Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 237 What Kind Of Turtle Is This And Where Can I Buy It?

My name is Cao Yu. I was born on July 28th. I am 28 years old and I am still a virgin. I am only 2 years away from becoming a magician when I am a virgin at 30 years old.

In addition, I am also a ghost exorcist, and my father is one of the people in charge of the Fumin District of the Weidao Department. I am bluntly said that I am the second generation of officials. The list of potential new stars in the circle of readers has gained a great reputation.

But these are not the places that make me proud. What I am most proud of is that I saw a live Pokemon today, the original Yusanjia, and the water-type Pokemon that has become a popular emoji, Squirrel Turtle!


Looking at the living Squirrel in front of him, Cao Yu was stunned, and he felt a lot of thoughts in his mind, some excited, some shocked, some dull, some...

Until the Jenny Turtle touched his feet again, making a Jenny Jenny cry.

Cao Yu finally came back to his senses.

He turned his head to look at Zhang Wei dumbly, pointed to the Squirrel at his feet and said slowly:

"This... is alive?"

Zhang Wei nodded with a smile:

"Yes, it's alive. Didn't you see that the Squirrel's head is reflecting its eyes on your face? Of course, if you don't believe me, you can touch it, but you have to wait until you find the water ghost, and the mission can't be delayed."

As he spoke, he waved to the Squirrels.

Seeing this, the squirrels ran up to Zhang Wei very well and lined up in a row:

"Jenny Jenny."

Although their voices are Jenny Jenny, looking at the rows of Jenny turtles, the leader among them raised his little hand to salute, Cao Yu understood the meaning of his voice, it seemed to say, Master, we are here , please order, we are always ready to order.

Immediately afterwards.

When Zhang Wei said next, Cao Yu felt that he had guessed correctly.

I saw Zhang Wei motioning the Squirrels to look at the Minjiang River next to him, and said:

"There's a water ghost here, the level of a ghost king. You go down and look for it. If you find it, beat it up. By the way, bring the elf ball with you and see if you can catch the water ghost."

His words echoed in Cao Yu's ears, Cao Yu's eyes widened instantly, and he couldn't help but think of what he said before.

I Cao? !

Really accepting water ghosts, are you really going to use water ghosts to play in gymnasiums?

With the experience of watching Pokemon when he was a child, Cao Yu couldn't help thinking of this, and a strange picture inexplicably appeared in his mind.

Zhang Wei went to fight Xiaogang's Rock Gym, and then tilted his head with Xiaozhi's hat, released the water ghost to fight the big rock snake, the water ghost perfectly restrained the big rock snake of the rock type, and the big rock snake was knocked down Lost the ability to fight on the ground, Zhang Wei wins! Get a Gym Badge!

The fantasies continued until the jerky tortoise of "Jenni Jenni" sounded.

next second.

Cao Yu saw that under Zhang Wei's order, a row of Jenny turtles lined up, saluted Zhang Wei together, and rushed towards the Minjiang River together.

Following six plops, the water splashed, and the Squirrel jumped into the Minjiang River.


at the same time.

not far away.

At the shore where fishing enthusiasts died before, the crowd had not dispersed at this time. On the contrary, as the fishing enthusiasts’ families burned paper there and invited the dancing gods to save them, the crowd surrounded them even more. too much.

Just as they were watching the dance master talking.

A child screamed out.

I saw the child holding the Kamen Rider toy, pointing to a place in the Minjiang River ahead:

"Mama! Mama!! There are turtles, look, there are several turtles over there! What a big turtle!!"

in words.

The child did not forget to open his hand to show the size.

The people around him were all shocked when they heard the words. You must know that this is a place where Rongcheng City is more rural. That's why some people talked about the water monkey looking for a dead ghost. Now when they heard that there was a tortoise the size of a child, they hurriedly looked over. .

According to folk customs, the tortoise that appears in the big river is a good omen and a symbol of good luck. At the same time, it is spread among the people that the big tortoise in the river is very spiritual in the year, and it is even said that it is the incarnation of the river god.


Many people are busy looking in the direction pointed by the child:

"Where is it? Where is it? No, there is no turtle."

"I didn't see it either, I guess I saw wood or something."

"It should be, I guess the child's eyes are dazzled, hey, the child's speech, I am also excited to follow the letter."

"I'm not dazzled. I didn't see anything wrong. It wasn't wood. What I saw was the shell of a tortoise. It was so big and brown. The shell still had some white edges. By the way, the head of the tortoise is bright and blue. colored."

Being slandered, the child was angrily fighting for reason, and even made gestures about the appearance of the turtle he saw.

"Huh?? A blue turtle? The head is still bright? The edge of the turtle shell is still white? What kind of turtle is this?"

"This is the first time I've heard that the turtle is blue."

Facing the children's words, not only did everyone not believe them, but they even believed that the children's eyes were dazzled. After all, there is no such thing as turtle blue.

However, just when they doubted.

"Actually, I saw it too."

A young man who opened his mouth, the moment his words came out, the people around him immediately looked over. If children were said to be unbelievable and dazzled, then the young man was different, and they quickly asked about the situation.

To this.

The young man had a weird look on his face, he hesitated for a while before speaking:

"That is indeed a should be considered a tortoise, and... I've seen that kind of tortoise."

"Huh? Is there really a blue turtle? What kind of turtle is this?"

The person who suspected the child before asked subconsciously.

Sensing the curious eyes of that person and those around him, the young man Youyou said:

"That's... a Squirrel."

Words come out.

People around: "?????"

The people who burned the paper paused for a while when they burned the paper in their hands, and looked over: "?????"

Then the next second.

After hearing the young man's words, the child hurriedly clapped his hands and said in surprise:

"Ah!! Yes!! It's a Squirrel. I said looking at that tortoise, it looks so familiar. It turned out to be a Squirrel. Mama, there is a Squirrel."

As soon as this word came out.

Everyone was even more confused.

Is it because we are old and can't keep up with the times? Even children know the breed of turtle, but we don't know it anymore.

Then someone muttered:

"Does this kind of turtle actually exist? It sounds very ornamental. Where can it be sold? How much is it? I'll just buy it and put it in my food stall."


the other side.

In the water of the Minjiang River.

at this time.

In this Minjiang River that straddles four cities, Zhang Wei and the others are in an underwater area near the Minjiang River.

Lying there leisurely was a corpse whose skin was soaked to rot and flesh was soaked and edematous. If it hadn't suddenly raised its legs and leaned against a stone on the river bed, it would really be like a corpse.

But as it picked up a bloody arm and gnawed on it, it also raised its legs.

for sure.

That's not a corpse.

It's a ghost.

And judging from the terrifying Yin Qi it exudes.

It's still a ghost king-level water ghost!


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