Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 233 Chief Sheng: Which Chief Is This?

the other side.

When Zhang Wei helped Mr. Wang to graft meritorious deeds to Grandpa Tang.

In Luxia City, an e-sports hotel room.

at this time.

Fatty is playing lol ranking. Originally, he planned to invite Zhang Wei and Li Junfei to play together, but thinking that they still have classes today, he decided to look for it later.

Through the game screen, you can see that the fat man's hero is standing at the spring, and then he keeps tapping the keyboard with both hands, typing line after line and spraying with his teammates. no end.

To this.

Even the fat man couldn't stand it no matter how good his temper was, so he turned back:

Fatty: "Be careful what you say, don't be so stinky, not everyone has a good temper like me."

Assistant: "Oh shit? Installed it? Come on, what's wrong with my bad mouth, if you have the guts, come and beat me, what are you pretending to do, you are so badass."

Fatty: "Okay, since you said so."

The fat man replied.

Just when he was about to get up and take action, let the assistant understand that 'the Internet is not a place outside the law'.

As if feeling something, the fat man's pupils suddenly shrank, he looked in one direction, and suddenly screamed in shock:

"What's going on, a real dragon guard has come to Luxia City?!"

next moment.

The fat man rushed to the balcony and looked in the direction of Zhang Wei.

When he saw the discoloration of the sky in the distance and felt the absolute terror emanating from there, he was sure that it was indeed the power of a true dragon guard.

Can't go wrong.

A real dragon guard has come to Luxia City.

But why did you come, is it coming for me?

Thinking of this, Fatty's heart skipped a beat. It's not impossible. You must know that he stole the heads of two ghost kings from Weidao Si in succession:

"The Department of Health and Dao won't find out about me. Are you so narrow-minded? Just send the real dragon guard to kill me."


The fat man immediately packed up the figures in the room, ready to run away.

But before he picked up the figure, the fat man was stunned again, inexplicably feeling that the aura of the real dragon guard... is a little familiar, no, it's not a little bit, it's so familiar that he can recognize it in ashes.

"That real Dragon Guard is... Zhang Wei?!"

The fat man murmured in surprise.

Previously, he was astonished by this real dragon guard-level power, but now he calmed down, and suddenly found that this power breath was too similar to Zhang Wei, almost exactly the same.

Will it be Zhang Wei?

Or is it Zhang Wei's blood relatives, such as his parents?

It doesn't seem right, I remember that Zhang Wei is not a ghost exorcist who has become a monk.


The fat man came to the conclusion that it should be Zhang Wei. As for why Zhang Wei reached the level of the real dragon guard, he felt that it was not Zhang Wei's strength, and he probably relied on some external force.

"Did Zhang Wei take away the relic of Monk Kongjing? Or did he take the relics of a real Dragon Guard?"

While muttering, he also breathed a sigh of relief:

"It's a good thing that the real dragon guard is Zhang Wei, and he doesn't pose a threat to me. I thought it was Wei Daosi who found out that I stole the ghost king's head. It's okay, so I can continue to steal the ghost king's head."

The words fell.

The fat man looked at a map on the table with a mark on it.

After investigating these days.

Not only did he discover the movement of Zhang Wei's ghost king's head obtained from the Sichuan Provincial Airport, but he also got the ghost king's head that Zhang Wei had recently traded with the Department of Defense, which was the head of the assassin.

Looking at the marks on the map, the fat man murmured:

"Originally, I was going to kill you, but Zhang Wei got ahead of me. Now it's not too much for me to get it back."

While talking, as if thinking of something, the fat man stroked his chubby chin and said:

"Speaking of which, this is a whole ghost king's corpse. The tailor likes to piece together his body, so he should like it very much. I will ask the tailor later to see if I can get some wool from the tailor. Alas, this villain is worthy of me. , Zhang Wei squeezed a little bit, the Wei Daosi squeezed a day, and the tailor squeezed a little more, it's too comfortable."


The fat man quickly picked up the phone and called the tailor:

"Moses Moses, the tailor..."


at the same time.

Luxia City Airport.

A young man walked out of the plane. He looked young, but his eyes looked at the vicissitudes of life, which made people unconsciously look at him twice more.

Even the well-informed flight attendants were attracted by the young man's eyes. After he got off the plane, the flight attendants whispered:

"That little brother looks so handsome, his eyes are so beautiful, it feels like seeing the stars and the ocean, but he looks so mature, he doesn't feel like someone in his twenties."

"I think so too. To be honest, that person has experienced a lot at first glance, and you can't judge it from the age."

"Maybe he is a young boss. The boss has experienced a lot. No, I have to ask for a WeChat."

at this time.

The stewardesses were talking, but the young man didn't notice that he was walking towards the luggage area, ready to pick up his luggage.


His luggage was passing by on the conveyor belt, and he just bent down to pick it up, but at this moment, he straightened up suddenly and looked backward in surprise.

this action.

Later, the stewardess who came to ask for WeChat was taken aback, thinking that the young man had noticed her, especially when she saw the other party staring in surprise, she was so frightened that she pretended to pass by and walked past her, not daring to ask for it.

The young man didn't know the situation, and he looked at the back intently, as if he was going to look across the distance and look in the direction of Luxia City.

That is the direction where Zhang Wei is.

"Huh? Besides me, is there any chief executive here?"

The young man scratched his head in doubt:

"It doesn't seem to be another chief. Is this some old man who came to Luxia City?"

He is Shengxuan, one of the true dragon guards of the Department of Defense.

At the invitation of Mr. Wang, I came to Luxia City to do a favor and graft merit and life to others.


Out of curiosity, Shengxuan picked up his luggage and left the airport to go to Mr. Wang's place. Although he was curious about who the commander-level strength was, he had something important to do and couldn't delay.

But as the taxi driver drove all the way, Sheng Xuan was stunned:

"Master driver, are you sure you didn't drive in the wrong direction? By the way, how long will it take for us to arrive?"

"Soon, there are still five kilometers to go."

five kilometers?

Isn't that the approximate position of the power just now...

Thinking about it, Shengxuan hurriedly picked up the phone, planning to call Cao Yushan to ask about the situation.

However, the next second.

Jingle Bell.

His mobile phone rang first, and the caller ID...Mr. Cao Yushan.

After picking up the phone, Cao Yushan's words came instantly:

"President Sheng, are you here?"

"Mr. Cao, I'll be there soon, on my way."

Being invited to help, Shengxuan knew about Grandpa Tang's situation, so he couldn't help saying:

"Did something happen to Tang Pi? If it's urgent, I'll get out of the car and rush over there now."

"That... no, Chief Sheng, I called you to tell you that Tang Pi's matter has been settled, so you don't have to worry so much, just wait for me and Mr. Wang to pick you up."


Sheng Xuan was stunned.

Cao Yushan didn't hide anything, and quickly told the whole story.

To be finished.

Shengxuan finally understood who the previous force was, it belonged to Zhang Wei, and he took over his 'job' and finished it.

Think about it.

The corner of Sheng Xuan's mouth twitched, and he said leisurely to Cao Yushan:

"Then I am coming to Luxia City again..."

"Uh, this." Cao Yushan was embarrassed.

He knew what Shengxuan meant. Last time, he took a lot of trouble to ask him to help relieve Mr. Liushu. This time, Mr. Wang came out to ask him to help. He came to Luxia City twice, and it was all in vain. It seems that it was Zhang. Wei leads to.

For Cao Yushan momentary speechless.

Sheng Xuan couldn't laugh or cry and said:

"Am I incompatible with Luxia City or Zhang Wei? Come here once for nothing."


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