Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 244 I'm Riding A Horse And Lying In A Coffin... I've Traveled Through Time?

Accompanied by the coffin board is slowly pushed.

can be seen.

From the coffin, protruded a pale hand, which was covered with corpse spots, so thin that it was almost skinny, blood vessels could be seen, and showed a pitch black color, no matter how you looked at it, the hand did not look like a living person The hands that should have are more like the hands of a dead man.

Immediately afterwards.

The pale dead man grabbed the coffin board and pushed the whole coffin away, revealing the scene inside.

It was a zombie.

To be exact, it was a zombie who had just become a zombie for a year or so. Just half a month ago, the zombie entered a village and secretly killed someone. This coffin was found on the mountain.

This coffin was buried 50 years ago. The owner of the coffin is also a zombie. After 50 years of practice in laying dead bodies, he is very powerful.

That's why.

The zombie took this coffin as its own, and planned to cultivate with this coffin. In order to prevent the owner of the coffin from returning and finding that the coffin had been taken, and making trouble for himself, it deliberately moved the coffin to a dry well, which is extremely rare for humans.

In its plan, it planned to practice until the red-clothed ghost came out. After all, the corpse aura in the coffin was enough to support it to reach the red-clothed ghost.


After lying on the corpse for half a month, today, it suddenly felt the temperature of the sun. You must know that the place you chose is impossible to have sunshine, and it is impossible to roar from time to time, and the sound of birds.

for a while.

It woke up from the practice, and pushed the coffin to find out.


Looking at the lush green trees all around, and the stream next to it, filled with primitive atmosphere everywhere, the zombie was dumbfounded.

At first it thought it was dreaming.

Until there was a slight sound, the zombie looked down and saw a snake crawling over, perhaps sensing his own movement, the snake opened its mouth and bit the zombie's hand after spit out the letter .

Feel the infusion of snake venom on the snake's teeth.

Although the zombie will not be killed by the snake's venom, through the snake's venom, it knows that it is not dreaming and everything in front of it is real.

for a while.

The zombie who stood up half straight, looked around again, and just froze on the coffin.

【Ding! Zombies are confused, what's going on? Where is this? Why am I here? Am I not in a dry well? 】

[Host obtains system points +10]

"Is this on the mountain of that village??"

The zombie tilted his head, scratched his head, and got up from the coffin in a daze, his eyes fell on the big tree closest to him.

That tree was too big. Judging by the trunk and height of those people hugging each other, it was at least a hundred years old. The key was not just this one tree, but it was surrounded by such big trees.

See here.

It is sure that this is definitely not that village. It remembers very clearly that the dry well where it placed its coffin is near the foot of the mountain, but the environment here is not a mountain scene at all, it is a forest no matter how you look at it.

【Ding! The zombies are puzzled, no one will move my coffin here, right? But, no, it's impossible for me not to notice it. 】

[Host obtains system points +20]

Although the zombies fell into a deep sleep in order to practice.

But it knows that it can still detect the movement of the outside world, especially the coffin that is so big and has to be lifted out of the narrow dry well. Even if it takes sleeping pills and sleeps to death, it can still feel the movement.

out of curiosity.

The zombie jumped onto the big tree in front of him, wanting to see the situation from a height and see where it is.

Just looking at it, the zombie was completely stunned.

【Ding! The zombie was startled looking at the endless forest, I am in awe, where is this horse riding, such a big forest? I was moved to Daxinganling in the northeast? It doesn't seem right, there are no mountains here. 】

[Host obtains system points +25]

The system prompt sounds.

Zombie standing on the top of the tree fell into deep self-doubt:

"I remember that I sleepwalked before I was alive. Could it be that I was sleepwalking? Asleep and asleep, sleepwalking dragged the coffin and ran here? But Rongcheng City doesn't have such a big forest, huh? What is that?"

Just thinking about it.

The zombie seemed to sense something, and looked towards the coffin below, where there was a faint light flickering.


It jumped down from the big tree to look, and found a stone glowing beside its coffin. The stone looked ordinary and the size was only about the size of a notebook, but the only strange thing was that it was emitting light.

【Ding! Zombies stunned, glowing stones? 】

[Host obtains system points +10]

The zombie stretched out his hand to pick up the stone, and immediately gasped softly:

"Huh? Is there a word?"

It saw that after it picked up the stone, the stone seemed to be responsive, and the words appeared on it:

【Master Brave, hello, I'm Xiaoshi, I'm glad to serve you】

【I know you must be very depressed. Where exactly is this place? In fact, Xiaoshi brought you here. As for where this place is, I can tell you clearly that this is no longer your world. 】

[This is the 'Fantasy Forest' of Noyadis Continent]

【As for why I brought you here, it’s like this. Our world is about to perish. I have no choice but to bring you here. I hope you can save our world, Mr. Brave! 】

Look at the text on it.

The zombie froze.

【Ding! Zombies are sluggish, fuck? ! I'm riding a horse and lying in a coffin... I've traveled through time? 】

[Host obtains system points +30]


Sluggish to sluggish, the zombie didn't fully believe the content of the stone, but before he could think about it, he found another word on the stone:

[Master Brave, I know that the amount of information I said is a bit large, but please believe me, all of this is true, please save our world. 】

[As long as you, Mr. Brave, save our world, I will send you back. 】

[As for how to save our world, don't worry, Mr. Brave, you are still a little weak and there is no way to save it. You need to become stronger to have a chance to save our world. 】

[So in order to help the brave man improve his strength, Xiaoshi decided without authorization and brought you to this "fantasy forest". 】

[Fantasy forest is a dangerous place in our Noyadis continent. There are many powerful creatures, such as dragons, griffins, hell dogs, etc., so they are loved by many powerful adventurers. They will come to experience and hunt powerful creatures , obtain resources, enhance strength]

[However, Xiaoshi brought you here from your world just now, and the coordinates were wrong for a while, and accidentally brought you to the depths of the "Fantasy Forest". You must be careful. 】

Follow the text on the stone to show this.

The zombie sneered, raised the stone in his hand and was about to hit the ground:

"Take an electronic toy that doesn't know what kind of stone is decorated, and come to fool me, do you think I will believe it, return the fantasy forest, return the dragon, I will smash you right now, and see what kind of integrated circuit you are... "


An earth-shattering roar interrupted the zombie's movements.

at this moment.

The earth trembled, and the roar reverberated for nine days. The sound was so loud that it was deafening, and the body of the zombies trembled.

The zombie's face covered with corpse spots changed, and it felt... In the direction of that roar, an unprecedented terrifying aura that reached at least the ghost king level swept over like a violent storm.

next second.

The zombie's entire zombie face was stunned, looking at the big tree in that direction swaying violently, followed by it, the sky was instantly covered by a huge shadow, covering the sky and the sun, and the wind was blowing everywhere.


It took advantage of the opportunity to look up at the sky, horrified to the point of incoherence:

"Damn it?!! Long, long...long...longlonglong!!"


(ps: Please continue to be weak and weak, readers, click on the free gift "Generating Power with Love", I am very grateful! This is very important to me qaq)

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