Cao Yu laughed out loud:

"Wei Long, I've eaten it too. It costs 50 cents a piece. To be honest, if there are dragons in the world, if the dragons hear that there are dragons that are so worthless, they will be so angry that it will rain heavily for three days."

Zhang Wei replied:

"That's not necessarily true. Maybe Long heard about it and went to eat Weilong. By the way, he did a one-stop service. This is really a one-stop service."

As soon as the words came out.

Cao Yu couldn't help thinking of a five-clawed golden dragon eating Weilong spicy strips, running to the bathing center to do one-stop service, and uttered a deep dragon chant.

along the way.

Zhang Wei and Cao Yu chatted all the way.

Just when you are about to arrive at the hotel.

Jingle Bell.

The phone in Cao Yu's hand rang, he picked it up, and then said into the phone:

"Okay, I see, Dad, what are you going to do with that water ghost? Uh, dad, that ghost is fine. Think about it, is there a possibility that the 'blue turtle' that water ghost saw Prime Minister', his name is actually Squirtle."

Although Zhang Wei didn't hear the words on the phone, Cao Yuqi's words, and the fact that he took the phone away from his ear after speaking, looked harsh.

He's sure.

The person on the phone was Cao Yushan, and he was scolding Cao Yu, most likely because he was scolding Cao Yu for not doing his job properly, what a jerkie, have you watched too many cartoons?

Not long.

Cao Yu hung up the phone and said to Zhang Wei:

"Brother Wei, my dad called just now. He told me that the water ghost has been escorted to the headquarters of the Department of Health and Dao in our Fumin area. It is currently reporting to the next step to deal with the water ghost."

"Oh! And my dad asked me to tell you, thank you for your help, the reward will be credited to your card soon, and the water ghost transaction will also be reported, my dad asked me to treat you well."

Zhang Wei smiled and waved his hands:

"You're being polite. After all, you have accepted the task and must complete it well."

He said and cast a curious look:

"By the way, Cao Yu, you just said that the next step is to deal with the water ghost. How do you plan to deal with it? Put it in prison? Or what?"

Compared with the compensation, Zhang Wei is more curious about how to deal with the water ghost.

Before Zhang Wei thought of going to the Prison of the Department of Health and Justice, he had some knowledge about the prison. Among them, he had learned that the Department of Health and Dao’s treatment of ghost king-level ghosts was not all locked up in prisons, and some were used for experiments to develop and develop. Magic weapon against ghosts.


It is said that ghost kings are re-educated and used for their own use. If the ghost king is rebellious and the crimes he commits are bad, he will be imprisoned in prison. There are also quite a few exorcists.

When asked by Zhang Wei, Cao Yu didn't hide it, and he had nothing to hide:

"Well, I asked my dad just now, and he said to see the situation of water ghosts, and water ghosts of the ghost king level are relatively rare, so it is more likely to use them than to put them in prison."

That's all for words.

Cao Yu recalled and continued:

"For example, on the other side of the Yellow River, there was a ghost king-level water ghost who was subdued by the Yellow River corpse hunter. The Department of Health and Dao later sent the water ghost to the Yellow River to deal with other water ghosts. Haha, of course, the treatment of this water ghost is not necessarily This depends on what good solution my father and the others have."

As he spoke, he couldn't help looking at Zhang Wei:

"Brother Wei, what do you think is a good solution to the water ghost? Our Department of Health has been brainstorming. If there is a good solution to report, it can be adopted and implemented. There have been cases before."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei touched his chin and said:

"Well, when I caught the water ghost before, I did think about it. I thought that besides using it as a water skateboard, it should have other uses, such as throwing the water ghost in the waters of the Sakura country, letting it Drink water every day, check the nuclear pollution situation, and report at any time."

in words.

Zhang Wei said seriously:

"This is a non-destructive nuclear pollution detection machine. Think about it, ghosts will not be contaminated by nuclear pollution. Don't worry that it will mutate into a Godzilla or something like a sea creature."

"Let it stay there, so that we can receive first-hand information about seawater pollution at any time, and in case of pollution, it can also control the backflow of seawater to prevent water from drifting over here."

Cao Yu was silent.

He stared at Zhang Wei with wide eyes, and held back a word after a long while:

"Fuck! Brother Wei, although your idea is very fucking, very beastly, and very criminal! But I think it's very good!"

"That's right, it's very criminal and inhumane, but there's no law to protect ghosts. Besides, it's still a bad ghost. It doesn't need to consider humanitarianism. It can even use this to deter other ghosts. If they dare to commit crimes, they just wait to follow the water." Like a ghost."

Zhang Wei replied with a smile.


Cao Yu picked up the phone and called his father Cao Yushan on the spot.


Rongcheng City, the headquarters of the Fumin District Health Department.

at this time.

Since it involves ghost king-level ghosts, or water ghosts, this is a big deal. Cao Yushan is currently conducting video conferences with the heads of other regions to discuss solutions.

They were arguing over there.

Many people proposed that they want the water ghosts to come to their own area to control the water ghosts, but others also want to, and they have been arguing constantly. Even though they proposed different solutions to each other, they were still denied.

Listening to their quarrel, Cao Yushan rubbed his temples dumbfounded, and couldn't help but think that it would be great if Zhang Wei caught more water ghosts.

It's a pity that there are so many ghost king-level water ghosts to catch.

at this time.

Jingle Bell.

Cao Yushan's cell phone rang, and when he picked it up, the caller showed that his son Cao Yu was calling.

"You guys discuss first, and I'll answer the phone first."

Cao Yushan wondered if his son was accompanying Zhang Wei, but he still got up and answered the phone.

Immediately afterwards.

Not long after, the people in charge of the quarrel in the video all heard Cao Yushan's voice in the video of Fumin area:

"Son, you've been driving a lot of hearses. Have you opened your mind? This indeed feasible. Uh, Zhang Wei told you? Talk to the others."

The words fell.

They saw Cao Yushan hurried over in the video.

After Cao Yushan sat on the seat, he opened his mouth and said:

"Everyone, I have a suggestion for dealing with water ghosts."


That night.

Luxia City, an e-sports hotel.

The fat man was browsing the forum of the Ministry of Health in boredom.

Not long.


He sat up straight and was attracted by a post—【Big news, Zhang Wei is said to have captured a ghost-level water ghost alive】


Fatty's eyes lit up, he smiled and muttered to himself, and clicked on the post:

"Damn it, Zhang Wei caught the Ghost King behind my back again?! He's still alive, hey!! Zhang Wei really has you! I'm going to get wool again so soon."

The fat man rubbed his hands happily:

"The living ghost king is still a water ghost. How should I deal with it? Should I raise it in captivity, or give it to a tailor to free-range in the Northeast, or eat it?"

is talking.

He looked at the content of the post and the comments, his voice stopped abruptly, and he looked sideways at one of the comments.

A user named 'Pippi mouse does not die from electric shock' made a comment:

【It's true, brother Wei did catch the water ghost, and I also heard that the water ghost's solution is...】

Look at this comment.

The fat man's smile froze, and the corners of his mouth twitched:

"Put it in the sea for testing? Turtle, is it so compelling and constructive? How can I have the heart to snatch it?"

As he said that, he saw a comment below from "Pippi Rats Don't Die from Electric Shocks":

[Hehe, you may not believe me when I say it, but the solution is still what Brother Wei thought, hahaha]

See here.

The fat man finally sighed:

"Since it's Zhang Wei's proposal, and it's still so clever, forget it, I reluctantly give up. Goodbye, my water ghost."


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