Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 240 Gather The Heads Of The Seven Ghost Kings, Can You Summon The Dragon?

Then subdued the water ghost.

The Blastoise shone brightly and turned back into a Squirtle. It and the other Squirrels shouted happily, happily completing the task given by Zhang Wei.


They took out a pair of sunglasses from the turtle shell, holding the elf ball with the water ghost in their arms, and swam to where Zhang Wei was.

the other side.

On the bank of the river where Zhang Wei is.

at this time.

Cao Yu stood on the bank, watching the river closely, even though a lot of time had passed, but he didn't dare to look away, for fear of missing the scene of the Jenny coming out of the water, and he would regret it for the rest of his life.

After waiting for a while, seeing that there was still no movement on the river, Cao Yu couldn't help but said:

"Brother Wei, is there really no problem? It seems a long time has passed."

Zhang Wei heard that he was about to respond, but he seemed to feel something in an instant, and immediately motioned Cao Yu to look at the river:

"No problem, don't you think they're back?"

next moment.

Cao Yu saw that there was movement on the previously calm river, bubbles popped up, and six jenny turtles wearing sunglasses swam out of the river.

As soon as they came out of the river, they moved their short tortoise legs together and ran towards Zhang Wei happily.

"Jenny Jenny~"

Among them, the leader Squirrel raised a poke ball with both hands and handed it to Zhang Wei.

Although he couldn't hear what the Jenny Turtles were calling, Cao Yu could see that the Jenny Turtles had learned a lot from the way they wore sunglasses.


He was stunned, his gaze fell directly on the elf ball in Squirrel's hand, and his heart skipped a beat.



At this moment, Zhang Wei took the elf ball and patted the Squirtle on the head:

"Thank you for your hard work."

"Jenny Jenny."

The jenny turtles shook their heads, and then they all saluted Zhang Wei and Cao Yu, and Zhang Wei received the elf ball.

Only then did Cao Yu come back to his senses and hurriedly approached him and asked:

"Brother Wei, that elf ball..."

Zhang Wei knew what Cao Yu wanted to ask, and shook the elf ball containing the water ghost with a smile:

"Look, I said no problem, you see they not only found the water ghost, but also caught it."

As soon as his words came out.

Could Cao Yu understand what he meant, and couldn't stop taking a deep breath:

"Hiss! Really caught?!"

in words.

He stared at the elf ball in Zhang Wei's hand, wondering what he was thinking.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei smiled, pressed the red light button of the elf ball, and lifted it forward. The next second, the red light button shot out a red line and condensed into a humanoid creature, which was a dying water ghost.

Cao Yu had fought against the water ghost before, and recognized the water ghost at a glance:

"Fuck! Are you really subdued?!"

Zhang Wei looked over upon hearing this, and asked:

"Cao Yu, are you sure that this water ghost is the one that almost killed you before? I didn't catch the wrong ghost, right?"

Cao Yu nodded again and again:

"Yes, I'm sure it's this ghost. It just turned into ashes and turned into Geng Gui. I can recognize it with its Yin Qi. It's it."

"That's fine, I successfully completed the ghost exorcism mission. By the way, Cao Yu, you can help me trade with the Secretary of Defense. A living ghost king-level water ghost should be very valuable."

Zhang Wei spoke out.

Staring at the water ghost released by the elf ball, Cao Yu subconsciously spoke.

"Ah? Brother Wei, what are you talking about? Are you going to trade the water ghost? You don't want to go to the gym anymore... Bah, no, don't you want the water ghost? This is a ghost king-level water ghost. It has been trained, but it is very good helpful."

Cao Yu stopped here.

He suddenly remembered that Zhang Wei already had a "Pokemon" like Mr. Liu Shu, and he didn't need such an inferior water ghost who was promoted to ghost king at all.

"I don't need a water ghost. This thing is useless to me. The only function is to step on a water ghost. It can be used as a water skateboard. It's better to exchange it for something useful."

Zhang Wei responded with a smile.


Cao Yu contacted the people from the Department of Health and Dao to bring the magic weapon, captured the water ghost and trapped him, and escorted him back to the Department of Wei Dao.

Watching the water ghost being carried to the escort vehicle of the Department of Health and Dao.

Cao Yu was filled with emotion.

As a member of the Department of Health and a high-level descendant, he knows very well how difficult it is to capture a ghost king. He may not be able to catch one in a year, let alone trading a living ghost king, which is usually traded with ghost kings brought to death by ghost exorcists. .

But Zhang Wei not only took the heads of four ghost kings before, plus a jade slip comparable to the heads of ghost kings, but now he has captured another ghost king alive.

the other side.

Zhang Wei didn't know what Cao Yu was thinking, he was busy settling accounts:

"I remember Xiaoxue said that a living ghost king is very valuable, equal to the price of two ghost king's heads, so I now have seven ghost king heads? Have you got all the seven dragon balls so quickly?"

"The heads of the seven ghost kings, although they can't summon the dragon, at least they can fulfill my wish to go to the Prison of the Department of Defense."

"But if I can't go to the Department of Health Prison, what should I exchange for it?"

Dragon Ball comes to mind.

Zhang Wei couldn't help but turned around and asked Cao Yu:

"Cao Yu, does the Department of Defense have any dragons?"

"Ah? Brother Wei, why did you suddenly ask this?"

"Oh, it's nothing, I was just thinking, I've got all seven 'Dragon Balls', it's time to summon Shenlong."

Although Zhang Wei couldn't understand what he said, Cao Yu, who knew Zhang Wei and the Department of Defense, understood what he meant:

"Brother Wei, there are no dragons. There are real dragon guards. You can call a real dragon guard to help. After all, the value of the heads of the seven ghost kings is worth it. Let the real dragon guard help once."

Cao Yu said as if thinking of something, and added:

"By the way, the Weidaosi doesn't have dragons, but there are dragon veins. Brother Wei, you can try to exchange them to see the dragon veins."

"Dragon veins?"

Zhang Wei frowned, although he really wanted to see Daxia's dragon veins, and even Zhang Wei was thinking, adding some points to Daxia's dragon veins, he didn't know what would happen, but thinking of exchanging to see the dragon veins, he felt a bit at a loss.

He dismissed the idea.

Instead, he asked the real dragon guard for help once, which interested him.

If you let the real dragon guard use his blessing system points, he should be able to get a lot of system points for himself.


Zhang Wei shook off the thoughts in his mind, it was useless to think about them now, let's wait for the news from the Department of Health and Dao, and see if he can enter the prison of the Department of Health for himself.

Also at this time.

Watching the vehicle away from the Ministry of Health, Cao Yu turned his head and said:

"Brother Wei, thank you for helping our Department of Defense capture a ghost king alive, I have already had people prepare a banquet, let's go, I will take you to eat, so that I can thank you, haha.

As he spoke, he remembered Zhang Wei's question before, and said with a hey smile:

"By the way, Brother Wei, congratulations on collecting seven 'Dragon Balls'. Although you didn't summon the dragon, but if Brother Wei is willing, I will take you to Xijiao City. There are dragons there. You know, one dragon serves, haha .”

Hearing the words, Zhang Wei laughed and replied:

"This can be considered, but I can't be polite. I'll take you to eat a dragon. I was lucky enough to eat the dragon meat. The taste is slightly spicy and the meat is delicious. I vaguely remember that the dragon I ate was called Weilong."


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