Cao Yu nodded when he heard the words, and drove to Minjiang.

for a long time.

Zhang Wei arrived at the place where a murder occurred in Minjiang.

The Minjiang River is very large, spanning four cities in the Fumin area. It is the longest river in this area. There are many industries such as commerce, tourism, machinery, hydropower, etc. Zhang Wei and the others went to a place in the Minjiang River. shore.

The current on the shore is not turbulent, and it is a place where many fishing enthusiasts often go fishing. The incident happened at night, and a night fisherman was dragged into the water. Those who entered the water, even those who went into the water to save others, never returned.

get out of the car.

Zhang Wei saw a lot of onlookers on the bank.

Although the shore has been surrounded by yellow strips, warning people not to come forward, there are still many people on the shore.

Look closely.

Some people were burned to death on the bank. They were the family members and friends of the fishing enthusiasts who were dragged into the river and killed by water ghosts, including the few fishing enthusiasts who were present at the time. Other than that, the rest are all good things. The onlookers were whispering and discussing over there.

"This must be caused by the water monkey, and someone dragged him into the water to reincarnate the dead ghost."

It was a nearby villager who spoke, and after learning that someone died here, he discussed with his companions.

And the water monkey in its mouth means water ghost. In some folk areas, people often call water ghost a water monkey.

His words come out.

Many people around are discussing.

"Come on, water monkey, what age is this? I think that one slipped and fell into the water accidentally."

"Then how do you explain that the person who went into the water to save someone also died? I know that person, and the swimming instructor is here. He taught my daughter to swim."

"Being able to swim doesn't mean you won't die in the water. Didn't you read the news? Usually those who die in the water are those who can swim. They rely on their own swimming skills and think it's okay, but the next second they die."

"I think so too, and saving people is different from swimming. If the rescued person struggles wildly, it's easy to kill the person who rescued him."

"No! That was caused by the water ghost. I was there at the time. I saw with my own eyes that there were hands in the water dragging Ayong down. If I hadn't been shitting and playing with my phone, I would have It was also filmed."

It was a friend of the victim who spoke, and he swore to take out his mobile phone and said:

"Look, is there a black hand by the water where Ayong is fishing? That is the water ghost. I saw the eyes of the water ghost. That's when I was terrified and shitting. I didn't have time to take pictures. As I said, maybe if I hadn't been pulling shit, I might have been dragged down by the water ghost."

Their conversation was heard by Zhang Wei.

But Zhang Wei didn't go close, even if he didn't look at the photo, he knew what the other person said was true.

I saw him looking towards the Minjiang River in front of him. Through the eyes of the sky, he saw the bank where the fisherman died, and there was a dense and terrifying black energy, which was the yin energy left by ghosts.

Also at this time.

Listening to the conversations of the people around, Cao Yu said to Zhang Wei:

"Not only this incident, but many incidents happened nearby. We tried to go into the water to catch people. I also specially drove the jet ski that my father asked Qilin Wei to consecrate. I didn't find the water ghost, and I was almost given to me by the water ghost. The motorcycle overturned."

in words.

Cao Yu recalled the situation when he learned about this and came to exorcise ghosts before, and he was afraid and said:

"Thanks to my jet ski being consecrated by a ghost king-level Qilin guard, it blocked the water ghost's attack. Otherwise, I would have died too. That's the same thing. I'm sure it's a ghost-level water ghost."

His words come out.

Because of the ghost king-level ghost involved, Zhang Wei didn't have time to praise Cao Yu, and actually developed the hearse to drive ghosts to amphibious.

He looked at Minjiang Road, which he couldn't see at a glance, in front of him:

"This Minjiang River is very long and wide, and it spans four cities. The range is too large. If you want to search for the water ghost, it is really difficult to search, but this is the last place where the water ghost appeared. Definitely still around."

"So there's no delay. I've accepted this task. I have to find the water ghost while it's still nearby."

Cao Yu was stunned for a moment when he heard that, then nodded hurriedly and said:

"I'm looking for it now? So fast?! Brother Wei, wait for me, I'll drive my jet ski over here now, wait for me..."

