Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 243 Exerting Ability, Shrinking The Ground To An Inch · Underworld Edition

"Brother Wei, what did you say?"

Looking at Cao Yu in the coffin, he turned his head.


Zhang Wei shook his head, he didn't intend to tell Cao Yu that he was being targeted by the Department of Defense in the Northeast. Knowing too much about such things would not do Cao Yu any good.

Immediately afterwards.

Cao Yu looked at the coffin, heaved a sigh of relief and said:

"The year of the coffin is different from the year of the dry well. It should be that someone later moved the coffin here. There shouldn't be ghosts of the same year as the coffin inside, what do you think, Brother Wei?"

The age of the coffin is at least 50 years. If there is a 50-year-old ghost in it, it will usually be buried or hidden, and the ghost inside will not spend a lot of time on its own.

In other words.

If there are ghosts who have been practicing for 50 years, they will definitely notice when the coffin is moved, and it is impossible to remain indifferent. There is a high probability that other ghosts occupy the coffin.

For Cao Yu's words, Zhang Wei nodded in agreement:

"Cao Yu, you are right. The ghost here is not a powerful ghost. It is not even a red-clothed ghost. It should be a ghost who accidentally found this coffin. The original ghost left long ago, so that ghost Moved the coffin and occupied the magpie's nest to practice."

In fact.

When Zhang Wei confirmed that the coffin was not from the person behind the Northeast iron coffin zombie, he felt the power of the ghost lying in the coffin through the eyes of the sky and his own strength induction.

And I learned that ghosts don't even have red-clothed ghosts.

Zhang Wei looked downcast, and said with some disgust in his heart:

"I thought I could meet someone awesome, but it turned out to be this guy."

Also at this time.

Cao Yu said to Zhang Wei:

"Brother Wei, let's carry this coffin out, lure the ghost out and kill him."

After confirming the strength of the ghost, Cao Yu no longer had any worries, and prepared to lift the coffin out, and then drove over the coffin and the ghost together.

To this.

Zhang Wei waved his hand:

"It's too troublesome. It's too troublesome to carry the coffin out at night. Not to mention that we have just finished eating. Doing such strenuous exercise is not good for our health. It is said that the farmer uncle has to sleep too. For the sake of a little spicy chicken ghost, no worth."

The words did not fall.

Zhang Wei grinned and said:

"Leave this to me. By the way, Cao Yu can help me find a bigger stone."

Then Zhang Wei ran straight to the Wuling Hongguang car, and took a figurine of Ignilu, a fire dragon from the anime "Fairy Tail" from it.

The figure resembles a dragon in Western mythology, with a red body and red scales.

Wait until Zhang Wei brings the figure.

Cao Yu also found a stone the size of a notebook and came over.

"Brother Wei, is this stone okay?" Although he didn't know what Zhang Wei was going to do, Cao Yu did it anyway.

"This stone is fine, no problem at all."

"That's fine. Speaking of Brother Wei, what are you doing?"

Cao Yu asked curiously.

Zhang Wei said to leave the matter of the coffin to him, but what Zhang Wei is doing now has nothing to do with handling the coffin.

"Deal with the ghost in the coffin."

Zhang Wei replied with a mouthful of white teeth.


Under the watchful eyes of Cao Yu and the others, while talking, he picked up stones and fire dragon figures and threw them into the well.

Same time.

【Ding! Use the ability card "Shrink the ground into an inch · Underworld version"]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound in the mind.

With a thought, Zhang Wei thought of a place and teleported away the ghost in the coffin, together with its surroundings.

next moment.

The system voice came again in my mind:

【Ding! Target sent! 】

at the same time.

After Cao Yu saw Zhang Wei throwing the stone, he couldn't help shouting:

"Fuck?! Brother Wei, you..."

He froze.

I thought Zhang Wei would have some unexpected tricks to deal with the ghost in the coffin, but it turns out... that's it? !

Isn't this just smashing the stone down and knocking the ghost out of the coffin?

Just when he thought so.

But Zhang Wei patted the dust in his hand, turned his head and said:

"It's done, let's go."

