After discussion.

Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue decided to find the Grandpa Tang whom the little girl was talking about, and they soon went to the neighborhood next door to ask the residents where Grandpa Tang was.

However, in today's era, since shadow puppetry is already an antique art, no one is willing to watch it often when it is performed frequently in one place.

no way.

Zhang Wei and the others could only visit other communities first, until the evening, when they came to the community where Grandpa Tang lived again.

As soon as they entered the community, they saw an old man surrounded by a group of children on a lawn in the community.

"That's Grandpa Tang."

A resident of a community pointed to the old man and spoke bluntly to Zhang Wei and the others.

Grandpa Tang was very old, he looked about eighty years old, and it was summer. He was wearing a black short sleeve with the word shadow puppet embroidered on it, which seemed to be embroidered by himself.

In addition, he also pushed an old bicycle, and there was a large leather box on the back seat of the car, which was his shadow puppet box and the tool he used to survive.

at this time.

Grandpa Tang was surrounded by children. The children urged Grandpa Tang to see the shadow puppets. Grandpa Tang nodded cheerfully. Although he had been busy all day, he still opened the shadow puppet box for the children, set up shadow puppets, and gave them Perform shadow puppets.

Seeing this scene, Lu Lianxue raised a smile:

"Zhang Wei, this is the first time I've seen a shadow puppet show when I grow up. I used to hear my grandfather tell me that when he was young, he didn't have as many toys or cartoons as he does now. Only shadow puppetry."

Zhang Wei heard the words and said:

"Me too. It's not common anymore. I've only seen it in movies, which were set in the 1980s and 1990s. People at that time, no matter children or adults, would go to see shadow puppetry whenever they heard of it. , a group of people sat there and watched."

"Yeah, but there are so few of them now, it's the first time I've seen them when I've grown up."

"That's because the workmanship of shadow puppetry is cumbersome, and it's troublesome to operate. In addition, there are no special effects for big scenes like cartoons. Although it is a folk art, let alone young people, the older generation don't like to watch it."

As soon as Zhang Wei's words came out.

Lu Lianxue couldn't help looking at Zhang Wei, a little surprised:

"Zhang Wei, do you still know shadow puppetry? I can't tell."

Zhang Wei replied:

"It's not that I understand, it's just that my dad told me before that he was fascinated by shadow puppetry for a while, and even pulled me to make shadow puppets, but it's too troublesome to do, you can understand the heat in three minutes."

in words.

He watched Grandpa Tang who was setting up the equipment and preparing to perform for the children, and said slowly:

"Shadow puppets can't be learned just because you like them, but you have to persevere. I have a deep understanding of this since my dad can play. In the eyes of outsiders, a shadow puppet is just a piece of cloth and a shadow puppet, add a light, and then operate it to perform. Just show it to the audience.”

"But how can it be that simple? If it were so simple, shadow puppetry would not be called one of the ancient folk arts."

"It can be called folk art that has been handed down to the present. Which one is not a collection of folk art, arts and crafts, and the wisdom of the people? It takes a long time to learn to master. My dad would give up shadow puppets. He once told me that he didn't like it enough. , what is needed is love.”

Lu Lianxue nodded noncommittally, looking at Grandpa Tang in the performance, the vivid and swaying shadow puppets, and the children's laughter:

"Yeah, so folk art is almost lost, and no one is willing to learn it. Coupled with the impact of modern things that are more fun than folk art, such as yo-yos and cartoons, no one is willing to learn it, huh? Zhang What's wrong with you?"

While Lu Lianxue was talking, she glanced at Zhang Wei beside her out of the corner of her eye, only to realize that Zhang Wei was looking at Grandpa Tang with a dazed expression, not knowing what he was thinking.

His words come out.

Zhang Wei replied casually:

"No, I'm just thinking that the shadow puppetry is almost lost, so maybe it's the first and last time we see the shadow puppetry today."

Lu Lianxue nodded in agreement, and continued chatting with Zhang Wei.

They didn't intend to disturb the children watching the shadow puppet show, and waited for Grandpa Tang to finish the performance.

Also for this.

Under Zhang Wei's casual cover-up, coupled with the attraction of shadow puppetry, Lu Lianxue did not notice that Zhang Wei never took his eyes off Grandpa Tang when talking to him, and there was a strange look in his eyes.

Otherwise, she must have doubts, because she knows that Zhang Wei is stronger than her, and that pair of heavenly eyes can see more than others.

The same is true.


Through the eyes of the sky, in the eyes of others, Grandpa Tang, who is cheerfully performing shadow puppetry for the children, is kind and kind despite his dark and thin stature.

However, in Zhang Wei's eyes.

Grandpa Tang had a vague black energy, which was evil energy, and it wasn't just one strand, there were more than a dozen strands, which seemed to cling to his body like a wronged spirit.

This scene.

Even if Zhang Wei is stupid, he understands.

Grandpa Tang was not what they had thought before. He was the next chosen victim. He... was the ghost exorcist who wanted to prolong his life.

Think here.

Zhang Wei frowned, looking at Grandpa Tang in disbelief.

The other party is now performing for the children, perhaps in order to meet the children's preferences, the shadow puppets performed by Grandpa Tang are specially made shadow puppets of Happy and Big Big Wolf.

Influenced by his father, Zhang Wei understands shadow puppets. The shadow puppets of the beaming and gray wolf are exquisitely crafted and made with real heart. They are much different from his dad's half-baked ones, especially the smile from the heart...

There is no way to connect with an evil ghost exorcist who prolongs his life.


Grandpa Tang is performing shadow puppetry for the children. When the children are amused, he always asks happily from time to time:

"Kids, grandpa's shadow puppet show is fun."


When the children respond, Grandpa Tang will perform harder, and then Grandpa Tang will say:

"Then do you want to learn shadow puppetry? Grandpa will teach you."

To this.

Those children who had seen shadow puppets several times before, the children responded without thinking:

"Grandpa Tang, you ask this again, we can't do it in elementary school."

"I don't want to learn it. My mother said that it is difficult to learn, and said that learning this will make you hungry."

"Hee hee, Grandpa Tang, we just like to watch."

A similar voice sounded.

Although Grandpa Tang was still smiling and performing, Zhang Wei still saw a hint of disappointment, or loneliness, in Grandpa Tang's eyes.

Zhang Wei has a panoramic view of these changes.


Zhang Wei didn't point it out, let alone tell Lu Lianxue what he saw, because now, including Lu Lianxue, the children are watching the shadow puppet show quietly and interestingly, and he doesn't want to spoil this beauty.

After a while, the shadow puppet show was over, the parents asked the children to eat, and the children said goodbye to Grandpa Tang, Zhang Wei went to Grandpa Tang.

Grandpa Tang also noticed Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei who were coming, with a smile on his dark and honest old face:

"Young man, girl, I've finished the shadow puppet show, do you still want to watch it?"

Faced with young people who like to watch shadow puppetry, Grandpa Tang was very talkative and continued:

"I think you have seen the end from the beginning, don't you like shadow puppetry very much?"

"Haha, there are not many people who like shadow puppetry now. If you like it, I will perform for you again. Or if you want to learn shadow puppetry, I can teach you."


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