Yet the words were not finished.

Zhang Wei stretched out his hand and interrupted:

"There's no need to come here on a jet ski, and I don't want to search on the river."


Cao Yu changed color, as if thinking of something, he cried out in surprise:

"It's not searching on the river, so how do you find the water ghost, what the hell? Brother Wei, you want to search in the river?!"

Zhang Wei nodded noncommittally, and said directly:

"The Minjiang River is deep. If the water ghost is hiding at the bottom, it is difficult to find it. You can only find it in the river. You can know the situation in the river at a glance, and it is easier to find the water ghost."

As soon as his words came out.

Cao Yu directly gave Zhang Wei a thumbs up:

"As expected of Brother Wei, if I were to go into the water to find a ghost king-level water ghost, I wouldn't dare even if I was a ghost-level king. It's too brave, Brother Wei, but Brother Wei, you have to be careful and play it safe."

As he said that, he immediately turned around and started to drive:

"Brother Wei, I'm going to prepare diving suits and oxygen cylinders for you now."

"Don't prepare those." Zhang Wei stopped Cao Yu again.


Cao Yu was stunned again, staring straight at Zhang Wei:

"You don't need a diving suit and an oxygen tank? Then how do you go down the river? Shit! Brother Wei, you want to go down the river naked? Don't, Brother Wei, although you can hold your breath for a long time at the airport without being hanged to death, but this is in the water. what."

"Who said I'm going to go into the river naked."

How could Zhang Wei not know what Cao Yu was thinking, and said bluntly with a smile:

"I meant to go down to the river to look for the water ghost, so we can find the water ghost, but I didn't say that I wanted to go down the river myself, and of course I didn't want you to go down."

"Then who's going down?"

Cao Yu was stunned and asked subconsciously.

To this.

Zhang Wei directly took out six spherical objects from his pocket. These six objects looked the same, like balls, the size of the palm of your hand, the upper half circle was red, the lower half circle was white, and there was a raised circle in the middle. Round lights.

He took these six things and said:

"These go into the water."

Cao Yu was stunned when he saw this, and looked at Zhang Wei with a ghostly face, not for anything else, just because he recognized what these six things were...

Isn't this the elf ball in the cartoon "Pokemon" he watched when he was a child!

"Brother Wei, are you kidding me, Poké Ball??? What are you doing, are you taking the Poké Ball to subdue the water ghost king? Next, use it to start fire-type gyms, or do you want to release water-type Pokemon to drive them into the river?" Ghost, don't make trouble with Brother Wei, it's not funny."

Faced with Cao Yu's helpless ridicule, Zhang Wei smiled and said nothing, rather than explaining, he should do it directly.


He dragged Cao Yu to a place away from the onlookers, and then threw the poke ball towards the shore.

"I decided to use you, Squirtle."

Accompanied by the voice.

【Ding! Bless six Jenny Turtle Poké Ball toy system points 40000]

[The ghost back pattern is displayed, and the willow old man borrows part of his strength to endow six Jenny turtles with poke ball toys]

The system prompt sounded immediately.

Zhang Wei threw out six Poke Ball toys.

next second.

The six elves landed on the ground, and each shot out red light. Cao Yu was dumbfounded, the light magnified and swelled, and condensed into a standing blue turtle-like creature.

same moment.

The tortoises uttered the cry of 'Jenni Jenny'.

Looking at the biological appearance of those turtles, the body is blue, the head is very round, the back of the turtle shell is brown, and the tail is like a small wave. The front and rear limbs are all three-toed, and they are very short. The appearance is too similar, no, it is more than a similarity, it is real at all.

Cao Yu was stunned, and Jenny Jenny's voice echoed in his ears, and even a creature ran to its feet and patted its legs, looking curious.

Feeling the temperature of the little hands of the creature, Cao Yu stared and scratched his head and screamed:

"My God?! Live, live, live, live, live... Squirtle!?"


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