Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 227 Human Life Is A Guide, Folk Taboo, Life Extension, Life, Taboo Among Taboos

Time flies.

Luxia City, Canghai District, at the intersection of a residential area.

After driving all the way, Zhang Wei's taxi stopped at this intersection.

Zhang Wei just got out of the car.

Lu Lianxue, who was standing at the intersection waiting for Zhang Wei, greeted her. She had no ink marks and handed the phone to Zhang Wei, which contained information from Lin Tong:

"Zhang Wei, we are in charge of Canghai District today, and we will search all the old communities as soon as possible."

As Lu Lianxue said, she pointed to a file on her phone and continued:

"Captain Lin Tong looked through the files last night and compared the three murders that occurred in our city. He found that although the people killed by the ghost exorcist were not related or related, Captain Lin Tong found out based on the previous files that these dead people, They have no contact with each other, but they are all from the old residential area."

"This ghost exorcist is very smart. He specially chooses ordinary people, even poor people, and finds them. Even if they are killed, because they usually receive little attention, it is difficult to be discovered immediately after death."

"And ghost exorcists will not commit crimes in the same place. If one person has been killed in one district, the person who kills them next time will not choose the same district."

"That's why Captain Lin asked us to come to Canghai District. The ghost exorcist has not attacked this area yet, so this may become the next area for the ghost exorcist to attack."

Zhang Wei nodded, took the phone to look at it.

Lin Tong deserves to be a captain. Although he loves muscles, he has no brains to grow them. In the information given, he not only deduces the possible areas of the next range of the ghost exorcist, but also finds out the ghost exorcist's location. Purpose.

"Five elements continue life?"

Looking at the introduction on the information, Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled with awe-inspiring awe.

Since ancient times, it has been believed that using human life as an introduction has always been a folk taboo, and life extension is even more taboo among taboos, and this case has both.

Whether it is ancient or modern, it is well known that human life is limited, but there will always be people who do crazy things in order to prolong life. The most common is the ancient emperors, who did not hesitate to spend manpower and material resources to find the so-called longevity method. For example, Qin Shihuang was looking for the elixir of life.

However, the reincarnation of life and death is a matter of course, and it is not so easy to break. Often breaking taboos is destined to pay a price.

The five elements continue to live.

It is a way to extend one's life. Five people representing different attributes are killed, and in a special way, the lives of those five people are used to prolong one's own life.

In numerology, people have attributes, such as metal, wood, water, fire, and earth, and everyone is not perfect in the five elements. Some people may lack one of them. In order to make up for this attribute, people often add to their names, such as people who lack water. , the name has three characters of water.

The so-called life and death have a life. If a person wants to live, he must have a life. Formed from the basic five elements, the five elements are the foundation of life.

For this reason, the five elements represent different attributes, complement the five elements, and use the five elements to breed vitality. This is the way for the five elements to continue life.

Also at this time.

Lu Lianxue noticed Zhang Wei's gaze, found what he was looking at, and said with emotion:

"Aren't you surprised? I was also surprised when I watched it. I seldom come into contact with these things. I only learned about the extension of five elements after watching "Double Eyes" and "Detective Chinatown 1". It was out of curiosity. I ran to ask my grandpa."

"It turned out that I didn't expect that there is such a method. Of course, the method is different from the movie. It's just that people who use the five elements are indeed used to extend their lives."

Zhang Wei nodded lightly.

Since he has one-third of the knowledge of Longhushan, which records this method, he can't help but respond:

"I'm very surprised. I read the forum of the Ministry of Health before, and I saw a post discussing life extension. Some people said this. Using the life of others to renew one's own life is no longer life extension. It's borrowing life."

"Take the lives of five people and lend them to yourself, and the borrowed lives are only less than a few years old. If you want to survive, you have to continue to borrow."


He looked at the information on Lu Lianxue's mobile phone, which was sent by Lin Tong. It not only recorded the murder case, but also the previous files.

Do a rough calculation.

