Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 225 Buddha, This Promise To Zhang Wei Is Right Or Wrong

the other side.

After Zhang Wei finished talking on the phone with Wu Nian, he was not idle, and immediately sent a message to Huahua, and asked Wu Nian to take care of it. If it had anything, he could talk to Wu Nian, and Wu Nian could help take care of it.

Same time.

Zhang Wei did not forget to tell Huahua Wu Nian's identity and other information, so as to prevent Huahua from being unable to communicate with Wu Nian on the phone when the time comes, and he can go directly to Wutai Mountain to find Wu Nian.

After finishing all this, Zhang Wei went to bed.


The next day, early morning.

Qin Province Airport.

at this time.

After an overnight flight, the man with presbyopic glasses and Huahua arrived in Qin Province. Taking advantage of the man with presbyopic glasses to go to the toilet, Huahua picked up the phone and looked at the message from Zhang Wei.

This look.

With emotion in Huahua's eyes, she murmured:

"Meow~ The master is so kind to me. He helped me get in touch overnight, so I can't just sit still, and I can't let the master down. I have to make some achievements quickly and speed up my entry into Senluosi."


Huahua glanced towards the toilet, her cat eyes sparkling with light.

Meow~ I have to break into Sen Luosi's interior as soon as possible, and find an opportunity earlier to kill the man with presbyopic glasses and make a specimen for the master, but what should I do.

Thinking back to the various spy war movies I watched before, the undercover cases broke into the interior.

Huahua thought confidently:

"Meow~ I remember those undercover agents infiltrated the interior, and they all did some great things, and then used this to gain the recognition and trust of the organization. It seems that I have to do something big in Qin Province, so that Sen Luosi treats me. Impressed."

Thinking of this, Huahua scratched her head with her cat's paw:

"The glasses said that if you want to attract the attention of the Department of Health and Dao in Qin Province, then what I do is enough to attract the Department of Health and Dao, but I can't really kill ghost exorcists like crazy, then I won't really be a bad orange cat, meow ~Wait! (o゜▽゜)o☆”

I felt a flash of inspiration in my mind.

Huahua thought about what he was going to do. It was in Senluosi, so he had to do something as bad as possible to attract the attention of Wei Daosi and Senluosi.

As the old saying goes, bad things done by bad people are nothing more than murder and arson, but killing is impossible, it can't do it...but it can set fire!

"Meow~ I got it!!"

Thinking of a way, Huahua meowed happily, and didn't forget to send a text message to Zhang Wei's Wu Nian mobile phone number. The owner said that Wu Nian can help take care of what she has to do.

Not long.

After sending the text message, the man with presbyopic glasses also came out of the toilet.

He walks towards the flowers and says:

"I'm fine, let's find a place to live first, and then we will use it as a contact point when the time comes, and we will act separately."

"Meow~ OK."

"It seems that you, Orange Cat, are also very excited. Are you just like me and can't wait to do something?"

The man with presbyopic glasses noticed the excitement on Huahua's face.

Huahua looked over upon hearing the words, nodded casually and said:

"Meow~ Yes, I can't wait, find a place to live quickly, I haven't killed or killed ghosts for several days."

The man with presbyopic glasses raised his forehead and asked:

"Orange cat, are you planning to kill ghosts in Qin Province to attract the attention of the Department of Health and Dao?"

"No, I don't intend to just kill people, I also want to set fire to it. I've wanted to do this for a long time. It would be very interesting to kill and set fire. Don't you think glasses, meow~."

"Oh? Set fire? That's a good idea. Find more people to set fire to and burn a group of people to death. Where do you plan to burn? Community? School? Shopping mall?"

Ask a question to a man with presbyopic glasses.

Huahua didn't hide anything, and replied directly:

"Neighbourhood? School? How interesting are these burning, I want to burn Mount Wutai, meow~"


can be seen.

Accompanied by Huahua's words, his eyes under those presbyopic glasses almost popped out, and he looked like he saw a ghost.


the other side.

Qin Province, Mount Wutai.

at this time.

Wu Nian was finishing the early morning scriptures, and just got up to go to find Xia Mei. These days, Xia Mei has been helping Master Kong Jing's funeral. Letting a girl stay in the monk's temple for several days is also embarrassing for the other party.

So Wu Nian was going to invite her down the mountain for a meal.

"Amitabha, Natsumi's benefactor."

Wu Nian came to the outside of the hall and looked at Xia Mei who was sitting over there playing with her mobile phone, clasped her hands together.

Xia Mei turned around when she heard the words, patted her buttocks and got up, happily said:

"Wu Nian, you can recite the scriptures. I saw a video just now. It's really fun. Would you like to watch it?"

Wu Nian interrupted Xia Mei's words, clasped his hands together and asked:

"Amitabha, Lord Xia Mei, you don't want to read these things, little monk. Besides, it's getting late for Lord Xia Mei. Thank you for helping me these days."

"Huh? Why did you say this suddenly, you want to drive me away?" Xia Mei's happy face suddenly collapsed.

