Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 235 Crowd Watching Effect, Super Fearless Combination

the next day.

High-speed rail waiting room.

Zhang Wei walked into the lobby, looked at the time was still early, found an empty seat and sat down, waiting for the high-speed train to depart.

Yesterday, he received a ghost exorcism mission from Cao Yushan, one of the directors of the Fumin District of the Department of Health and Safety. Since it was a ghost king-level water ghost, in order to avoid human life, Zhang Wei had no ink marks, so he decided to go and see the situation today. .

waiting period.

Zhang Wei chatted with Zhang Chao with his mobile phone.

[Zhang Chao]: Zhang Wei, I have already arranged with Cao Yu, and I will give you a big meeting gift to celebrate your fame in the Department of Defense Forum, hahaha

【Zhang Wei】: Fuck, you are serious, I thought you were just joking, but do you really know Cao Yu?

Zhang Wei sent a message to Zhang Chao.

Just last night, Chao Zhang learned that Zhang Wei had become famous again in the Department of Health Forum, so he immediately chatted with Zhang Wei, and then learned that Zhang Wei had accepted a mission from Cao Yushan to exorcise ghosts, and he also heard that Cao Yu was sent to meet Zhang Wei. .

I still remember.

When Zhang Chao heard about the situation, he immediately told Cao Yu to go to Cao Yu. He said that because Cao Yu had learned how to exorcise ghosts with a hearse from Zhang Wei, he was now on the rising star list. Zhang Wei, plus Zhang Wei is famous again, this must prepare a big gift for Zhang Wei, and I can also celebrate Zhang Wei's fame in addition to thanking him.

At first Zhang Wei thought that Zhang Chao was joking, but now that Zhang Chao sent a message saying that everything was well arranged, Zhang Wei couldn't help being surprised.

[Zhang Chao]: I'm not joking. I do know Cao Yu. Cao Yu's father is a senior member of the Department of Health and Dao. My family belongs to the Maoshan School. People with a head and face like ours naturally communicate with each other.

[Zhang Chao]: Including what I said yesterday is also true, that is, Cao Yu wants to thank you.

[Zhang Chao]: Do you still remember that not long ago, the old man Liu Shu killed a ghost king? They have a good relationship, and they even called me specifically to tell me how to thank Zhang Wei.

【Zhang Wei】: So you will help Cao Yu make suggestions and prepare a big meeting gift for me?

[Zhang Chao]: Hey, that is, who told you to be our brother, right? You are famous, and you are going to help your father drive away ghosts. I must not tell Cao Yu, let him give you The whole gift ah, ha ha ha.

【Zhang Wei】: Seeing what you said, I have reason to suspect that you are not planning to prepare a big gift for me, but are jealous of me and want to punish me.

【Zhang Chao】: Nonsense, how is it possible, no o(≧▽≦)ツ

Look at the message sent by Zhang Chao.

Zhang Wei was just about to reply, but at this time the high-speed rail broadcast came. He casually replied a message to Zhang Chao, and got up to take the subway.

【Zhang Wei】: Your facial expression has seriously betrayed you, let's not talk about it, I'm ready to get in the car.


the other side.

Sichuan Province, the "Seven Days Hotel" where the Ministry of Health is located.

After chatting with Zhang Wei, Zhang Chao called Cao Yu:

"How about it, has Cao Yu arranged it?"

"It's been arranged, I said Zhang Chao, are you sure this welcome ceremony is okay? Why do I feel that it's too grand, so grand that Zhang Wei will kill me."

"Then how is it possible? Didn't Lianfeng also listen to what I said yesterday, and thought it was very good? He said, his elder brother has to be like this. You see, your welcome ceremony is all paid by Lianfeng. I will To cheat Zhang Wei, that boy Lianfeng can't cheat Zhang Wei."

"No, Lianfeng is an idiot, a silly kid from a landlord's family, he just likes this kind of pretend cards, haha."


Time flies.

Fumin Province, Rongcheng High Speed ​​Rail Station.

As the high-speed train arrived, Zhang Wei picked up the phone and called Cao Yu when he got off the car and went to the exit. He had made an appointment yesterday, and he would call Cao Yu after he got off the car so that he could pick him up.


The phone connects.

"Cao Yu, I've arrived. Where can I wait for you now?"

"Okay, I'll wait for you at the station entrance. Brother Wei, just wait at the exit. I can find you."

As Cao Yu's voice came from the phone, Zhang Wei subconsciously looked at the people on the high-speed rail behind him, and there was a lot of people coming out one after another:

"Are you sure? My train is full of people, it's all people."

"Yes, I can find you as soon as you come out, I guarantee Zhang Chao's life."

Zhang Wei was stunned for a while, but he didn't stop. He was on the phone with Cao Yu while walking towards the exit.

Not long after that.

When he walked out of the station, Zhang Wei immediately understood why Cao Yu was able to find him, and what Zhang Chao's so-called great gift was.

The moment Zhang Wei came to the exit, there were too many girls in waves, and they all stood at the exit.

"Look!! Zhang Wei is out!!"

"Zhang Wei! Zhang Wei!!"

