Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 232 Don't Ask Me Why I Enlightened You, The Secret Must Not Be Revealed

His voice shouted.

Zhang Wei and the others heard it, and they all looked into the room where he was being held.

Just now, when Zhang Wei and Cao Yushan were talking.

Mr. Wang came to Tang Pi.

He told Tang Pi his name, who knew that Tang Pi knew him, and the fact is no wonder he would know, Mr. Wang didn't know how famous his reputation would be there, besides, Mr. Tang Pi had also stayed in the army .

Knowing that Mr. Wang was coming, he gave up his seat regardless of other things.

However, without waiting for Grandpa Tang to say anything more, Mr. Wang didn't remove the ink marks, knowing that Grandpa Tang's life was short, he said bluntly:

"Tang Pi, do you still want to find the heir?"

"I want to, of course I want to, Mr. Wang De, I..." Grandpa Tang was just about to intercede, begging him to give him a day to look for it.

As a result, Mr. Wang's voice sounded first.

As soon as Mr. Wang got Grandpa Tang's reply, he smiled and looked at Grandpa Tang:

"Then I'll share your life with half of your life. Don't kill any more people. In fact, I don't want the shadow puppetry to be lost. It's the art of our Great Xia, and it's a folk treasure."

This word comes out.

Grandpa Tang was stunned, and the next second he stood up in shock and refused to shout out those words before.

Also at this time.

Mr. Wang's voice came:

"Why is my life dying? I'm old, in my 90s, and I don't have a few years to live, but I know that my life is relatively hard. After accumulating merits over the years, they all say that my life is Can count as two lives."

"I've heard about your five-element continuation of life, and I've asked about it. With my life, I can replace two lives."

He smiled and looked at Mr. Tang:

"I'm old, forget it, I haven't had a good life for a few years, and now all I can do every day is bask in the sun, and now I can use my life to contribute, so that my Daxia folk art can be passed down Maybe, I think it's worth more than me basking in the sun."

"Brother Tang, I know that you killed people so that the shadow puppetry would not be lost, but killing people is wrong, so you promise me that if you use my life to find a successor, then you will be punished by the law for the rest of your life. The law is merciless. But the law also has sentient beings, this is the punishment proposed by me and the judging team, is it okay?"

His words come out.

Mr. Tang shook his head vigorously, trying to force Mr. Wang out:

"No! Absolutely not! I can't use your life to renew my life, you go, I won't be looking for a shadow puppeteer."

Facing Mr. Wang, he wanted to take his own life and renew his life.

This shadow puppet old man who dyed more than a dozen lives in his hands gave up, and the shadow puppet successor he was thinking of was gone.

in his mind.

The shadow puppet cannot be lost, but Mr. Wang can't lose his life for him. He doesn't want the successor of the shadow puppet to continue with the blood of such people, and he would rather the shadow puppet be lost.

"Brother Tang, I..."

How could Mr. Wang not know what Tang Pi was thinking, and reached out to hold his hand, trying to dissuade him softly.

His thoughts are the same as Tang Pi's. Shadow puppets are a folk national treasure and cannot be lost. The only difference is that he doesn't think his life is more valuable than the loss of shadow puppets.


Mr. Tang interrupted Mr. Wang:

"Mr. Wang De, stop talking, you can go, I won't look for..."

Just when he was about to say no.

His face turned pale in vain, and he fell to the ground in pain. His face, which was originally terminally ill, became even paler in an instant.

"Brother Tang!"

Mr. Wang's face changed, he didn't have time to talk, and hurried to help the fallen Mr. Tang.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei and the others rushed in when they heard the sound, and saw Grandpa Tang's situation as soon as they entered the door.

not good!

Zhang changed color for them.

As exorcists, they know more than Mr. Wang, especially Zhang Wei, who is the most powerful. He saw the death face on Grandpa Tang's face at a glance, and knew that the other party was about to die. The life extended by the murder has come to an end the end.


Zhang Wei sighed and told Mr. Wang about the situation.

Without the slightest hesitation.

Once Mr. Wang changed his kindness, he asked Cao Yushan in a deep voice:

"When will President Sheng come?"

Cao Yushan shook his head:

"No, Chief Sheng is still on his way. Even if he arrives, it will be half an hour later. It's too late."

Zhang Wei heard the words and asked:

"Mr. Wang, what are you talking about, can Chief Sheng save the old man?"


After Cao Yushan's explanation, Zhang Wei suddenly understood.

Just recently, Zhang Wei sent the Jade Slips of Grafting Merit and Virtue to the Secretary of Wei Dao. Only the True Dragon Guard can do it.

