Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 229 I Will Surrender! Don't Touch My Box

For Grandpa Tang's words.

"Old man, we like to watch it, but we really can't learn it."

Both Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue shook their heads, and this time Zhang Wei saw Grandpa Tang's disappointment hidden under his smile when he shook his head.

But disappointment is disappointment, he still smiled honestly:

"Haha, it's okay. There are not many people who like shadow puppetry these days. You can watch it if you like it. I will act it for you. Don't worry, I don't need money. I just trouble you to watch it. Help me promote it so that people like it People who watch shadow puppets come to see my performance."

As he spoke, he was about to put down the collected tools and prepare to perform for Zhang Wei and them.

But at this time.

Zhang Wei stopped his move, and whispered a reason to Lu Lianxue beside him, telling Lu Lianxue to find Captain Lin Tong. After all, Grandpa Tang is the target, and letting Captain Lin Tong come over will make it easier to determine whether the other party is continuing his life. The goal.

As life was at stake, Lu Lianxue didn't dare to be negligent, she nodded and hurried to Lin Tong.

Follow Lu Lianxue away.

Then Zhang Wei looked at Grandpa Tang in front of him, picked up the symbolic photo and said slowly:

"Grandpa, have you seen this symbol? I inquired about it before, saying that you have this symbol on your back. This symbol is involved in three murders. You may not believe it. The murderer killed himself to save his life and prolong his life..."

After briefly describing the case, Zhang Wei asked:

"So is it convenient for me to see your back?"

His words come out.

Grandpa Tang was taken aback for a moment, then panicked and said:

"Ah? Borrowing life to prolong life? If you have this symbol, you will be killed? I still have this symbol on my back? It's real or not, don't scare me, young man, help me see if there is any."

He pulled back to show Zhang Wei.

Immediately afterwards.

Zhang Wei saw its back, and it really had the symbol of the soul-suppressing talisman as the little girl saw before. However, before, he might have thought that Grandpa Tang was the victim, but after seeing the evil spirit, the situation is different.

"Boy, do I have a back?"

Grandpa Tang, who hadn't been seen through yet, said.

To this.

Zhang Wei nodded and said:


"Ah? Really, then am I going to be killed? Don't, boy, you have to help... Why do you look at me like that, boy? Is there something on my face?"

Grandpa Tang was in the middle of speaking, his heart suddenly thumped, and he had already noticed that Zhang Wei looked at him in a wrong way.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei's voice came:

"Old man, I don't know if you are a ghost exorcist, or where you accidentally obtained the life extension method, but I can tell you that my eyes are very special, and I can see what others can't. It is the murderous spirit of the deceased."

"Only by killing someone can the evil spirit remain, so please come with me, we have a way to judge whether you are..."

Zhang Wei said.

In order to prevent Grandpa Tang from escaping, he slowly put his hand on the shadow puppet box.

He could tell that Grandpa Tang really liked shadow puppetry. If he kept his shadow puppet box, he would come back even if he ran away.

as predicted.

When Grandpa Tang saw Zhang Wei put his hand towards the shadow puppet box, his kind face changed, and he roared in an instant:

"Don't touch my box!!!"

He reached out to snatch the shadow puppet box, and he continued to pretend to curse:

"Crazy, liar, I think you are a liar, you kill people and continue your life, you just want to trick me into selling me, I have seen human traffickers do this on TV, get out, believe it or not, I will call the police..."

The voice did not fall.

The sound stopped abruptly, and Grandpa Tang's pupils shrank suddenly.

The moment he was cursing, more than a dozen yellow talismans floated out of Zhang Wei's pocket, and thunder lingered on them. When the thunder burst, the yellow talismans near the lawn burned the lawn. It didn't look like magic.

Seeing that Zhang Wei revealed his identity.

Grandpa Tang couldn't pretend, he picked up the shadow puppet box and ran away.

its move.

Zhang Wei had expected it a long time ago, and the yellow symbols flying out of his body like arrows stopped around Grandpa Tang.

at the same time.