A dozen or so living beings had already died, and the youngest of them was only in his twenties. However, they were all dead, and their lives were borrowed by the exorcist.

As he learned the truth about the murder, Zhang Wei also understood the soul-suppressing talisman. The exorcist is afraid that after the murder, those who died would turn into ghosts to take revenge on him.

In order to get rid of them once and for all, he not only killed them, but also left them soul-suppressing symbols, so as to suppress their souls in the place of death.

It seemed that she felt Lu Lianxue's emotions.

As a member of the Department of Health and Dao, the worst thing is to see innocent people being killed, especially a ghost exorcist who has more than a dozen blood on his hands.

Zhang Wei then rubbed her head:

"It's okay, as long as you find him before he kills five people, and the five elements are not free of cost, doing taboo things is doomed to pay a price, and the price is not only human life, but also sin."

"Everything in the world has a cause and effect. He borrowed other people's lives for his own use, and he also committed evil consequences. Not to mention the karmic fire in the underworld, he is doomed to have no good results in his next life."

Lu Lianxue nodded.


The two set off into the residential area, ready to see if they could find any clues.

According to Captain Lin Tong's inference.

The soul-suppressing symbol on the deceased is not engraved after death, but left before his death, because the longer the soul-suppressing symbol is placed on the deceased, the better the effect of the soul-suppressing, so as long as you find someone with the soul-sacrificing symbol, there is a high probability that that person will be Next target.

After all, not every ghost exorcist understands the symbol of soul repression, so it is unlikely that there will be two cases in the same city that use the symbol of soul repression but have different murderers.

Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue pretended to be the police and conducted door-to-door visits.

After interviewing many households one after another.

Just when Zhang Wei and the others inquired, a three-generation family who had lived here for decades was just about to turn around and leave.

"Grandma, that's the one! I said earlier that Grandpa Tang has a painting on his body, and it's that painting."

It was a five or six-year-old girl who spoke.

Children always like new things, especially beautiful things. When she saw Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue's two 'beautiful' things, she came up curiously. After being picked up by her grandma, she saw the photo of the symbol in Lu Lianxue's hand .

She immediately yelled and pointed at the photo.


Looking at his actions, Zhang Wei couldn't help pointing to the photo of the symbol in Lu Lianxue's hand:

"Little sister, have you seen this?"

As the little girl nodded affirmatively, she learned about the situation after some inquiries from Zhang Wei.

The grandmother holding the little girl explained:

"Old man Tang lives in the neighborhood next door and does shadow puppetry. We are used to calling him old man Tang. He goes to the night market to perform shadow puppetry on three rounds every day to make money. He is very nice. He will play shadow puppetry for free for the children every time."

"A few days ago, I took Nizi to see Mr. Tang's shadow puppet show. I was chatting with other old women at that time. She was playing with other children and said that when Mr. Tang was warming up with the fan, she saw a painting on his back, so she said Come to think of it, the picture Nizi drew really does resemble your symbols."

No wonder grandma didn't recognize it immediately. How could a child draw a picture perfectly by drawing from memory?

Also at this time.

Grandma pointed in one direction and said:

"If you're looking for old man Tang, I suggest you go there later. He's still setting up a stall and hasn't come back. In the evening, he'll go there to play shadow puppets for the children."

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei and the others asked some more information about Grandpa Tang.

Knowing that Grandpa Tang is a widowed old man, he makes a living by shadow puppetry, because shadow puppetry is an old art now, and not many people watch it, so he can barely make ends meet, and he only came to Luxia City a few years ago.

Lu Lianxue was immediately excited after hearing this, and things finally made progress:

"Grandpa Tang is a widowed and lonely old man who came from another place. It is in line with what Captain Lin said that the ghost exorcist chooses to attack. He is an ordinary poor person with low attention. It seems that the symbol on Grandpa Tang is the next target of the ghost exorcist. .”


(ps: The content of this chapter is purely personal fiction, please do not substitute reality.)

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