Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 242 The Coffin In The Dry Well, Zhang Wei Wants To Press The Coffin Board?

the other side.

Banyan City, in a restaurant.

at this time.

Zhang Wei walked out of the restaurant, and at Cao Yu's kind invitation, Zhang Wei had a sumptuous meal.

"Brother Wei, does the food suit your appetite, why don't you go drink some wine, sing a song, and have a massage."

It was Cao Yu who spoke.

After paying, he walked out of the restaurant behind Zhang Wei with a smile.

Zhang Wei waved his hands, patted his stomach and said:

"No, I'm so stuffed that I can hardly walk. Drinking and singing is fine. Massage is okay, but I'm serious."

"Hahaha, then I'll take Brother Wei to get a massage. I often go to that place. After the massage, it's very soothing."

"Let's not go for a massage first, I want to go to the handicraft store first."

"It's in the mall. I bought a figure of Cao Yanbing from Zhenhun Street for my girlfriend before."


Cao Yu drove Zhang Wei to the figure shop in his Wuling Hongguang.

Walked around for half an hour.

Zhang Wei got into the car with a satisfied smile.

Before getting in the car, he didn't forget to take pictures of the figures he bought and send them to Fatty.

Immediately afterwards.

There was a message on his wechat, and it was from the fat man.

[Fatty]: Damn it, buy a figure behind my back, ┭┮﹏┭┮, I also want a figure, that figure of Lianzhu, I really want it, don’t say it, come and bring me tonight Top score, no score, your Lianzhu figure is mine, grinning like a devil Laughter jpg

Accompanied by the WeChat notification tone.

【Ding! Unknown Ghost Envy]

[Host obtains system points +100]

A system prompt sounded in my mind.

The smile on Zhang Wei's face was even bigger. Today was a really happy day. He collected all the Dragon Balls, bought figurines, and picked up the fat man's wool.

"It would be great if Xiaolin and Xiaoxue were here, and I would be happier tonight."

Zhang Wei grunted.

"Ah? Brother Wei, what did you say?"

"No, I said I was really happy today, and Rongcheng left me with good memories."

"Hahaha, that's good, that's good."

Cao Yu responded with a smile, then got into the driver's seat and said:

"Let's go, Brother Wei, I'll take you to press..."

The word massage is not finished yet.

Jingle Bell.

His cell phone rang.

Cao Yu was stunned for a moment, but when he saw the number displayed on his mobile phone, it was a call from their Department of Health and Dao:

"What's wrong? Why call me at this hour."

Cao Yu said into the phone.

Not long.

After Cao Yu hung up the phone, Zhang Wei couldn't help but said:

"What's wrong? A supernatural event happened?"

Although Zhang Wei couldn't hear the content of the phone, Zhang Wei saw Cao Yu's frowning expression. Thinking about it again, at 9 o'clock in the evening, the Department of Health and Dao called him, and he could understand the situation after deliberation.

as predicted.

Cao Yu put down the phone and apologized:

"Yeah, a supernatural event happened. The colleague on duty today asked me to go over to have a look. Brother Wei, I'm sorry, I may not be able to take you there right now, but it's okay. I'll call you a car. The owner of the bathing shop I am familiar with……"

Zhang Wei interrupted his words, waved his hand and said:

"It's okay. There are supernatural events that need to be dealt with quickly. It just so happens that I just finished eating, so I'm free too. I'll come with you."

If there is a supernatural event, there must be a ghost. How could Zhang Wei let go of the opportunity to squeeze the wool? Today, the water ghost gave him thousands of system points alive, and he is one step closer to reaching the ghost king with his own strength. No matter how hard he works, he will be able to can arrive.

"Brother Wei, will you go too? That's great."

"What? Listen to what you said, are you afraid that you won't be able to handle it?"


Cao Yu didn't give a shit, scratched his head in embarrassment, started the car, and told the situation:

"A colleague called me just now, saying that they had encountered a supernatural event and found a coffin. Judging from the aura emanating from the coffin, there must be ghosts inside."

"I heard from my colleague that the coffin looked quite evil, and some incomprehensible symbols were drawn on it. It should be the handwriting of a ghost exorcist, and the coffin has a certain age. Hearing him say so strangely, I am not good. Judge whether it can be dealt with."

"After all, Brother Wei, you know that since there is a ghost exorcist, it may be refining corpses, or even the ghost exorcist is refining himself. It is not impossible. The ghost exorcist is the most troublesome to deal with the ghost exorcist."

"Not to mention dealing with those who exorcise ghosts in life and become ghosts after death. This is also very difficult."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei nodded noncommittally:

"Ghost exorcists are really tricky. They know how to crack ghost exorcism, especially if it is a coffin of a certain age. If the ghost inside is as old as the coffin, at least it is a red-clothed ghost. Take me to have a look."

On the surface, Zhang Wei said so.

In the bottom of my heart, I was excited. If it was really a difficult ghost, then he didn't want to make money.


Zhang Wei urged:

"Drive faster, before it's too late."

"It's almost Brother Wei, I'm also afraid of ghosts revealing the coffin, and it will be difficult to handle."

Cao Yu replied.

To this.

Zhang Wei grinned, revealing a mouthful of white teeth:

"Get up from the coffin? It's okay. When the time comes, press his coffin board. After all, we young people have pressed Newton's coffin board a lot. Even Newton has been crushed. Are you afraid of crushing a ghost?"

Cao Yu frowned upon hearing this.

Although what Zhang Wei said must sound like a joke, but for some reason, why does he think it is really possible to do so.

Zhang Wei didn't know what Cao Yu was thinking. After he said those words, he wiped the figurine he just bought over there, waiting for the ghost to be exorcised.


Cao Yu drove to the destination.

It was a newly emerging countryside. Although the farmers were still farming and so on, the village was full of cement roads, and the common people had built new bungalows, which was thriving.

"Brother Wei, it should be in the farmland over there."

Cao Yu was on the phone with his colleagues, and at the same time he guided the way on the phone of his colleagues.

Zhang Wei nodded.

at this time.

They came to a farmland. This village is on the back of the mountain, and the farmland is at the foot of the mountain. They are now going to the farmland at the foot of the mountain, where the coffin is.

According to Cao Yu, it was a farmer's field. Recently, the farmer wanted to expand it. He cleaned up a shed at the foot of the mountain, and then in a dry well next to it, the farmer came to see the field at night. When he went to pee at the mouth of the well, he found A coffin.

It is a well that has been dry for more than ten years, and almost no one would go there. If it wasn’t for the villagers digging up the soil to build a shed, they wanted to pour the soil into the dry well, which would just fill the dry well to prevent children from playing in it, otherwise it would be too late. Dry wells will not be found.

"Brother Yu, this way."

Just before they came to the farmland, a young man ran over, who was Cao Yu's colleague.

He brought Zhang Wei to the dry well.

Zhang Wei saw the coffin through the flashlight of his mobile phone.

It was a simple coffin.

It seems to be at least fifty years old, and it looks a little tattered. I don't know who moved this coffin here.

Same time.

Through the appearance on the coffin, and the symbols left by the exorcist, etc.

Brother Zhang's eyes brightened:

"It's a pity, it's not the same iron coffin zombie I encountered in the Northeast."

When Zhang Wei learned that there was a coffin made by the ghost exorcist, Zhang Wei immediately thought of the iron coffin zombie in the northeast, which was suspected to be made by a mortician. See it is not.


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