"Ah??? Brother Wei, are you sure you're done? You just threw stones to wake up the ghost, and we have to send the ghost on the road... By the way, why hasn't the ghost come out, sleeping so dead?"

Not to mention Cao Yu, even the colleagues around him were a little confused.

They witnessed the whole process of Zhang Wei's exorcism, and they just threw the stone inscriptions, and the ghosts didn't see it, so they just finished talking.

How could Zhang Wei not know what they were thinking, and replied with a smile:

"I have sent the ghost away, if you don't believe me, come and see for yourself."


Cao Yu and his colleagues came to the dry well next to Zhang Wei and looked into the well.

This look.

Both of them were stunned, Qiqi shouted:

"My Cao? Where's the ghost? No, where's the coffin?"


Through the light of the flashlight of the mobile phone, the situation in the well can be seen at a glance. The scene inside is the same as before. The only difference is that the coffin is gone, as if it has never appeared before.

At this moment.

Zhang Wei's voice followed closely:

"Look, I'm not lying, I've dealt with the ghost, even the coffin."

As soon as his words came out.

Cao Yu and his colleague looked at each other, and they could both see the bewilderment in each other's eyes.

"Brother Yu, did I miss the process? What did Mr. Zhang Wei do? Why is the coffin gone?"

"...Well, I still want to ask you, what did brother Wei do just now, didn't he just throw a stone, why did the coffin disappear?"

"Could it be that a stone was thrown, and even the coffin of the ghost was smashed into powder?"

"Are you kidding me? Do you see that there is powder in the well? If that's the case, the coffin that was directly smashed will be gasified."

"Brother Yu, why am I writing this report?"

"Uh, just write as I said just now."

"Ah? Brother Yu, are you sure? Write about Mr. Zhang Wei throwing stones at ghosts and vaporizing a ghost?"

Cao Yu didn't hide his sudden expression on his face.

In his opinion, Zhang Wei threw stones down to attract ghosts. After all, he had just eaten and was full, so he used the easy way of throwing stones to attract ghosts, but this was not the case.

Just when Cao Yu was about to respond to his colleague's words.

A voice came from Zhang Wei's side:

"By the way, Cao Yu, where did you find that stone? Why does it stink?"

"I picked it up next to it, heck, probably an animal peed on it or something."

Cao Yu's words echoed in his ears.

Zhang Wei nodded, looked at his phone and said:

"It's getting late, let's not go to the bathing center and go back to the hotel to sleep."

"That's fine."

Cao Yu seemed to have thought of something, and continued:

"Brother Wei, the mission of the water ghost has been completed. Are you going back to Luxia City tomorrow? Why don't you stay an extra day? It's rare to come to Rongcheng City. I told my dad to treat you well."

"Then I'll stay one more day."

Zhang Wei, who was staring at a distant direction, heard the words, and when he responded with a smile, he suddenly asked:

"Cao Yu, you said that it's hot in the south now, so it should be very hot in the Amazon."


the next day.

This is a vast forest. In this blue star that has entered the electronic age, it still maintains the original forest scene.

The ancient trees are tall and tall, surrounded by one person or even a dozen people everywhere, the ground is emerald green, and the roar of fierce birds and beasts can be heard from time to time, and it is full of primitive atmosphere.

Standing on top of a big tree and looking from a distance.

can be seen.

This forest is continuous, covering a full 7 million square kilometers, and the naked eye can't see the end at all, like a green ocean.

This is the Amazon forest, the most primitive, largest and best preserved tropical rainforest in the world today, away from the hustle and bustle of the city and the civilization of human industry and commerce, it is like an isolated island oasis returning to nature.

at this time.

Deep in the Amazon forest, by a deserted stream.

There lay an old coffin full of peculiar patterns and a certain age.

Perhaps it was through the gaps in the leaves that the scorching sun shone on the coffin, making the old coffin warm to a certain extent.


There was a click.

The dead old coffin moved, and the upper coffin board slowly moved away...


(ps: Dear readers, I just found out today that your free gift 'Generating Power with Love' was given to the author. The author got money for qaq, so here is a weak request. Readers, please send me some free gifts. Love power generation', thank you very much!!!)

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