. You are a benefactor of this little monk, so you don't need to be polite to this little monk. You are responsible for the problem. You are looking down on this little monk."

He clasped his palms together, and slowly replied:

"Although the little monk is not as powerful as you, I still have some popularity in Qin Province. I can help you take care of Huahua, and I can still handle it. Don't worry, I will take good care of Huahua for you. I swear by the Buddha."

His words speak out.

Zhang Wei felt warm in his heart, and said with a smile:

"Haha, thank you, but Wu Nian, you don't have to swear, if I don't believe you, I won't talk to you about Huahua, even Zhang Chao doesn't know about it."

After hearing this, Wu Nian rarely smiled on his paralyzed face, put his palms together and said:

"Amitabha, that little monk has boasted to Zhang Chao. You may not know Zhang Wei. Today Zhang Chao called the little monk and talked about you for more than an hour. He was all bragging about the absence of the little monk. Zhang Chao and you A lot of big things happened."

Although Wu Nian spoke calmly, it seemed that the content was nothing.

But thinking of Zhang Chao's temperament, Zhang Wei was able to imagine how capable Zhang Chao was at that time, and he must have shown off in front of Wu Nian, with a bluffing and beating tone of a villain, Zhang Chao could do this kind of harm.

And it is.

Zhang Chao talked with Wu Nian on the phone, exaggerated himself and Zhang Wei to catch the ghost king, and overly beautified himself, so as to tease Wu Nian that it is useless. Follow Zhang Wei for a few days, kill two ghost kings, awesome! So, hello, hello, Wu Nian, you can't do it!

Think here.

Zhang Wei couldn't help laughing out loud:

"Then we can really find an opportunity to show off to Zhang Chao. The two of us are plotting a big deal and leaving Zhang Chao aside. At that time, some Zhang Chao will be sour."

"Amitabha, although it's not very good to say that, I feel that what Zhang Wei said is very true."

Wu Nian held the phone in one hand, clasped his hands together and smiled.


We chatted for a while again.

Zhang Wei knew that monks had the habit of chanting scriptures early in the morning, and seeing that it was already midnight, he didn't intend to continue the chat.

before hanging up the phone.

In order not to worry Zhang Wei, Wu Nian clasped his palms together and promised:

"Amitabha, Zhang Wei, I will leave Huahua's affairs to the little monk. Don't worry, the little monk will take good care of Huahua."

"Okay, I'll treat you to dinner when we meet next time."

As Zhang Wei spoke, he seemed to think of something, and continued:

"By the way, Wu Nian, let me tell you quietly, Xia Mei was talking about you just now, and she praised you for half an hour. Transgender, and then chasing you, haha."

Wu Nian was stunned for a moment, and instinctively looked at Xia Mei who was squatting beside her, teasing the ants on the ground with a piece of grass, and then having fun with herself and laughing happily.


Wu Nian hung up the phone and handed it to Xia Mei.

Master Kong Jing's affairs have been dealt with, but he still needs to recite sutras for Master Kong Jing these days, and his mobile phone cannot be played, so he will continue to hand it over to Xia Mei to help keep it.

"Wu Nian, how are you talking with Zhang Wei, it doesn't matter."

Xia Mei took the phone and smiled.

Put your palms together without thinking:

"Don't worry, Master Xia Mei. I just need to do a little favor for Zhang Wei recently. It's nothing serious."

"That's good. By the way, what else did you talk about? Just now I saw that you seemed to be talking and laughing with Zhang Wei. You guys often smiled at me, but you chatted with Zhang Wei. Don't you It will be curved."

Xia Mei was suspicious.

Wu Nian couldn't laugh or cry, shook his head and said:

"Sister Xia Mei, don't make fun of the little monk."

"Then what did you talk about with Zhang Wei, let me hear."

Wu Nian didn't hide anything, except for Hua Hua and other important things, she said everything honestly and dutifully.

"The little monk talked to Zhang Wei about another good friend of mine, Zhang Chao, oh, and Zhang Wei told the little monk, Master Xia Mei, you told Zhang Wei a lot about the little monk, Master Xia Mei, did you tell Zhang Wei about the little monk? ?”

Wu Nian has never been in a relationship before, so he doesn't know what it means when Xia Mei talks about himself to others, but he is simply curious about what Xia Mei said to Zhang Wei, thinking that it is the same as talking about Zhang Chao with Zhang Wei.

As soon as his words came out.


Xia Mei blushed. Others don't understand the relationship between men and women, but she does, and she also understands Wu Nian's pure thoughts, but thinking that she praised Wu Nian for half an hour, she still couldn't help but blush.

Immediately as she stomped her feet in her heart, she made a grimace on the surface:

"I won't tell you, idiot."


(ps: Today is the Dragon Boat Festival, I wish all readers a happy Dragon Boat Festival!)

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