Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 234 Water Ghost Mission, Zhang Wei Was Blown Up Again


With Zhang Wei's help, Shengxuan knew that he came for nothing because of Zhang Wei again.

Think here.

After hanging up Cao Yushan's call, Shengxuan silently picked up the phone, clicked on the memo, and entered a line of information on a memo named "Zhang Wei's information":

【Blow it up! Zhang Wei saved the folk art shadow puppet old man and helped him prolong his life, which moved the heavens and the earth. 】

Look at the information you wrote down.

Cheng Xuan raised a smile on his face and nodded with satisfaction:

"Although I was robbed twice by Zhang Wei, the next forum post has material."

in words.

Shengxuan told the driver to turn around and look for a hotel. Since everyone has come here, it can’t be in vain. Just like last time, Cao Yushan is going to treat Shengxuan and Mr. Wang to dinner, and Shengxuan also plans to have a good time. Last time For Mr. Liu Shu, he was nervous and scared the whole time, and he was not in the mood to play.

This time it was different, although he also saw hell, and his life was robbed by Zhang Wei again, but there is no need to really hell.

en route.

Shengxuan was not idle, sliding the memo, on the memo filled with Zhang Wei's information, things about Zhang Wei were written.

Wait till you finish writing.

He logged into the Shangwei Daosi forum, and regularly posted a title [Blowing up...] at night, which was exactly the line of information he had written before, as the title of the post.

Finish these.

Shengxuan happily scrolled through the Department of Health and Daosi forum, quietly watching all kinds of gossip and other posts on it.


The driver sitting on the side looked at Shengxuan and laughed out loud at gossip from time to time, looked over curiously, and looked at the forum page on his phone screen, although he didn't see the content of the post clearly, but he saw that it should be a forum

Seeing this, the driver smiled and said:

"Brother, you also like to scroll through forum posts, and I like to scroll too."

Sheng Xuan looked up, nodded and said:

"Yeah, when I have nothing to do, I like to browse the forum and read all kinds of posts in it. It's very fun."

"Haha, me too."

The driver nodded with a smile when he heard the words, and couldn't help but glance at Shengxuan's phone again, wanting to see what posts he was reading and scrolling, so as to find topics, but Shengxuan scrolled through the posts and comments too quickly, so he didn't see clearly, the driver just looked at it. Arrived at its user name...Xiaoxuan.


the other side.

Luxia City, Temporary Detention Center of the Ministry of Health.

After Zhang Wei finished his busy work, he didn't stay long because there was still class in the afternoon. He chatted with Mr. Wang and the others for a while, then left with Lu Lianxue.

before leaving.

After thinking about it, Cao Yushan stopped Zhang Wei:

"Zhang Wei, thank you very much this time, and you have done us a big favor for the Department of Defense. I didn't expect you to hide your hand. It opened my eyes."

Zhang Wei waved his hands and smiled, he had long thought of an excuse and said bluntly:

"Where is it, I just got a relic of an old man from Mr. Liu Shu by accident. If it wasn't for Mr. Wang, I wouldn't be willing to use this."

its answer.

Cao Yushan and the others didn't doubt it, and secretly thought that sure enough, in their view, it would be impossible for Zhang Wei to suddenly burst out with the strength of a real dragon guard. Thinking like that, I got the relics of real dragon guards, such as relics.

Learn about the situation.

Cao Yushan said without hesitation:

"Zhang Wei, I have a ghost exorcism task at hand. Do you want to take it? The target of the task is a ghost king, not a very powerful ghost king. He has just been promoted to ghost king."

The words did not fall.

Seeing Zhang Wei's surprised gaze, as if he knew what Zhang Wei was thinking, Cao Yushan took the lead in explaining:

"I know you must be very strange. The ghost king is powerful enough to threaten the safety of the citizens of a city, but it's not enough to make us guards helpless and ask you if an outsider wants to pick you up, especially if he's just a new ghost king."

Seeing Zhang Wei's noncommittal forehead, Cao Yushan said with a smile:

"This is natural. If it's just a newly promoted ghost king, our Department of Defense can deal with it. However, this ghost is different from other newly promoted ghost kings. It is a bit tricky because it is a water ghost."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei already understood what Cao Yushan meant.

Water ghosts are ghosts formed by people who accidentally died in water or committed suicide in rivers, lakes and seas. This kind of ghosts have a special control over water. According to folklore, water ghosts often pull living people into the water and drown them. Rumors of being a scapegoat and so on.

Also for this.

In China, water ghosts are one of the most difficult ghosts to get rid of. Not to mention that water ghosts hide in rivers, lakes and seas. Breathe and move freely in water for a long time.

Once dragged into the water by a water ghost, it is extremely easy to be killed due to water, and ghost exorcists are no exception, let alone a ghost king-level water ghost.

So far with Cao Yushan's words.

Zhang Wei understood what it meant.

This is to see that he has hidden his hand, and there are many methods, and his strength is also at the ghost king level. Maybe there will be a miracle, and he can deal with the water ghost.

Immediately afterwards.

Cao Yushan's voice continued:

"Although water ghosts of the ghost king level are difficult to deal with, my Department of Defense can also deal with them. Our Department of Health in Fumin has Qilin guards who can deal with water ghosts."