For Tang Pi, Mr. Wang personally called Chief Sheng. He wanted to give half of his life to Tang Pi, and at the same time give part of his merits to the other party to offset his evil results and avoid the price of five elements to continue his life. add body.

In this way, Tang Pi can find successors and teach shadow puppets without burden.

Now that Mr. Sheng is unable to catch up, Mr. Wang said in a deep voice:

"It's too late, the merits will be grafted in the future, first give Tang Pi my life."

Cao Yushan shook his head when he heard this:

"No, Mr. Wang, there is no one at the level of President Sheng, who uses the five elements to extend his life. You can only give Tang Pi all of his life. Then you will die. No, I can't do this."

"No shit!!"

Old Mr. Wang yelled angrily. At this moment, he seemed to be back when he was marching and fighting, and changed his kindness:

"I don't have a few years left to live, and I don't care if I die or not. It's more important to be able to save people now. It's more important to keep an old folk artisan. Mr. Cao, if you respect me, immediately! Immediately! Give me a hand!" !"

in words.

As if he knew that Cao Yushan would not do anything, Mr. Wang directly picked up the shadow puppet scissors and was about to finish it himself.

But it was the next second.

A hand stretched out to stop Mr. Wang's hand holding the scissors.

That is Zhang Wei.

Seeing that Zhang Wei stopped Mr. Wang, looked at the dying shadow puppet old man, and then at Mr. Wang who was still about to commit suicide, he couldn't help saying:

"I thought I was cruel enough to myself, but Mr. Wang, if you give up the shadow puppet, you don't want the life of a hero, and the other doesn't want your life for the shadow puppet. It's really terrible. If any of you are really allowed to die here, we The junior will die of shame in the future."

in words.

He stretched out his hand to Cao Yushan:

"Mr. Cao, give me the altered Jade Slip of Merit for Grafting."

"Huh? Zhang Wei, you want to use grafting? No, your strength is strong, but no matter how strong you are, you have never reached the level of a true dragon guard. You can't do it... Hey?!!!!"

this moment.

Not only Cao Yushan, but also Lin Tong and Lu Lianxue were all stunned, feeling Zhang Wei in front of them, feeling like dreaming.

【Ding! Use the one-time ability card "Become a Demon and Become a Buddha in One Thought"]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

This place seemed to be in doomsday, the wind was shaking, let alone the entire detention center was shaking, the ground was shaking, even the buildings near the detention center were shaking violently, and even the clear sky in the sky was shocked.

at this moment.

As the monstrous power gushing out from Zhang Wei's body swept across Cao Yushan and everyone, this place was shaken, and the situation changed!

"Really... a real Dragon Guard?!"

Cao Yushan was stunned, his brain was on the verge of lack of oxygen, and he lost the ability to think, his eyes were full of shock.

True Dragon Guard.

Can't go wrong.

He felt from Zhang Wei, the peerless power that only a true dragon guard can have.

In the face of the supposedly kind-hearted Grandpa Tang, for the sake of the shadow puppetry, he did not hesitate to kill people to find a successor, and did something intolerable.

In the face of the kind Mr. Wang, in order to save others, he would not hesitate to kill himself.

In one thought.

The two old men made the diametrically opposed decision to act in their entire lives.

To this.

Zhang Wei directly used the ability card, and he became a Buddha and a demon in one thought, and he obtained three thousand years of cultivation, directly reaching the level of the true dragon guard.

But it's too late to feel how powerful the True Dragon Guard is.

Zhang Wei raised his hand, and the jade slip in Cao Yushan's hand flew into his hand. After reading the contents of the jade slip in the blink of an eye, Zhang Wei's eyes burst out with immeasurable Buddha's light.

this moment.

He is like the Buddha Tathagata who came from the western sky, immeasurably holy, as powerful as the sky.

He found Mr. Wang and Grandpa Tang.

The two are left and right.

With its supreme power, like reversing yin and yang, it forcibly stopped the passing of Grandpa Tang's life. Its sacred power really wants to verify the legendary "The king of hell wants you to die in the third watch, I dare to keep him until the fifth watch."

Immediately afterwards.

This place is like facing Jiuyou, and the chill is biting, as if it is going to reach the other side of the underworld.

this moment.

Zhang Wei's aura has changed, he is like a majestic demon, dominating the sky and the earth, all evil views will bow down, and the bridge of Naihe will boil.

After following a series of operations on the jade slip.

He looked straight at Mr. Wang's great sun-like merit.

waved down.

boom! ! ! ————

There was a deafening bang.

