Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 245 Dead Man Carrying A Coffin Vs Amazon Natives?

In that sky.

There is a gigantic creature, too huge, covered by magma-like crimson scales, with a head like a crocodile, a body like a lizard, a pair of dragon horns, wings like a bat, with a wingspan of half a hundred meters, and a tail After throwing over the big tree, the big tree held by more than a dozen people was broken by the middle, and with a flap of wings, a strong wind blew up.

It spread its wings and flew out from the direction of the forest that the zombie was looking at. It was its huge body that covered that area with its shadow.

Looking at this huge creature, the whole ghost of the zombie is going crazy.

That's a dragon!

It's so similar, the huge creature is not so much like the giant dragon described in Western mythology, it's better to say it's exactly the same.


The fiery red dragon soared into the sky, spreading its wings and soaring in this vast forest. It seemed to have sensed something, and opened its dragon's mouth in a farther direction.


Accompanied by a deafening dragon roar, it spit out flames that could melt rocks and steel in an instant.

The temperature was so high that the zombie could feel the scorching heat even if it was hundreds of meters away, and even felt an instinctive tremor. The flame... was dangerous to it, and it could burn the ghost to death.

The fiery red dragon appeared quickly and disappeared very quickly.

In the eyes of zombies.

The giant dragon seemed to have sensed some great terror in the distance. Two great terrors were roaring. For a while, the giant dragon flew into the air and headed towards that direction. Then, after a while, the giant dragon went away, and the sky in the distant direction erupted with a huge roar. Roaring, roaring, seems to be fighting something.

Until the dragon disappeared into the distant sky.

The zombies couldn't regain their senses for a long time, and stared blankly at the direction where the dragon left. After regaining their senses, its zombie eyes were fixed on the stone in its hand that called itself 'Little Stone'.

【Ding! The zombie was stunned,... Oh my God, I really timed through! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +30]

The system prompt sounds.

The zombie suddenly shook the stone in his hand violently:

"Quick, take me back quickly, take me back to Earth quickly, this place is too dangerous, I want to go back to Earth! I...I want to go home!"

【Ding! The zombies are terrified. There are even giant dragons in this world. It should be the Western Fantasy world. How is my strength different from the skeleton soldiers in Western Fantasy? Must go home! I want to go home! 】

[Host obtains system points +30]

I thought about it.

The zombie changed his previous laziness and looked around nervously. Whenever there was a slight disturbance, he immediately became suspicious, for fear that a three-headed hellhound, slime, etc. would rush out of the surrounding grass.

During this period, it did not forget to keep shaking the stone and begging to go home.


Words emerged on the stone:

[Master Brave, I’m sorry, I’ve almost exhausted my energy just to bring you here. Now I’m using the remaining energy to talk to you. When the energy is exhausted, I will fall into a deep sleep to recover energy. 】

【So Brave One, I know you have a lot of doubts and fears, but don't be afraid, I believe you can do it. 】

When you see this line of information.

Zombies have the heart to curse.

【Ding! Zombies want to curse, trust me? Okay, sir, do you want to ride Huang Xiaoming? I don’t want you to think, I want me to think? Why do you double-standard with me? I can't, I really can't. 】

[Host obtains system points +30]

Although he wanted to scold him, the zombie didn't scold him. Now that the stone is almost out of energy, the most urgent thing to delay is to find out the situation.


It continues to look at the stone displaying the words:

[Master Brave, my energy is almost exhausted and I am about to fall into a deep sleep. For your safety and to save our world, let me make a long story short and give you a brief description of this fantasy forest. 】

[Fantasy Forest is very dangerous, some creatures are very powerful, some creatures are also weak, you have to judge carefully for yourself, not from the appearance, in a word, proceed with caution! Deal with each creature carefully, if it doesn't work, run away when you see it. 】

[In addition, the most important point is that there is a group of indigenous races in the fantasy forest, who look similar to humans, but they are terrifying and powerful. They can even hunt and kill giant dragons and eat anything. 】

【Master Brave, if you encounter an indigenous race, remember! run! Run as far as you can! That is the most terrifying creature in this forest, even the sword master and magic master are afraid of it]

【I'm running out of energy, I'm saying the last few words】

[Master Brave, don’t be afraid. Although the fantasy forest is dangerous, the world outside the forest is actually more dangerous. Sending you to the fantasy forest will help you grow better. You are too weak now to go out. Wait until you become Strong, almost reaching the level of the ghost king in your world, you can go out and make a living. 】

[Of course, if you are afraid, Mr. Brave, when I wake up, I will take you out of the forest, come on! Lord Brave, I am going to sleep, wait for me to wake up. 】

"My Cao, don't sleep! Get up for me, what energy do you need, I will find energy for you."

Seeing that the stone did not display any text, the zombie panicked and yelled at the stone.


It looks at the stone now, and feels that the stone is no different from the real stone, and it does not respond.

The zombie smashed the stone on the ground angrily, but picked it up quickly in the next second, and wiped the stone carefully, for fear that the stone would be broken by it.

【Ding! Zombies are very frustrated, other people time travel is full of gold fingers, awesome boom boom, why I time travel, gold fingers are still waiting to be charged, not even a power bank]

[Host obtains system points +20]

He sighed.

The zombie carefully kicked the stone into his pocket, then picked up the coffin and walked carefully in the Amazon forest.

After learning about the dangers of the forest, the zombie cherishes its coffin even more. Compared with stones, it thinks that the coffin is its golden finger, which can make it stronger quickly, and cannot give up casually.

Immediately afterwards.

A strange scene appeared in the Amazon forest.

A pale corpse covered with corpse spots, carrying a coffin, looked around four or five times every three steps, carefully observing.

for a long time.

When the zombie walks to a relatively dry area and plans to dig a hole here and put a coffin to practice for a while.

The rustling sound spread, interrupting the zombie's movements, and turned to look at the source of the sound:


It was a dense grass, and the bushes were buzzing at this moment, and several figures emerged from the grass. They looked like people, but their skin was dark and painted with strange paint, and they held a bony, wooden spear in their hands. class weapons.

for a while.

When the zombies met them and saw each other, both of them were stunned for a moment, and the next second they both showed panic.

Just seeing those people, seeing a dead man moving and carrying a big log, they were terrified, and they talked fiercely in a language that the zombies couldn't understand, which seemed to them to be an alien language.

This scene.

See zombies terrified and terrified.

Regardless of their words or their strange appearance, these people are the powerful indigenous race that Xiaoshi mentioned!

next second.

Without even thinking about it, the zombie turned around and ran, with horror written all over its face.

【Ding! Zombies are terrified, run! ! run! ! It's an indigenous race, I don't want to die! don't chase me! 】

[Host obtains system points +30]

Because of what Xiaoshi said earlier, the zombies had no time to care about other things. After seeing the Amazon natives, they were terrified, afraid that they would be eaten by them, so they ran away, not paying attention to their expressions, not noticing...

When it was running, those natives saw the resurrection of the dead, and they ran with it, and they were also afraid.


Another spooky sight in the Amazon forest.

A zombie met a group of Amazon natives. As soon as they met, they screamed in fright and ran wildly left and right.

Although running in a different direction.

But their thoughts are the same... fear, there are scary things, I don't want to die, run away.


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