Hearing this, Zhang Wei immediately thought of something and asked hesitantly:

"Corpse hunter?"

If it is said that exorcists are the best at dealing with water ghosts, it is the profession of corpse hunters, who specialize in salvaging corpses themselves.

Cao Yushan smiled and nodded:

"Yes, the corpse hunter, and he is also the corpse hunter of the Yellow River, but he was transferred to the northeast to support him, and he can't get away now."

"How about it, Zhang Wei, do you want to pick it up? Of course, considering that it's a water ghost, if you're worried, you can go and have a look first, and it's not too late to make a decision."

To this.

After Zhang Wei asked about the reward, he resolutely agreed.

Although he is not a corpse picker, he has a system and is not afraid of being killed by a water ghost in the water. The only thing he has to worry about is the problem of breathing in the water after being dragged into the water by the water ghost. However, when he learned about the water ghost earlier, There are countermeasures.

"That's fine, then I'll ask Lin Tong to send you the information later."

Cao Yushan replied without ink marks.

Then Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue left the detention center and went back to school.


Back on the road.

Lu Lianxue pulled Zhang Wei's sleeve and said:

"Zhang Wei, do you really want to take on the task of water ghosts? It's not corpse hunters, or other special ghost exorcists. It's hard to deal with water ghosts. The main water ghosts are powerful. Even if you take a boat, you can overturn the boat. "

"The water ghost has reached the ghost king, and it is easy to overturn a large ship of dozens of tons."

Zhang Wei rubbed his head:

"Don't worry, I'm sensible. By the way, Xiaoxue, what anime characters do you think are good at water?"


That night.

Sichuan Province, the "Seven Days Hotel" where the Ministry of Health is located.

at this time.

Hotel entrance.

Zhang Chao whistled and bounced all the way back. He was in a good mood and had just finished dating the maid girl.

"Sister, what are you looking at?"

As soon as he came in, he saw Zhang Mei and her colleagues sitting at the front desk, watching their phones and discussing something hotly.

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Mei looked up, and immediately waved to Zhang Chao:

"Zhang Chao, you came back just in time. Come and see, Zhang Wei has done an awesome thing."

"Oh, what a fuck... huh??"

Zhang Chao was joking when he heard the words, and leaned forward to have a look.

next second.

Zhang Chao's eyes widened:

"My Cao?! Zhang Wei is so awesome."

Zhang Mei handed him the mobile phone, on which was a post about Zhang Wei in the Department of Health and Justice Forum—【Blow it up! Zhang Wei saved the folk art shadow puppet old man and helped him prolong his life, which moved the heavens and the earth. 】

Although there is no introduction in it that Zhang Wei has reached the True Dragon Guard and deliberately helped him hide it, but the saving and grafting of lifespan alone are enough to shock people.

Can't help it.

Zhang Chao said in shock:

"Fuck, is this true or not? Well, Zhang Wei has only been back for a day now, and he directly pierced the sky."

Zhang Mei rolled her eyes when she heard this, and patted Zhang Chao on the head vigorously:

"It must be true. Look at who posted it. It's 'Xiaoxuan'. He posted the 'Potential Rising Star List', 'Qilin List' and other posts. Which one is not authoritative? I have never seen him post fake news. Yes, this time it must be true."

"Ah?! It's that Xiaoxuan, I'll wipe it, it should be true."

As Zhang Chao said, he read the content of the post carefully while rubbing it, and the more he read it, the more emotional he was:

"Ma De, Zhang Wei, this dude actually pretended to be a big dick behind my back. Xiaoxuan is really serious. He only reported me on a feature yesterday, praising me for being a rising star, and then sent me Zhang Wei the next day. The light covered it."

Zhang Mei laughed and said:

"Who made Zhang Wei pretend at this time, Xiaoxuan is well informed, and will definitely report it as soon as possible."

"That's right, Xiaoxuan is very well informed, but why is he so well informed, and who is he?"

As soon as Zhang Chao spoke.

Zhang Mei shrugged and said:

"Who knows, there were a lot of speculations about Xiaoxuan on the forum before, but no one knew his identity. He must be the son of a high-ranking Department of Health Department. Otherwise, how could the news be so well-informed."

"The son of a high-ranking officer in the Department of Health and Dao? I can't stop reading. This person is well-informed. I saw that the post was written, and Mr. Wang and Uncle Cao went. According to this speculation, it can't be Xiaoxuan or Cao Yu, right? It doesn't look like Cao Yu is not that good at writing."

"Why, then do you think that is not the son of a senior member of the Department of Health and Dao, but a senior member of the Department of Health and Dao?"

"It's not impossible, sister."

Zhang Chao said, pointing to the mobile phone with a hippie smile, Xiaoxuan, who posted the post:

"Sister, look at this name, Xuan, maybe it's just a reminder, let me think about it, Xuan, Che, what, with this in the name, it has to be a dick's high-level executives, the head of Xuanxuan? Hahahahaha."

As soon as the words came out.

Not to mention Zhang Mei, Zhang Chao himself laughed out loud, it was a wild guess.


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