"Amitabha, Lord Xia Mei, you misunderstood. The monk didn't want to drive you away. The monk wanted to say that it was getting late and it was almost time for dinner. Then, in order to thank you for your help these days, the monk wanted to invite you down the mountain for a meal later. , would like to ask Natsumi's benefactor if he would like to go."

"Wow! I'm willing, I'm sure I'm willing, Wunian idiot, you finally got the hang of it, you know how to treat me to dinner, what do you want to treat me to, it won't be 7 yuan Malatang."

"Amitabha, Xia Mei's benefactor, the little monk is not so stingy, and he can still afford a meal of hundreds or thousands of dollars."

"...idiot, hum!"

Xia Mei curled her lips, but she still said with happiness on her face:

"Then what are you going to invite me to eat? What time do you go to eat at noon? I haven't put on any makeup today, and my clothes don't look good. Wait for me to change into something nice."

"Amitabha, if the time is arranged by the little monk, I want to go to eat sooner, because some of my brothers and sisters who have joined the training of the Ministry of Defense will come back today. I am afraid that I will go down the mountain late, and I will not be able to clean up the brothers and sisters when I come back."

"Then let's go quickly, don't change clothes, anyway, I look good like this, right?"

"Amitabha, Xia Mei's benefactor, I don't know how to match clothes, but the pilgrims will look at you when they pass by. I think you look good."

Wu Nian clasped his hands together.

Xia Mei laughed when she heard this.

Just when she was about to say something.

A text message alert sounded in the bag, Xia Mei picked up the phone and looked, it was Wu Nian's phone:

"Wu Nian, someone called Hua Hua sent you a text message, it is the mobile phone number that Zhang Wei asked you to save yesterday."

His words come out.

Wu Nian reached out and hurriedly took the phone, put his palms together and said:

"Amitabha, it seems that Huahua has encountered something. I didn't expect the little monk to help Huahua so soon. In this way, the meal will be postponed for a while. After the little monk finishes helping Huahua, I will invite the almsgiver Xia Mei to eat. .”

in words.

Wu Nian turned on the phone, looked at the content of the text message, and then froze in place for a moment.

"Amitabha, this, this..."


I saw a text message saying:

[Mr. Wu Nian, hello, I am Huahua, I would like to ask you to do me a favor, I don’t know if you can help, I want to communicate with you, in order to make Sen Luosi pay more attention to me, so I want to burn Mount Wutai ,you can not help me. 】

Wu Nian: "..."

Looking at the content of the message, Wu Nian fell silent.


Inexplicably, the content of the conversation with Zhang Wei yesterday came to his mind... It was his pledge to Zhang Wei to take care of him, and it was just a matter of helping Zhang Wei not to worry about it, and he could handle it himself.

at the same time.

Xia Mei noticed Wu Nian's dull expression, hesitated and asked:

"What's wrong with you, Wu Nian? Are you all right?"

His words come out.

Wu Nian Youyou looked over, clasped his hands together and opened his mouth, finally said:

"Amitabha, Xia Mei's benefactor...Maybe I won't be able to treat you to dinner first, little monk..."

Without waiting for Wu Nian to finish speaking.

at this time.

There was a shout of joy.

"Senior Brother Wu Nian (Junior Brother Wu Nian), we are back!"

Not far from the hall, a group of monks approached from the direction of the Wutai Mountain Gate.

Wu Nian recognized them, they were the brothers and sisters selected by Mount Wutai to join the training of the Department of Health and Dao. Originally they were trained by Wu Nian and Zhang Chao, but because Master Kong Jing passed away, Wu Nian handed him over to Lin Tong. They are back.

However, before Wu Nian was happy, his eyes froze again.

Don't say no thoughts.

Even Xia Mei and the monks around were stunned.

"My Tathagata!! You... Brother Wuwei, didn't you go to the Department of Health and Dao to practice?"

The one who spoke was a monk.

I saw his eyes fixed on the weapons packages they were carrying, the pistols on their waists, and the Barrett sniper rifles in their hands, and he couldn't help but said:

"Brother Wuwei, have you been sent by the Department of Health to drive away ghosts in Uke?!"

same moment.

Wu Nian was also sluggish, looking at the equipment on them, he suddenly thought of the text message Lin Tong had sent him when he was looking at his phone yesterday, Lin Tong said that he trained his seniors, and specially invited Zhang Wei to help during the period, Zhang Wei trained them very hard.

Think about it.

Wu Nian fell silent.

It turned out that Captain Lin Tong's sentence was very fierce, not a metaphor, but an explanatory sentence.

For a moment, Wu Nian stayed where he was, looking at the people walking in front of him and chattering to himself, saying that the firearms exorcising ghosts is very powerful, the courses taught by Zhang Wei are very useful, etc., he recalled Hua Hua's text messages...

Can't help it.

Wu Nian slowly clasped his hands together, and murmured in his heart:

"Amitabha, Buddha, shouldn't the little monk make a promise to Zhang Wei, whether this promise is right or wrong."


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