Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 246 Feeling Like I've Lost Hundreds Of Millions

Both of them were running, so frightened that they didn't even dare to look back.

The natives of the Amazon have faith. In their eyes, the resurrection of the dead is definitely a terrible thing, which offends the gods.

Zombies, on the other hand, are afraid of being eaten.

Because when it saw the native, it not only saw the other party's dress, but also saw some human bone decorations in the other party's hands.

Cannibal horror race?

Horror creatures that can kill each other?

All kinds of thoughts, when the zombie was crazily fleeing with the coffin on its shoulders, it kept popping up in its mind. It was also because it was too scared. It didn't dare to run back at all, for fear that it would be overtaken by the terrorist race when it turned back.

Run a few kilometers.

Only then did the zombies dare to turn around, and after confirming again and again that the 'horror race' hadn't caught up, they sat down on the ground.

【Ding! Zombies have lingering fears, feeling that the horror race is really scary, and vowed to run away when they see it in the future]

[Host obtains system points +20]

With the system prompt beeping.

Also from this moment.

Zombies are completely afraid of this "fantasy forest", and choose to hide in coffins to practice. Every time they look for food, they only dare to kill small animals, such as sucking the blood of snakes, insects, and rats, for fear of making a big noise and attracting people. horror race.

But also from this day.

The natives of the Amazon spread a legend that in that zombie-infested place, there is a terrifying "god". The god looks terrible and represents death. If you see it, you will be killed by it. die.

And as the occasional indigenous people saw the terrifying "god", this legend was confirmed and then spread widely, even in the local Amazon countries.

In these countries, during the peak tourist season, some people will act as guides to bring foreign tourists here to experience the customs and customs, and learn about the "story of the death god" in this Amazon forest from the indigenous population.

Zombies became a frightening legend.



Years later.

A country bordering the Amazon forest, its forest fringes.

Here comes a dead man.

The dead man was terrifying, exuding a terrifying aura of a ghost king, not just an ordinary ghost king, even though he was dressed in tatters, his body was dirty and covered in mud, he ran away from that dead face, looking like a dead primitive savage.

But even so, it couldn't hide its horror.

Do not!

On the contrary, its shape and its terrifying atmosphere make people feel even more terrifying.

It was a zombie whose strength had reached the level of the ghost king and had gone very far at the level of the ghost king.

at this time.

It appeared here, looking at the Amazon forest behind him, the dead man showed emotion on his face:

"It's finally time to leave the fantasy forest. It's a pity, Xiaoshi, why haven't you woken up when you stepped on the horse? It took so long to charge the battery. It has been charged for several years and used for a few minutes."

The zombie said and took out an ordinary stone from his arms:

"But forget it, my current strength has reached the ghost king, and it is much higher than the requirements of the ghost king that Xiaoshi said. Now I am stronger than the average ghost king, and I should be qualified to go out of the forest."

in words.

The eyes of the dead zombies flickered, staring forward:

"I'm finally about to start my adventure, Noyadis Continent, here I come!"

With excitement.

It stepped out of the Amazon forest that made it fear day and night, and walked forward, and it didn't take long before it encountered the nearest city in this country.


The zombie was dumbfounded.

Looking at the city full of modern atmosphere and high-rise buildings in front of him, especially when he heard the voices of those people, some of them, although he couldn't understand the meaning of what they said, he could tell that it was English.

And saw the mobile phones in their hands.

It froze in place, the coffin it was carrying in its hand, and the rock it was holding tightly in the other hand fell to the ground with a thud...


This zombie who has reached the ghost king level and honed his cautious skills in the Amazon forest has a blank mind, only one thought keeps echoing...

【Ding! The ghost king zombie is sluggish, am I being tricked? ? ? 】

[Host obtains system points +250]


Banyan City, in a star hotel.

After handling the coffin, Zhang Wei was sent back to the hotel by Cao Yu.

at this time.

He walked out of the bathroom after taking a shower, looked in the direction of the Amazon in the other hemisphere, and said with a smile:

"I don't know how many system points this zombie can bring me. It should be able to gather wool for a while."

The words fell.

Zhang Wei sat on the bed, picked up his mobile phone and prepared to browse the Ministry of Health's forum for a while to sleep.

Log in to the DOH Forum.

Zhang Wei was attracted by a post that went viral tonight, it was about himself catching a water ghost.

Zhang Wei couldn't laugh or cry when he saw the user comment on the post that "Pippi mouse doesn't die from electric shock".

Others don't know who this guy is.

He is very clear.

This is his second brother, and also Lu Lianfeng who may become his brother-in-law in the future.

Can't help it.

Zhang Wei murmured:

"As expected of siblings, your sister likes to blow me up very much, and you like to blow me up, Lianfeng."

That's all for words.

He clicked on WeChat and sent Lu Lianxue a message:

【Zhang Wei】: Xiaoxue, Lianfeng is going to blow me up. If you have time, tell Lianfeng not to blow me up. Although I know I'm awesome, I still don't have face.

The message was sent within seconds.

Lu Lianxue also replied a message.

[Lu Lianxue]: Cover your mouth and laugh jpg, I can't see that you have low face, I think, if you say you have low face, no one will have more face than you.

【Zhang Wei】: That's because I'm bold to you, so you think I'm very face-saving.

【Zhang Wei】: By the way, how is today? Do you have any tasks at hand?

[Lu Lianxue]: There is no mission, Luxia City is a big city, how can there be so many ghosts to kill, I have a lot of free time these two days, just go to class and watch anime.

Looking at the message sent by Lu Lianxue.

Zhang Wei was just typing to reply, but at this moment, Lu Lianxue sent another message:

[Lu Lianxue]: Zhang Wei, when will you come back? Xiaofeng told me today that you have completed the task of the water ghost, are you still not coming back after you are busy.

【Zhang Wei】: What, miss me? Do you also want to be like your brother and want to blow me up?

[Lu Lianxue]: The Demon King jpg

[Lu Lianxue]: It's not that I miss you, it's that I was talking to Xiaolin just now, and she said that she is going to see you in the next two days, that it''s the weekend, you know.

message sent.

Zhang Wei immediately had an upside-down picture in his mind, and immediately replied:

【Zhang Wei】: Fuck, tell Xiaolin, I’ll be back after tomorrow, I’ll actually go back today, but Cao Yu’s kindness is hard to say, stay here for one more day, I feel like I’ve lost hundreds of millions jpg

Looking at Zhang Wei's messages, there is a pain in the ass.

Lu Lianxue, who was far away in Luxia City, chuckled, thought for a while and sent a message to Zhang Wei:

[Lu Lianxue]: No loss, no loss, you can lose hundreds of millions by the weekend, maybe more than hundreds of millions, cover your mouth and laugh jpg


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