Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 247 Is Zhang Wei There? I Need You Urgently

Lu Lianxue sent a message.

Zhang Wei was taken aback for a moment, then raised a smile:

"It seems that Xiaoxue has been led badly by Xiaolin."

in words.

He and Lu Lianxue sent this message to chat, even though the time came to 12 o'clock in the evening, which is the time when most people go to bed, but they didn't feel sleepy at all, on the contrary, they were too excited, and the only thing they had to meet now was to further intensify their excitement.

【Zhang Wei】: It's a pity that Xiaolin fell asleep, otherwise I would ask her to chat with me, haha.

[Lu Lianxue]: Xiao Lin went to bed early, she fell asleep right after chatting with me, how can you suffer like this, but you should go to bed quickly, it's very late.

【Zhang Wei】: Are you sure you can sleep now?

[Lu Lianxue]: Changing the topic, I should have fallen asleep, covering my mouth and laughing jpg

After Lu Lianxue sent this message, she seemed to think of something, hurriedly patted her head, and sent a message to Zhang Wei:

[Lu Lianxue]: By the way, I was too busy chatting with you about unserious topics, and I almost forgot to tell you, Zhang Wei, you know that something big happened in Sanjin Province in the past two days, there is Sen Luosi over there Appeared.

Lu Lianxue didn't keep her secret, and told the news she knew:

[Lukouxue]: Zhang Wei, do you still remember that my grandfather once participated in the encirclement and suppression of Senluo Division by the Department of Defense? That time, Senluo Division was not wiped out because of a member of Senluo Division. You are talking about a young man with reading glasses.

[Lu Lianxue]: I got news that the young man with presbyopic glasses appeared in Sanjin Province. It is said that he had fought against several top Qilin guards in Sanjin Province. If it wasn't for the timely support from the Department of Health, one or two top Qilin guards would definitely die. guard.

[Lu Lianxue]: Right now, the Department of Health and Dao in Sanjin Province, as well as the local ghost exorcism forces, such as Wu Nian's Wutai Mountain, and other ghost exorcism forces are already discussing, and they plan to jointly arrest or kill that one on the spot Sen Luosi glasses man.

[Lu Lianxue]: I remember you told me before, Wu Nian made a bet with you, and who did you date online, and you all lived in Wutai Mountain, and Wu Nian also got the relic of Master Kong Jing.

[Lu Lianxue]: Although I don’t know the purpose of Sen Luosi, it’s not necessarily the goal to keep Wu Nian. After all, Sen Luo Si had a case where the real dragon guard died before and took advantage of the opportunity to do it. In addition, we and Wu Nian in the Northeast before They are all being targeted, maybe Sen Luosi will also be targeting Wu Nian now.

[Lu Lianxue]: Zhang Wei, you can suggest to Wu Nian that he should not go out of Wutai Mountain, and his online dating partner should not go out. In case he is regarded as a coercion object, Wu Nian should hand over the relic.

Seeing this, Zhang Wei smiled.

Others don't know Sen Luosi's purpose, but he does. If Wu Nian is really targeted by a man with presbyopic glasses, and there are undercover agents around, he can get first-hand information.

But the matter is confidential, he can't tell Lu Lianxue, the less people know about Huahua's undercover work, the safer Huahua will be.


Zhang Wei replied:

【Zhang Wei】: This is indeed possible, but it’s okay. This is Xiaoxue’s conjecture, and it should not happen. If Zhang Chao’s crow’s mouth said it, I might have to pay attention, hahaha

【Zhang Wei】: It's okay, I'll talk to Wu Nian.

Just when Zhang Wei continued to send messages to Lu Lianxue.

Ding dong.

A WeChat message arrives.

Zhang Wei looked intently, and couldn't help but stare blankly:

"No thought?"

Subconsciously, Zhang Wei glanced at the time, it was 12:10 in the evening, it was hard to imagine that Wu Nian would send him a message at this time.


Zhang Wei sent a message back to Lu Lianxue, saying that he was going to suggest Wu Nian to go, and then opened Wu Nian's WeChat.

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, is Zhang Wei there? I need you urgently.


the other side.

Sanjin City, on Mount Wutai.

at this time.

Wu Nian sat on the steps at the entrance of the main hall, looked up at the night sky, the stars were sparse tonight, and the full moon was missing, he couldn't help sighing, clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, Buddha, brothers and sisters have already started experimenting with arms in the back mountain. This matter is done, what should I do with the other thing."

Since the last time the brothers and sisters came back with ammunition, Wu Nian never imagined that one day in Wutai Mountain, there would be a group of brothers and sisters just like himself, studying Gatling and other ammunition in the bedroom every day.

Although the behavior is the same, the thinking is different.

I want to study arms, to see if I can realize the power of Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, the method of exorcising ghosts, and verify whether there is really Namo Gatling Bodhisattva in the world, and my brothers and sisters are pure love.

They fell in love with the fun of exorcising ghosts with firearms, and they came back to bring other colleagues to try. Now Wutai Mountain is much more lively than before. It is no longer just chanting sutras, and there is a lot of fireworks, and this fireworks is still in the physical sense, not a modifier. .

Especially today.

Relying on Wu Nian, who is full of Dharma, and with his unremitting efforts, he continued to discuss and explain with the elders of the master, and finally persuaded the elders of the master to open the back mountain and play with cannonballs, grenades, landmines, etc. for the brothers and sisters.

However, this problem is solved.

Wu Nian began to worry about another matter, which was Hua Hua begging him to help him burn Mount Wutai.


He has been thinking about how to deal with things these days.

It's a pity that he has too many things to be busy with, such as the affairs of the senior brothers and sisters, the affairs of the teacher, the relics of the master Kongjing, and falling in love with the benefactor Xia Mei, etc., he is too busy. Please Zhang Wei, please discuss with him.

at the same time.

With Wu Nian's words echoing in her ears, Xia Mei looked at Wu Nian:

"Oh, Wu Nian, Zhang Wei must be asleep at this time. If you send him a message now, you will definitely reply tomorrow. You don't have to keep looking down to see if there is any news."

She saw that after Wu Nian finished sending the message, she looked down at her phone from time to time, obviously waiting for Zhang Wei to reply.

To this.

Wu Nian clasped his hands together and said:

"Amitabha, Lord Xia Mei, you don't know much about Zhang Wei, but the little monk knows Zhang Wei. Even if he falls asleep, the little monk sends him a message now, and he will reply soon..."

The words are not finished yet.

There was a sound of ding dong, which was the notification sound from the WeChat message, and it was sent from Wu Nian's mobile phone.


Wu Nian clasped his hands together and said to Xia Mei:

"Look, benefactor Xia Mei, the little monk is right."

Xia Mei pursed her lips, turned her head away humming, inexplicably jealous, this Wu Nian idiot knows Zhang Wei better than me, really, I don’t know how to know me better, Smelly Wu Nian! Bah bah bah!

Wu Nian didn't notice Xia Mei, got used to Xia Mei's arrogant behavior, picked up the phone to check Zhang Wei's news.

[Zhang Wei]: Here, Wu Nian, good evening, wrong, good midnight, right, did you have sex with Natsumi, did you have sex with Natsumi, did you have sex with Natsumi, important things are said three times.


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