Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 230 Although Old Things Are All In The Past Tense, They Carry People's Feelings


The light came oncoming, and those lights were hazy, like the kind of hazy light that came under a mask, faintly shining dusty light, in the blur, people's figures, scenes, and voices could be seen echoing, reflected in Zhang Wei's eyes, and reverberated Zhang Wei ears.

It seems that Zhang Wei has returned to the past, to the past of Grandpa Tang.


on screen.

There is a dilapidated house, with the door opened, a group of people came in.

There were a lot of them, seven or eight of them, and it was raining outside. They came in carrying some boxes, as if they were afraid that the rain would wet the contents of the boxes. As soon as they entered, they quickly opened the boxes to check the contents.

Those were some shadow puppets, and the musical instruments played by the shadow puppets.

As if these people were a group of shadow puppet troupes who made a living by performing shadow puppets, Zhang Wei set his sights on one of the boxes. Although the boxes were a little different, he recognized the shape and lock style. This is the shadow puppet. box.

Also at this time.

A cry interrupted everyone in the shadow puppet troupe from wiping the rain on the shadow puppets.

Walking into the corner of the house, they were horrified to find that there was a woman there. She was skinny and had no breath, but the tears in the corners of her eyes all silently told her sadness before death.

They from the shadow puppet troupe walked over and saw a woman holding a swaddling baby in her arms. The crying sound came from inside. It was a newborn baby.

This scene made them sigh.

In the era of famine and wars every year, they have seen too many such scenes. This is another starving mother. If no one takes care of the baby, it will not take long for the baby to die because of not being fed.

Maybe it's sympathy, maybe it's the hope that there will be successors to the troupe.

The head of the troupe picked up the child.

"Let's call you Tang Pi, the skin of shadow puppets."

Accompanied by the voice falling.

The screen had changed when it reappeared.

It was the shadow puppet troupe again, but compared to the last time, this time the shadow puppet troupe had an extra five or six-year-old boy.

They stayed in a ruined temple.

The leader hugged the little boy, showed him the shadow puppet in his hand, and told him:

"Pizi, you are sensible now. The children of the poor have already been in charge of the family. Today I will teach you a skill. You must learn it seriously, you know! Because if we are gone, you can still rely on this skill to support yourself."

The little boy nodded ignorantly.

The group leader smiled when he saw this, pointed at the shadow puppet and said:

"Do you know what this is? Remember, this is called shadow puppetry. It is a handicraft handed down from our ancestors for hundreds of years, nearly a thousand years."


The head of the group told the little boy the history of the shadow puppetry. From the beginning of the shadow puppetry, an ancient emperor, who missed his beloved concubine who died, saw a child playing with a doll one day, and saw the lifelike shadows cast by the doll, so the emperor created a shadow puppet. The same paper-cut shadow puppets as Aifei have been circulating since then.

Shadow puppetry is a precious treasure left by the ancestors to future generations. It is not only a thing for people to play and watch, but also a kind of wisdom and beauty.

It also started from that day.

Zhang Wei saw it.

Under the guidance of the head of the group, the little boy touched the shadow puppet for the first time. There was a light of love in his eyes, and he couldn't put it down after touching the shadow puppet.

It also started from that day.

The little boy traveled north and south with the group leaders, learning shadow puppetry, and experienced various things along the way.

He saw those people watching shadow puppetry. Under the performance of shadow puppetry, no matter men, women, young or old, they were smiling and happy. Arrived beautifully.

Watching the shadow puppet show, the myths and history of "Journey to the West", "The Female General of the Yang Family" and so on, looking at the beauty in front of them, let people no longer only remember the war, but the beauty in their hearts has been preserved.

Even in the era of war and famine, their shadow puppet troupe lived in poverty. It was common for them to be hungry. If they had their last meal, their next meal would be missed, but at least they would not live on the streets and starve to death.

This is also the experience again and again.

Let the little boy understand why the shadow puppetry can be passed down by the ancestors. It is not only a inheritance, but also a beautiful inheritance.

It is the shadow puppet that made him have the present day.

It was the shadow puppet that kept him from starving to death in that shabby room.

It was the shadow puppet that allowed him to see the people in the war, showing a smile that he will never forget.

at the same time.

It was also shadow puppetry that allowed him to have relatives, the head of the shadow puppet troupe and the others.

In such a picture.

In such edification.

The little boy turned 12 years old, his stature has become taller, his skin has been traveling all year round, and his skin is tanned, but he doesn't care about these, and at the moment he is standing on a small mound that is too simple to be regarded as a grave crying.

