at this time.

The water ghost gnawed on his arm, feeling very good.

These days, relying on the advantage of the water ghost, he has killed many people, including a ghost exorcist. It can't help it.

However, it doesn't swell. How can one be careless if one can cultivate to the level of the ghost king.

"After this meal is over, go to the next place. I'll see how your Department of Health finds me."

Said the water ghost swallowed the arm he was gnawing in his hand, looked around, looked at the four cities around him, and finally the Minjiang River that went straight to the East China Sea, and raised a grim smile:

"So what if the corpse hunters come, this river is so big, even if the corpse hunters come, they can't find me, even if you spend a lot of time to seal the whole river, I can still go to the East China Sea. The sea, the vast sea, even the Yellow River corpse hunters can only watch the show."

in words.

The water ghost couldn't help laughing:

"Hahaha... huh? What is that?"

Before laughing twice, the water ghost, who has a sense of water, suddenly felt the change of the water flow. From the change of the water flow, he found that something seemed to be coming towards him.

Also feel the next second.

The water ghost saw the changing direction of the water flow and looked closely. There were six blue things swimming towards it. The speed was so fast that they could reach it in the blink of an eye, which is beyond the reach of ordinary Hanoi creatures.

"Blue turtle??"

The water ghost could clearly see the appearance of the six 'things'. They looked like turtles, but their bodies were blue except for the turtle shells. The turtle's head was particularly round and full.

【Ding! The water ghost narrowed his eyes and looked, good guy, have you met a rare species of tortoise? ? If I caught this before my death, I might be able to sell it for a lot of money. 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

at the same time.

The water ghost discovered the 'blue turtle', and the 'blue turtle' also discovered the water ghost.

As soon as they found the water ghost, they all cried out excitedly:

"Jenny Jenny!!"

【Ding! Listening to the voice of the Squirtle, the water ghost laughed in his heart, "Lend you, lend you?" Are these tortoises so funny? If you want to borrow money from them, you must borrow one at a time, haha... poof... ah! ! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +90]

With the system prompt beeping.

The water ghost who was still teasing the Jenny Turtle last second.

The next second is to see, after the Jenny turtles saw it, the leading Jenny turtle stretched out his small hand, pointed at the water ghost to his partner, and yelled 'Jenny! '.


The Jenny turtle straightened its head together, swung its hands and feet back, and shot out like a rocket in an instant, shooting straight at the unsuspecting water ghost.


Fierce ghost cries resounded in the river.

The water ghost was hit by six Jenny turtles, flew upside down in the river, and hit the boulder on which it raised its legs before.

boom! ! !

There was a loud noise.

The force of the impact was so great that it shattered the whole boulder.

【Ding! The water ghost was attacked by the rocket head hammers of the Jenny turtles, and was stunned by the pain. Did I vomit blood when I was hit by a turtle? ? How is it possible, what is this thing? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

As a water ghost, he has never seen any turtles before. He knows that some turtles are aggressive, but there has never been such a strong one. A turtle hit its head and broke its ribs. This is definitely not a turtle, nor is it bastard.

The key point is that the tortoises look full of spirituality, and from their behavior, it is obvious that they are here for it.

Think here.

The water ghost was stunned.

【Ding! The water ghosts are confused and don't understand why they are being targeted. Is it because I am a foreign species, and I am still killing people on their territory, and I am disliked by these 'locals'. 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

Before he had time to think, the water ghost saw the Squirrels rushing over again.

"Jenny Jenny!!"

The squirrels straightened their heads again and fired rocket-head mallets at the water ghost.

The water ghost changed color without the slightest hesitation, surging Yin Qi, controlling the water flow and Yin Qi, flocking towards the Squirrels.

Boom! ! !

This scene was shocking.

There was a black wave in the river, like a black copper wall, pressing out, and the squirrels continued unabated. The two collided together, and there was a roaring copper bell, which stirred up the river area. , Even the river sent soaring waves.

The scene is spectacular, as if a mine was projected and exploded here.


The water ghost looked in horror, and found that the Squirrels blocked his attack. The tortoise's head was bright and bright, and there was no scar at all.

But the horror was the horror, the water ghost didn't stop moving, and once again triggered the water flow, squeezing the Squirrels from all directions, trying to crush them to death.

To this.

The Squirrels felt the water squeezed from all directions, looked at each other and nodded:

"Jenny Jenny."

Sound out.

Under the watchful eyes of the water ghost, the Squirtle turtles retracted into their shells, and the shells rotated rapidly, and then their shells were connected in a row to break through the surface and break through the squeeze.

All this happened between lightning and flint.

The water ghost never expected that these tortoises could still spin their shells at high speed, and they were caught off guard by the Jenny again.


The water ghost coughed up blood and flew out.

【Ding! The water ghost was hit by the jenny turtles spinning at high speed, and went mad with anger, I'm going to kill you... Wait, fuck! what! ! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +110]

The water ghost was angry.

It is a majestic ghost king-level water ghost, and it was hit by a group of bastards twice in a row in the water system field it is best at. It wants to kill these six things that don't know whether it is bastards or turtles.

However, the Squirtle Turtles did not give it a chance to fight back.

After spinning and hitting the water ghost at high speed, they leaned out together, and then six jenny turtles grabbed its hands and feet respectively, and the other two stuck one to its back and one to its chest.

The water ghost subconsciously called out 'fuck' in shock.

"Jenny Jenny, poof!!!"

The Squirrels opened their mouths and sprayed high-pressure water guns at the water ghosts at close range.

【Ding! The water ghost screamed, fuck, can it still spray water? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +120]

Almost face-to-face with the Jenny Turtle's high-pressure water gun, the impact force felt like boulders hitting his face one after another. The water ghost screamed and was completely stunned by the Jenny Turtle.

For a while, the system beeped continuously.

【Ding! The water ghost was completely stunned, never expected that, as a water ghost, it would be seriously injured by the spray of water one day】

[Host obtains system points +100]

【Ding! The water ghost was crazily sprayed by the six turtle heads, feeling humiliated and furious. It inexplicably remembered the news that it accidentally saw not long ago that the three were "violent" to a monitor lizard. Some understood how the monitor lizard felt. Six 'violence' was painful. 】

[Host obtains system points +110]

【Ding! ...]


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