Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 239 Squirtle Evolves! Kami Turtle, Evolve Again! Blastoise

Accompanied by the system prompt sound continuously.

The water ghost struggled violently, with a surge of Yin energy, and frantically went to pull the Jenny turtle, trying to pull the Jenny turtle off his body.


There were too many Squirrels. It just pulled off the left-handed Squirrel and was about to grab the right-handed Squirrel, but the left-handed Squirrel jumped up again and hung on its arm.

【Ding! The water ghost is crazy, and very much hopes that there will be thunder and rain now. I remember folk rumors that if there is thunder, the tortoise will let go. 】

[Host obtains system points +120]


It exerts Yin energy, stirs the river water, and makes a thunderous sound.

However, the effect was not as good as expected, on the contrary, it was even worse, and the Squirrels hugged even tighter.

for a while.

A strange sight appeared in this river.

A gloomy ghost with disheveled hair and roaring wildly, with six blue turtles hanging from its body, it jumped up and down in the water frantically, frantically shaking its body, trying to get rid of the 'pendant' on its body.

Immediately afterwards.

After struggling for a long time, he found that he still couldn't get rid of the Squirrel. The water ghost couldn't help but gritted his teeth and rushed out towards the surface of the water.

at the same time.

On this river, a senior high school student was standing on the bank of the river, watching the river curiously.

Although today is only the first day of the college entrance examination, he is in a good mood, because after the math test, he found that those top students thought the math test was difficult, and he was immediately overjoyed. This situation is very friendly to their scumbags, since I can't do it, and Xueba can't do it either, so the score won't be too wide, and the score line admission line won't be cut too high.

But now his attention is no longer on the college entrance examination, he is attracted by the river.

Not so long ago.

He passed by this river and found that the usually calm Minjiang River became choppy, with waves rolling from time to time.

You must know that he has been walking this river for more than ten years. This is the first time he saw such a situation, and he couldn't help but stop and watch curiously.

see behind.

He even took out his mobile phone, ready to take a picture of the tumbling river.


Accompanied by the sound of the camera shutter coming from the mobile phone.

boom! ! ! !

Before I had time to appreciate the photos I took, the river in front of me looked like a high-explosive mine had been detonated in the water. With a loud noise, the river exploded with a bang, and the waves rose into the sky, reaching several meters high.

The students were stunned as they watched the pouring river burst into the sky.

Also at this moment.

His pupils suddenly dilated, and he saw a scene he will never forget...

In the river bursting into the sky, a water ghost with disheveled hair, with six bastards hanging from its body, rushed out of the water. It shot out of the water like a rocket, screaming frantically, "let go of me", and At the same time, those six bastards were frantically spraying water on it.

The student was stunned, his mind was filled with no thoughts about the college entrance examination, only doubts remained...

Are there really ghosts in the world? !

Is that a water ghost? !

And that's... bastard? ? ?


Fuck? !

The water ghost is fighting with bastard? ?

Fuck? !

The water ghost was beaten by bastards? ...Water ghost...can't beat bastards? ? ?

See here.

The student's mind went blank, except for one thought, so...Was it the bastard's water ghost?

Follow this thought.

I don't know if he realized that he was being seen by the students, or if it was really effective for the water ghost to rush out of the water, or because he knew that such entanglement was not the answer, the Squirrel let go of the water ghost in an instant.

【Ding! The water ghost found out that it was loosened by the Jenny Turtle, as if it was amnesty, Wuhu! ! Very good! ! ! The bastard who can nourish water let me go! 】

[Host obtains system points +130]

The water ghost didn't miss the chance.

The moment it broke free, it turned around and plunged into the water.

To this.

The Squirtle Turtles were not in a hurry, and rushed into the water after them.

"Jenny Jenny."

Hearing the cries of the Squirrels coming from behind, watching the Squirrels chasing after him, even if the water ghost can't understand the turtle language, it can understand the Squirtle's behavior just by looking at the Squirtle's words and deeds. What are you calling, that is telling yourself not to run.


