Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 231 The Law Is Not Sympathetic, But The Law Also Pleases

As the old man finally drew the soul-repelling talisman on himself and said that sentence, the shadow puppet box seemed to have exhausted its strength, and the hazy light dissipated.

Zhang Wei fell silent, staring at Grandpa Tang in front of him with flickering eyes.

He knew that the little boy revealed in the light of the shadow puppet box was Grandpa Tang in front of him, and he finally understood the purpose of his attack.


He sympathized and supported Grandpa Tang to pass on the shadow puppetry.

But in jurisprudence.

He couldn't agree with his behavior of killing people for life.

Even through the light, he saw that those people were indeed as bad as Grandpa Tang said, even to the bone marrow. One of them abandoned his wife and daughter for ten years because of his mistress. Yuan, but grandma only gave 100, and grandma was beaten to death.

Think here.

Zhang Wei knelt down to help Grandpa Tang who kowtowed, and said slowly:

"Old man, no matter what, you have violated the law after all, and you should accept the punishment of the law. But I also know that you have to do this kind of thing because you don't want the shadow puppet show to be lost."

"Surrender yourself. The law is not merciful, but the law is also merciful. I will talk to the Department of Health about your matter."

in words.

Zhang Wei seemed to have sensed it, and looked back.

Not far away, Lu Lianxue and Lin Tong were walking towards this side.

Seeing the bleeding injury on the forehead of the old man in front of Zhang Wei, Lu Lianxue and the others were stunned for a moment, but soon after Zhang Wei explained, they also understood the truth of the matter, and also knew about the old man.

"Well, I'll tell the Secretary of Justice about it."

Lin Tong looked at Tang Pi with a complicated expression, and kowtowed to Tang Pi, who had bled profusely and passed out.

The words fell.

He couldn't help looking at the eye shadow box, his eyes didn't hide his emotion:

"I always thought that animism existed in folk stories, but I didn't expect it to exist. I will report this matter together."

As a senior member of the Department of Health and Dao, Lin Tong knows very well what animism is, and he knows even more that all things have animism. It takes extremely harsh conditions to make objects produce intelligence. From the perspective of the gentle intelligence of the shadow puppet box , it can't be a vicious spirit, how can a person who can give birth to such a spirit be so treacherous and evil.

Lu Lianxue also had a complicated expression, watching the old man being carried into the ambulance, and seeing tears of pleading in the corner of his eyes, she couldn't help asking Zhang Wei:

"Zhang Wei, do you think the old man can find the heir in the last time?"

She had learned from Zhang Wei before that every time this old shadow puppeteer borrowed his life, he did it only when his life was running out. Now that he commits crimes again, his life is numbered, and I am afraid he will not have a few days to live.

To this.

Zhang Wei shook his head and said:

"It's hard."

He couldn't find it for so many years before, and now there are only a few days left for him to find it. It is very difficult to find it, and he is still charged with murder.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei said bluntly:

"Unless the old man dies and turns into a ghost to continue looking for the heir, but I feel like I'm looking for the heir. I'm afraid I haven't found the heir. I'll scare the people to death first. Even if I really turned into a ghost and found it, it will be difficult to teach the heir."

Lu Lianxue understands Zhang Wei's meaning, the taboo of the five elements to continue life has its price, not to mention using it many times, now that it has become a ghost, it will also be added to it, just like the old man Qiu, Ordinary people who are close to him, if they don't help to suppress, ordinary people are easily damaged.

The evil fruit added to the body, or the taboo evil fruit, how can it be so easy to suppress.

Zhang Wei patted Lu Lianxue on the shoulder:

"Don't think about that, wait for the Department of Health to deal with it."


for the next two days.

The Ministry of Health received the matter about Tang Pi. For this matter, the interrogation team had a fierce quarrel, and no one knew what the outcome of the interrogation team was.

until the third day.

Luxia City, Temporary Detention Center of the Ministry of Health.

Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue came to visit Tang Pi on a routine basis today. It can be seen that Tang Pi is approaching the end of his life at this time, his hair is grayer than before, his face is also older, and the side effects of borrowing life are also appearing. The whole person seems to be terminally ill the old man.

But even so, he still did not forget to wipe the shadow puppet in the shadow puppet box.

"Has my penalty come down yet?"

He wiped it, and asked again. He knew that he was running out of time, and wanted to know the result as soon as possible, so he could only give him a day to find the heir.

His words come out.

Zhang Wei and Zhang Wei were about to speak, but they heard the door open and a voice came from the door at the same time.

Look intently.

Zhang Wei was slightly startled:

"Mr. Wang?"

Three people came in at the door, Zhang Wei knew them all, one was Captain Lin Tong, one was Cao Yushan, one of the people in charge of the Fumin District of the Ministry of Defense, and the other was an old man who was respectfully guarded by the two. Old Mr. De.

“Mr. Zhang Wei met again.”

Mr. Wang also saw Zhang Wei, and waved to Zhang Wei with a smile.

"Mr. Wang, why are you here?"

Zhang Wei hurriedly got up to greet him, vaguely guessing the purpose of Mr. Wang's visit.

as predicted.

Mr. Wang looked over with a smile:

"I, I was making tea with my friends yesterday, and I came here when I heard something. By the way, where is Tang Pi?"

As he spoke, he glanced around, and soon found Tang Pi who was being held in the guard room.


He walked towards Tang Pi, and walked straight in after Lin Tong opened the door.

Watching the two old men meet.

Zhang Wei looked at Cao Yushan and Lin Tong with some doubts, and then learned about it under Cao Yushan's wry smile.

It turned out that just yesterday, Mr. Wang was making tea with the friend who gave him the badge, and he accidentally learned from his friend that the judicial team of the Department of Health and Justice had an argument about Grandpa Tang, and then Mr. Wang made a decision on the spot.

When Cao Yushan said this, he said with a complicated expression:

"As you know, Mr. Wang used to be a soldier, and Tang Pi also joined the army, right? The art troupe was in charge of the shadow puppet show. According to Mr. Wang, he had seen Tang Pi and his troupe leader. Performance."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei and the others were all surprised.

But without waiting for surprise, Zhang Wei frowned and said:

"Mr. Cao, Mr. Wang came to see the old man, probably not just because he saw his shadow puppet."

He's not a fool, Mr. Wang just saw Tang Pi's shadow puppet show once, so there's no need to fly all the way here.


Under Zhang Wei's question, Cao Yushan sighed and nodded with a complicated expression:

"Mr. Wang didn't just come to see Tang Pi, but..."

"No!! Absolutely not!!!"

Before the words could be spoken, a voice suddenly came from Grandpa Tang's room. It was Grandpa Tang's shout.

Seeing that Grandpa Tang changed his weakness, exhausted all his energy, and shouted hoarsely to Mr. Wang:

"My life is worthless, but yours is different!! You go! I won't be looking for the Shadow Puppeteer!!"


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