The small mound is raised high, with a wooden sign cut from a tree branch inserted into it, which is used as a tombstone, and a shadow puppet is hung on it.

Looking around him again, there is already one person missing from the shadow puppet show.

The little boy was lying on the small mound, crying sadly. It was the person in the regiment who told him stories every night and left him every delicious food. Now he can no longer eat the food he left for himself up.

"Uncle, come back. You promised to eat candied haws with me again. You lied to me. Uncle, I won't eat candied haws anymore. How about you come back?"

He wept bitterly.

That was his first experience of life and death.

The head of the group handed Uncle's shadow puppet to the little boy, which was the shadow puppet that Uncle liked to play with the most, and then told the little boy the words he often said:

"Although old things are all in the past tense, they carry people's feelings."

"Pizi, Uncle asked me to give you this shadow puppet. He asked me to tell you that although Uncle is dead, the happiness he brought to everyone with the shadow puppet is still there. Uncle said that I will let you perform a shadow play. He looks at it again."

That was the first time he performed shadow puppets crying.

In front of Uncle's grave, the shadow puppet was wet with tears and snot, but it was also the most memorable shadow puppet performance since he was born.

The light of the shadow puppet box is still flickering.

The picture is still changing.

The shadow puppet troupe did not dissipate because of the loss of Uncle, and the little boy continued to follow the leader and the others all over the country.

During this time.

The number of people in the shadow puppet troupe is gradually decreasing. In the era of war, even the gentry and local tyrants are dying, let alone the little boy. People in the troupe died one after another. The little boy experienced life and death again and again.

At last……

Even the captain is gone.

The little boy at that time had grown into a big boy, and led by the head of the regiment, the two joined the army together. They were members of the art troupe, and they were responsible for performing shadow puppets for the soldiers, so that the soldiers could not only fight, At least there was a hint of laughter.

However, a shell fell.

In order to protect the shadow puppet in the shadow puppet box, the leader rushed into the flames of war, even if his whole body was ignited by the flames, he rushed in and brought out the shadow puppet box.

The boy will never forget that scene.

The head of the group was burned all over his body, his skin was burned away, and he was panting for breath. The boy had experienced too many life and death. He didn't understand that shadow puppetry is important, but life is more important.

To this.

The leader just exhausted his last strength, grabbed the boy tightly and said:

"Pi Zi, you can't lose the shadow puppets. They are handed down from our ancestors. The war is still going on, but after the war, I don't want to. I don't want to have a great summer. When the war is over, the inheritance of our ancestors can only be written in the book." See."

"Promise me, Pizi, pass on the shadow play."

The captain is dead.

The leader who brought the brightest light in his life and accompanied him died, covered in blood, and died holding the blood-stained shadow puppet.

That time the boy cried the most heartbreakingly.

That time the boy had no one to accompany him, and only shadow puppetry was left beside him.

The years are long.

The war was over, and the boy took the box of shadow puppets and continued to travel all over the country, alone, and continued to bring joy to the people after the war.

Although he also thought about forming a group and recruiting people during the period, he was the only one left in the end. The people in the group either got married and had children, died of illness, or learned other crafts for a better life.

The days after the war are gradually becoming brighter and more beautiful, and there are many more beautiful things than shadow puppetry, but shadow puppetry is gradually being neglected.

despite this.

The boy still carried the box of shadow puppetry and insisted on performing until he was old.

The picture stops here.

It stopped when the boy was over seventy years old. He was too old to walk.

Then the picture changed.

When it reappears.

It was a room in which a boy in his seventies was lying in front of a corpse. It was the first time he had killed someone, and it was the first time he had used the five elements he had inadvertently obtained to extend his life when he traveled around.

He knelt down in front of the corpse, weeping uncontrollably:

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I have to do this, I tried my best, but I can't find a successor, no one is willing to learn, I can't die."

"I'm sorry I borrowed your life."

"I'm sorry, I will definitely pay it back. When I find the successor, I will come back and make amends."

In a sound of sorry.

The old man drew a soul talisman on the corpse:

"When I find the successor, I will come back to make amends. I will wipe off the soul talismans on your bodies, and I will find a place where no one will find me to die."


He also drew a soul talisman on himself.

The meaning is beyond words, he intends to find a place where no one can find him, and put himself there, atone for his sins by not being reborn forever, and atone for his sins by bearing sins forever.


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