Through his actions, Zhang Wei not only confirmed that he was the murderer, but also confirmed that the old man in front of him was not a ghost exorcist, but just a person who accidentally borrowed his life. Otherwise, when his yellow talisman appeared, the other party would not be so surprised, let alone It's impossible to choose to turn around and run without even taking a shot at yourself.

This is what ordinary people do when they see a ghost exorcist.


Grandpa Tang held the shadow puppet box tightly, facing the yellow talismans surrounding him and Zhang Wei who was walking over, he still gritted his teeth and rushed towards the yellow talisman.


He let out a scream, and wanted to rush out of the yellow talisman with his body, but was electrocuted by the yellow talisman and fell to the ground.

But even so.

He was still clinging to the shadow puppet box, and he didn't even use the shadow puppet box to block the yellow talisman to get himself out of trouble. He struggled to get up, and ran despite the bleeding from the electric wound.

"Don't come here, believe it or not, I yelled, come, someone is bullying the old man, come!!"

"Don't shout, old man. I have muted this place, so others can't hear it."


Grandpa Tang was silent when he heard the words, but he also went crazy. He continued to rush towards the yellow talisman, even though the yellow talisman blasted him away again and again, until he felt his wound bleeding from the electric shock and his body became weak, until Zhang Wei walked up to him. in front of.

Only then did he realize that he couldn't escape, and immediately knelt down to Zhang Wei:

"I can't die here, I can't die here, young man, please let me go."

"Young man, please let me go. I can't be arrested and locked up. I don't have much life left. If you lock me up, I can't extend my life. I have to."

"Please do me a favor. I know I shouldn't kill people, but I can't stop killing people. I'm dead. If I don't kill people, I can't continue my life."

"Young man, the people I killed were all bad people. I have observed carefully, and they are all bad people. Really, you believe me, you check, all of them are bad people. Some of them abandoned their wives, and some did not support them. Mom and Dad are all bad people."

"I, I can't die, I haven't found the successor of the shadow puppet yet."

Seeing that Zhang Wei seemed indifferent to his begging for mercy, he quickly kowtowed to Zhang Wei:

"Young man, I beg you, I didn't intend to kill people. I have no choice but to. I really don't want shadow puppetry to be lost. This is a skill passed down by our ancestors for thousands of years, but I'm about to die."

"I beg you to let me go, as long as I find a successor, you can do whatever you want with me, and I will surrender myself and subdue the law."

He cried out loudly.

His head was bleeding, but Grandpa Tang didn't bother, holding on to the shadow puppet box tightly, begging Zhang Wei to let him go.

Zhang Wei was silent.

Just when he was about to say something.

Maybe it felt Zhang Wei's incomprehension, or maybe it was the blood dripping from Grandpa Tang's kowtow on the shadow puppet box, and the shadow puppet box felt the emotions of Zhang Wei and Grandpa Tang.

this moment.

A surprising scene appeared.

A strange light burst out from the shadow puppet box.

"Generating wisdom?"

Zhang Wei was astonished, and remembered a piece of knowledge recorded on Mount Longhu...everything has animism.

According to legend.

Everything in the world has a spirit, even a stone, an inconspicuous grain of sand, has a spirit.

This point has been circulated among the people since ancient times, not only in Daxia, but also in foreign countries. There are similar legends about animism, such as the Fusangshen of the Sakura Country. There is a legend in the Cherry Blossom Country. With the accumulation of time, the items will produce wisdom, this kind of thing is called fusangshen.

There are similar legends in Daxia.

When a thing is cherished and passed on for a long time, over time, the item will produce wisdom, such as willow trees becoming spirits, stones enshrined as patron saints, and so on.


Under the care of Grandpa Tang, the shadow puppet box in front of him, just like the legend, gave birth to wisdom.


The light shrouded and came.

Under that light, Zhang Wei felt the faint pleading from the shadow puppet box.

Same time.

Under that light, Zhang Wei saw the memory of Grandpa Tang conveyed by the shadow puppet box...


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