Like a domino effect, a girl found Zhang Wei, shouted instantly, and followed closely, this group of hundreds of girls went crazy, waving at Zhang Wei, cheering Zhang Wei, looking like they can't wait for now Follow Zhang Wei to a sea and sky feast.

This scene.

Not to mention that Zhang Wei was stunned, so were the other passers-by present. Qiqi looked at Zhang Wei with astonished eyes, as if saying, I am Cao? Have a star?

Immediately afterwards.

With Zhang Wei being surrounded by hundreds of girls, the high-speed railway station was boiling, and the crowd froze to watch, thinking that some big star was coming.

The so-called mass effect is also reflected at this time.

"Hi, who is Zhang Wei?"

Some of the onlookers were taking pictures of Zhang Wei, and at the same time, there was an excited person next to him, trying to push forward to squeeze people who wanted to take photos with Zhang Wei and ask for autographs.

Asked what he said.

The person questioned responded:

"I don't know. I think they are shouting like that. It must be a big star. I don't pay much attention to celebrities, but there are some celebrities who don't crowd around and want to sign autographs. I am so sorry for myself."

The man tried to squeeze forward as he spoke, and shouted:

"Hey, hey, Jean, I want to sign, oh~oh~ Zhang Wei! Zhang Wei!"

The person who asked the question was silent, and then pushed forward with that person to ask for an autograph.

In the end, there were more and more people at the scene, and the security guards of the high-speed rail rushed over, and when they came to see such a battle, the security guards were all shocked.

Good guy, is this Jackie Chan and Schwarzenegger here?

In a hurry, the security guards hurriedly maintained order and treated Zhang Wei like a big star, and acted as a temporary bodyguard to escort Zhang Wei out of the high-speed rail station, for fear of any incidents such as stampedes, fans attacking celebrities, and so on.


Until Zhang Wei boarded the large commercial vehicle prepared by Cao Yu and went away, the crowd still did not disperse.

People were all talking about Zhang Wei over there, some said they touched Zhang Wei's hand, some said Zhang Wei was so handsome, he deserved to be a star.

among them.

The most talked about is who Zhang Wei is.

"Who is Zhang Wei? Is he a singer?"

"Singer? Definitely not. Now singers are too sissy. Looking at Zhang Wei's body and face, he is not a sissy at all. He should be an actor."

"Zhang Wei, I know, is he the resident guest who participated in the extreme challenge of the variety show?"

"Zhang Wei, I seem to have heard of it somewhere, oh! Come to think of it, he is the son of Zhang Yimou."

"Zhang Wei? Is that Xie Na's husband, hi, I know him."

"You know the hook, Xie Na's husband is Zhang Jie."

At the end of the discussion, everyone found that many people didn't seem to know Zhang Wei.

For a moment, everyone wondered, who is Zhang Wei?


the other side.

On a large commercial vehicle.

Zhang Wei sorted out the messy clothes of the hundreds of girls, and then looked at Cao Yu after sending Zhang Chao a picture of "raising the middle finger".

Before Zhang Wei could speak first, Cao Yu said first:

"Brother Wei, how are you? Are you satisfied with this meeting gift?"

"The quality of the female fans is very high, but they are a little bit crazy. I almost thought I was going to be molested in public. The above is very good. Don't do it next time."

Zhang Wei didn't know whether to laugh or cry.

Cao Yu coughed when he heard the words, afraid of being taken away by Zhang Wei in the hearse, he hurriedly shirked his responsibility and said:

"This is Zhang Chao's idea to me. He said Zhang Wei, you are famous, you need to have a celebrity face. Lu Lianfeng also agreed and paid for it."

As soon as I heard Lu Lianfeng.

Zhang Wei quickly understood:

"Second brother? He must have agreed. He likes this kind of card the most. I said, how can I make such a big deal? I dare to show more affection than I thought. Lianfeng, a brat, will pay for it."

Cao Yu smiled and said:

"It is indeed Zhang Chaoyue. He said that he had thought about this a long time ago. He originally planned to be with you and Wu Nian in the future. He said that he even thought about the girl fans calling their group name. Zhang Chao, Wu Nian, Zhang Wei, together they are called Super Fearless Combination."

Zhang Wei laughed out loud. He didn't think that what Cao Yu said, it was possible for Zhang Chao to come up with this, maybe today's release was a preview for him to become famous in the future, let Zhang Wei warm up first.


After Cao Yu thanked Zhang Wei for giving him the inspiration to exorcise ghosts with a hearse and let him enter the new star list, Cao Yu didn't gossip, and said bluntly:

"Brother Wei, do you think we should go directly to the place where the water ghost haunts first, or go to the hotel to check in for you first?"

"Let's go to the water ghost first."

As Zhang Wei said, he remembered the information about the exorcism mission that Lin Tong sent him yesterday.

The water ghost haunts the largest river in Fumin, the "Minjiang Dahe". If it cannot be removed in time, it will have an impact on the water transportation industry and tourism industry in the river. After all, in order to avoid casualties, these industrial projects must be closed urgently.


(ps: Today is the college entrance examination, I wish all the readers who are taking the college entrance examination to get the ideal results!! Attached is the cheering picture of the college entrance examination, readers of the college entrance examination, please cheer! The college entrance examination must win!! Read the comments)

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