Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 226 The Three Dead People With Soul Requiem Symbols Painted On Their Body

Just thinking about it without thinking.

Another text message alert sounded.


Wu Nian looked down at the phone subconsciously, and found that the text message was still from Hua Hua, and immediately clicked to open the content:

【Mr. Wu Nian, are you still there? Is my request too much? Sorry, I really want to do something big. 】

[By the way, I’m actually not going to burn it today, I plan to burn it in a few days. After all, I just came to Qin Province, so I can’t make a big move all at once. Wait until I kill the bad ghosts and bad ghost exorcists for a few days, or During this period, Mr. Wu Nian thinks about it first. If I can help, I will go over and burn it. 】


The corner of Wu Nian's mouth twitched, he never thought that one day, a monk like him would consider whether to set fire to his house.

the other side.

His brothers and sisters were still chattering around him, talking non-stop:

"Brother Wu Nian, I didn't believe in the Gatling Bodhisattva you mentioned before, but since I learned to use a gun to expel ghosts, I found that it is not impossible."

"Amitabha, Brother Wu Nian, thank you for introducing us to Captain Lin Tong. This experience has benefited the brother a lot."

"Brother, why don't you speak? Are you overly surprised? Haha, actually, I also saw the Gatling in your room, brother, and I tried it with the teaching of Zhang Wei, and I didn't expect the effect to be good."

"Brother Wu Nian, have you tried arms as well? Can you find a time to talk about it? Senior brother has recently exorcised ghosts. I occasionally have some experience. I wonder if I can use some more powerful methods of exorcising ghosts, such as bombs and mines. .”

The last one to speak was a monk named Brother Wuwei:

"Amitabha, I discussed it with my brothers and sisters on the way back. The grenade is too dangerous, so I didn't dare to apply for it back. I was afraid that it would accidentally blow up Wutai Mountain, so I wanted to ask Wu Nian, can I go with you?" Shimen applied to come down to the back mountain for us to use."

"We want to go to the back mountain to try grenades. There are few people there and it can avoid casualties."

The other monks also spoke one after another:

"Yes, Brother Wu Nian, help me out."

"Amitabha, Brother Wu Nian, we have already applied to the Department of Health and Dao, and we need your help."

"If Junior Brother Wu Nian finds it embarrassing, otherwise, let's talk to the other senior brothers and petition together, just to tell the senior brothers the magical effect of using firearms to exorcise ghosts."

Wu Nian: "..."


the other side.

Luxia City University, teaching building.

at this time.

As the class bell rang, Zhang Wei looked around, a little surprised, he didn't see Lu Lianxue.

You have to know their class schedule for today, there is no class in the morning, and there is no class until now, no matter how late Lu Lianxue goes to bed, she will never sleep until now.


He picked up his mobile phone and sent a message to Lu Lianxue why he didn't come, and he quickly got a reply.

"Serial killings?"

Seeing the message from Lu Lianxue, Zhang Wei frowned.

Recently, there were three homicide cases in Luxia City. The dead were male and female. They seemed unrelated, but after investigation, it was found that these dead died in similar ways.

Later, it was discovered that there were some special spell patterns on the body of the deceased. According to the experts visited by the police, this is a symbol called the soul talisman that has been circulated among the people. It is depicted on the place where the deceased died, or the deceased body, can suppress the dead.

This expert is none other than Lin Tong. As the captain of Luxia City's Department of Health and Taoism, Lin Tong has a position as a folklore consultant in the police in order to facilitate better access to supernatural events.

Based on the symbols, Lin Tong judged that the three cases were most likely the work of exorcists, who used human life as an introduction to do evil methods of exorcising ghosts.

It is also the responsibility of the Ministry of Health to arrest the evil exorcists.


Lin Tong quickly launched an investigation.

Lu Lianxue is a member of the Department of Health and Dao of Luxia City. She was in Sichuan Province before and couldn't help. Now that she is back, she is naturally called to help investigate and arrest the ghost exorcist.


Zhang Wei sent a message to Lu Lianxue.

【Zhang Wei】: Is there any progress now?

With the knowledge of Dragon and Tiger Mountain, Zhang Wei understands that the method of exorcising ghosts that can be used with "human life" is quite evil. It has been a crooked way since ancient times. It is a taboo in the exorcism world and is forbidden to use.

And judging from Lu Lianxue's story, if the prisoner was not caught, he would most likely commit another crime. This is a real life. Many of Zhang Wei's friends are in Luxia City, so he didn't want to hear the news that his friend was killed.

[Lu Lianxue]: There is no progress yet. Team Lin discovered that the ghost exorcist may have done this more than once, and it is very likely that he committed crimes on the run, because his techniques are very skilled.

【Zhang Wei】: Doesn't that mean that not only three people died, but the exorcist also killed people in other places?

[Lu Lianxue]: Yes, Team Lin investigated some files of the Ministry of Health last night, and found that similar cases had occurred in three areas successively, but they all disappeared after killing five people.

[Lu Lianxue]: Team Lin speculates that maybe the exorcism technique that the exorcist will use may require five people as sacrifices.

See information.

Zhang Wei seemed to understand why Lu Lianxue was also called to help. Apparently, Lin Tong believed that if the same person was involved in the case, then the other party had already killed three people this time, and if he killed two more soon, he would disappear. It was difficult, and Lin Tong was very anxious for this, and he did not hesitate to send additional manpower to investigate.

learned of this situation.

Zhang Wei thought about it and sent Lu Lianxue a message.

【Zhang Wei】: Let me help too.

Let's not say that Captain Lin Tong helped him a lot and treated him well. Let's just say that there are many friends of his in Luxia City, and he can't let a ghost exorcist who wants to play with human lives be here.


Zhang Wei stood up and raised his hand:

"Teacher, I..."

As soon as she opened her mouth, the corner of the teacher's mouth twitched, which had long been used to Zhang Wei asking for leave. Even if Zhang Wei had just opened his mouth, she already knew what Zhang Wei was going to fart.

To this.

The head teacher rolled his eyes and spoke first:

"Oh? Zhang Wei, you don't look very well. Are you going to the infirmary? Hurry up and remember to fill in the leave slip."

Zhang Wei scratched his head in embarrassment when the class teacher predicted his prediction.

Then Zhang Wei left the classroom.

Once out of the school gate.

Zhang Wei hailed a taxi, looked at the phone information, and told the driver the location.

Just now, Lu Lianxue told Lin Tong the information that Zhang Wei wanted to help, Lin Tong was overjoyed, now the more people help, the better, the greater the possibility of finding the ghost exorcist, especially Zhang Wei Big guy joins.

Without thinking about it, Lin Tong agreed to Zhang Wei's help, and arranged Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue to form a team to investigate. Now Zhang Wei is going to Lu Lianxue's location.

According to Lin Tong's investigation.

It locked some places, which are very likely to be where the criminal is, or where the next crime will be committed.


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