The water ghost's face was gloomy, and while keeping the distance from the Squirtle, he didn't dare to be careless anymore, with all his Yin energy surging, he bombarded the Squirrel with all his strength.

【Ding! The water ghost sent out his strongest blow, roaring in his heart, no matter what you are, you will die to me! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +140]

Face yourself with a full blow.

The water ghost is full of confidence. After such a long battle, it finds that these turtles are not as strong as its own, and its victory lies in the number of them. Now that it has opened the distance and is hit with all its strength by itself, since they are not as strong as its own, it will definitely die in the end.

However, before it could raise a triumphant smile, it was dumbfounded the next second.

I saw the moment when I blasted out with all my strength.

As if feeling the threat, the six Jenny Turtles let out a roar of 'Jenny Jenny'.

Chi! !

The light blooms.

In the eyes of the water ghost full of unbelievable ghosts.

The leading Jenny burst out with bright light, and with the light expanding, the size of that Jenny suddenly became bigger, and it made the sound of "Kami Kami".

【Ding! The water ghost was dumbfounded, draft it! Can't afford it, can't beat it and bring a breakthrough on the spot? evolution? 】

[Host obtains system points +100]

【Ding! Take back the system points of the five Squirrel toys, leaving only 1 system point]

【Ding! Bless a Squirrel toy with 40,000 system points]

[Ghost back pattern is displayed, part of the strength of old man Liushu, endowing a Jenny toy]

The system prompt sounds.

The water ghost noticed that the turtle that had changed its form became stronger, its aura rose steadily, and soon broke through to the level of the ghost king, and its strength was already comparable to it.

Just don't wait for the water ghost to be shocked.

The Jenny Turtle, which evolved into a Kami Turtle, burst into light again, its body shape changed again, and its aura continued to rise, directly surpassing the water ghost who had just been promoted to the ghost king.

When the light fades away.

The water ghost was stunned, watching the body become taller than itself, with a mighty and fierce appearance, especially the two cannons on the turtle shell, it fell silent.

【Ding! The water ghost wants to swear at people, whoever is riding a horse, you bastard breaks through as soon as you break through, and you still have weapons and cannons? 】

[Host obtains system points +110]

Look at the Squirtle that has evolved into Blastoise, and feel its breath of ghost king.

Without the slightest hesitation, the water ghost turned around and ran away.

It was difficult to deal with without evolution before, but now the evolution breakthrough has a cannon, which is still a stick, and the end will definitely die here.


The Water Arrow Turtle seemed to have expected it a long time ago. The moment it ran, it let out a roar of "Kame Kame" and rushed up. At the same time, the two cannons on the turtle shell aimed directly at the water ghost.

next moment.

There were two loud roars.

Terrible water cannons were fired from its cannons.


The water ghost was hit directly, and one arm was blown off.

The Water Arrow Turtle showed no mercy, and fired one cannon after another, breaking one of the water ghost's legs, making it impossible to escape, then rushed up, raised two turtle hands, the turtle hands glowed, and cast a pet Elf skills megaton boxing.

At last.

When the water ghost was beaten to death, the water arrow turtle retreated and used the water arrow turtle version of the rocket head hammer.

boom! ! ! !

Following the loud bang, the system prompt sounded immediately.

【Ding! The water ghost was dying, and before he died, he really wanted to ask someone, what is this thing? Prime Minister Turtle? But this is not the East China Sea, and there are six tortoise prime ministers? 】

[Host obtains system points +120]

It's a pity that no one answered it. The only ones who answered it were Blastoise's "Kamekame" and the remaining five Jenny turtles' "Jeney Jenny".

【Ding! When the water ghost was dying, he heard the cry of the water arrow turtle and thought, this is not a tortoise or a bastard, it is a whole loan group, one is called to borrow you, and the other is called Ka Wu Ka Mei. 】

[Host obtains system points +120]

The system prompt sounds.

Blastoise threw the poke ball towards the dying water ghost and took it into it. Then the poke ball shook, and after a while, with a ding sound, the small red light on its semicircle stopped flashing red.


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