Under Cao Yushan's shocking eyes, Zhang Wei actually tore apart some of Mr. Wang's merits with his bare hands, and even cut off half of Mr. Wang's life. Between waves.

Then Zhang Weixuanzhi and Xuanban grafted merit and life to Grandpa Tang.


Grandpa Tang's deathly pale complexion has returned to ruddy with the naked eye.

Lu Lianxue and the others saw it, and couldn't help but smile, knowing that Grandpa Tang's life was extended, and he had half of the remaining life of Mr. Wang.

Think about it.

They couldn't help but look at Mr. Wang who was a little older again. Grandpa Tang was destined to die, but Mr. Wang...huh? !

boom! ! ! ! !

The invisible loud noise exploded at this moment, except for Zhang Wei, their pupils shrank suddenly, and they looked at Mr. Wang in disbelief.

They saw it.

Mr. Wang's meritorious deeds like a great sun have been cut off by a corner, but everything changed in the next second. That round of meritorious deeds seemed to expand with heat and shrink with cold, not only the corner that was cut off was replaced Yes, even the big day of merit and virtue is a little bit bigger.

Seeing this situation, Cao Yushan and the others were stunned, and couldn't help but look at Zhang Wei.

"Zhang Wei, this is?"

They all noticed that Mr. Wang's merits had changed, and Zhang Wei's face remained unchanged from the beginning to the end, as if they had anticipated the situation.

at this time.

Zhang Wei, who is like a demon, heard the words and said with a smile:

"In ancient times, the Buddha cut meat to feed the eagles. Mr. Wang sacrificed himself for others today, which is also a great merit."

With the help of the powerful strength gained from "becoming a Buddha and becoming a demon in one thought", Zhang Wei saw it more clearly than everyone else. As early as when Mr. Wang's merits were taken away, he sensed that Mr. Wang's merits were skyrocketing. I somehow understood the reason.

Same time.

Zhang Wei looked at Mr. Wang, maybe it was the strength brought by his strength, maybe the uniqueness of the jade slips, or maybe it was the merits of Mr. Wang that he took away personally, and he established a relationship with Mr. Wang. What he saw was not only Mr. Wang's merits and virtues have also seen other...

It was about Mr. Wang's future.


A smile rose on Zhang Wei's face. He didn't tell others that the secret of the future cannot be told, but it's okay if he doesn't, because Mr. Wang's future is bright.

Not only Mr. Wang.

Even Grandpa Tang has spied some secrets.


Zhang Wei walked towards the shadow puppet box that was emitting a faint light and was beginning to manifest spiritual intelligence.

One pointed at the shadow puppet box.

that moment.

Its fingertips are immeasurably bright, and they have the power of immortality to touch me to receive longevity. With one finger, he completely enlightened the spiritual wisdom of the shadow puppet box, giving it a real spirit and the ability to transform into shapes, and at the same time poured out With one word, he passed a sentence that only he could hear to the shadow puppet box:

"Don't ask me why I enlightened you, the heavenly secret must not be leaked."



years later.

Mr. Wang died of old age, and everything was happy in his later years.

same year.

Tang Pi, an old shadow puppet who had half the life of Mr. Wang, also passed away. With the life of Mr. Wang, he finally found the successor of the shadow puppet, but he did not go to reincarnation.

He took the shadow puppet box with wisdom, and together he exorcised ghosts for the Wei Daosi for a hundred years.

After a hundred years.

The old shadow puppet Tang Pi completes the atonement, enters reincarnation, and accepts the trial of Hades in Fengdu.

that day.

An old man with immeasurable merit appeared in the main hall of Fengdu.

The king of Hades will be courteous to everything he sees, not for other reasons, but because of the immeasurable merits of the old man, he is worthy of his king, the king of hell, and bows his hands.

The old man smiled and bowed to Hades:

"Little Immortal Wang De has met King Yama, please..."

That is Mr. Wang, he is here, not forgetting Tang Pi, an old man of shadow puppetry from a hundred years ago, who came to intercede for him.

The brilliance is full of energy.

The shadow puppet box next to Grandpa Tang is as radiant as it was a hundred years ago, but this time it has Zhang Wei's enlightenment a hundred years ago. The Lord suffers.

The intercession of the virtuous person and the spiritual being, in view of the fact that he has become a ghost in the world for a hundred years to atone for his sins, the King of Hades erased the sins of the shadow puppet old man Tang Pi from the book of life and death, and pardoned his sins.


Tang Pi, an old shadow puppet, holds the shadow puppet box that has accompanied him all his life, and enters reincarnation by the light of reincarnation.


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