Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 248 Burning Temples Can't Be Burned, Why Don't We Blow Them Up?

Look at the message from Zhang Wei.

Wu Nian didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and before he could reply to Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei sent another message:

【Zhang Wei】: By the way, Wu Nian, what is your urgent need for me? Could it be that you are having sex with Xia Mei right now, and you don't know how? Also, what do you know as a monk? It’s okay. I will teach you step by step, which is funny.

With the news from Zhang Wei, Xia Mei was relieved from the jealousy between Zhang Wei and Wu Nian, and came up and said:

"What are you talking about, let me see."

As soon as his words came out.

Xia Mei saw Wu Nian's hand covering the phone screen, joking, although Wu Nian has never been in a relationship, he is not stupid, so if she sees the message from Zhang Wei, she will be very happy.

"Amitabha, the little monk and Zhang Wei didn't talk about anything, they just talked about some important things."

Wu Nian said, turning sideways calmly to prevent Xia Mei from seeing the contents of the phone.


Wu Nian underestimated the girl's sensitivity. Regarding her actions, Xia Mei was stunned for a moment, and then puffed up her cheeks in an instant. The mild jealousy before, at this moment, the jealousy turned into jealousy:

"Hmph, don't watch it if you don't watch it, go talk to your Zhang Wei, I'm going to fight the king, hum! hum!! hum!!!"

in words.

Xia Mei woke up madly at Wu Nian, picked up her phone angrily and sat next to her, and opened the king to vent her temper to the king's teammates.

At the same time, she made a decision in her heart, wait for Wu Nian to recite the scriptures tomorrow, and give me the phone. I want to see what you talked about with Zhang Wei, so I know that I care about Zhang Wei, but I don’t know that I care about me, so I’m so mad (╯‵‵ ′)╯︵┻━┻

the other side.

Because she turned sideways, Wu Nian didn't notice Xia Mei's expression, and her attention was all on replying to Zhang Wei's message, for fear that the reply would be late, and Zhang Wei would send out another message with a strange idea.

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, Zhang Wei, you have misunderstood. This little monk asked you not to ask this. The little monk said that it is impossible to fall in love with Xia Mei, the little monk. Today, the little monk still did not fall in love with Xia Mei, clasping his hands jpg

【Zhang Wei】: I don't believe it, I don't listen ("><)" hahahaha

【Zhang Wei】: Forget it, stop teasing you, Wu Nian, what can you do with me? It’s very important to find me so late.

Just kidding, but Zhang Wei knows Wu Nian's temperament, Wu Nian is compassionate, and never likes to bother others. Now I have an urgent matter with him in the middle of the night, and it is obvious that the matter is serious.

With the news of Zhang Wei.

Wu Nian, who had already thought about the words, replied to Zhang Wei:

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, it’s like this. Recently, I was discussing the Dharma with the elders of my master. The elders of my master gave me a difficult problem, saying how to solve this problem as a monk.

Wu Nian didn't tell Zhang Wei directly about Huahua's plan to burn Mount Wutai.

It’s not that he’s embarrassed to say it, but that Huahua has repeatedly told him not to tell Zhang Wei about the burning of Mount Wutai. It intends to surprise its owner Zhang Wei, because it believes that if Mount Wutai is burned, it will definitely be able to break into Senluosi. Inside, stand your ground.

When Zhang Wei heard that his undercover work went so smoothly, he must be very happy.

However, Wu Nian was really busy and didn't know how to solve it for a while, so she could only find an excuse to discuss Buddhism with Zhang Wei with the elders of the teacher's school, so as to avoid Zhang Wei knowing in advance and spoiling Huahua to surprise Zhang Wei.


Wu Nian sent a message to Zhang Wei.

[Wu Nian]: The uncle told the young monk that there was once a young monk who lived in a temple, and there were many monks in the temple except him, but recently, all the old monks have traveled far.

[Wu Nian]: At this time, a pilgrim came to ask the little monk to save him, saying that the emperor was going to pass by the mountain of this temple, the temple blocked the road, the emperor didn't like it, and asked the pilgrim to burn the temple If you don't burn him, you will be in great trouble.

[Wu Nian]: The pilgrim doesn't want to do this, but he has no choice but to ask his friend, that is, the little monk in the temple for help, hoping to get the understanding of the little monk, and also hope that the little monk can help burn the temple , because he cannot burn the temple alone.

[Wu Nian]: So Zhang Wei, in your opinion, in terms of the safety of pilgrims, and in view of the fact that the young monk burned the temple, which is against the Dharma, what should the young monk do.

at the same time.

Facing the message from Wu Nian, Zhang Wei was stunned, and replied instantly:

【Zhang Wei】: Your uncle has a grudge against you, isn't the problem so tricky?

[Zhang Wei]: But to be reasonable, how to solve this story, I think it is still very easy to handle.

Seeing this, Wu Nian hurriedly replied.

[Wu Nian]: Really? How to deal with it.

【Zhang Wei】: My suggestion is, don’t burn down the temple. This is too unfriendly to young monks. How can you let monks burn down the temple? You should burn your own temple, right?

Seeing the message from Zhang Wei, a surprise appeared on Wu Nian's paralyzed face.

These days, he has been bothered by the burning of Mount Wutai. Now that Zhang Wei has given him his opinion, if he doesn't burn the mountain, then he knows what to do. He just needs to send the chat records between himself and Zhang Wei to Huahua.

Thinking about coming to Huahua to read the chat records, she would definitely give up the idea of ​​​​burning the mountain.

Do whatever comes to mind.

Wu Nian immediately prepared to take screenshots of the chat records and send them to Huahua, so as to persuade Huahua, but just when he was about to take screenshots... Zhang Wei sent another message.

【Zhang Wei】: So my suggestion is to blow up the temple.

Wu Nian: "..."

Wu Nian fell silent, his face was paralyzed, and the corners of his mouth were twitching violently.

It was also at this time that before Wu Nian could think about it, Zhang Wei's messages continued to arrive.

[Zhang Wei]: It is impossible to burn the temple, but I think it is okay to blow up the temple. Think about it, the emperor passed by and disliked the temple, so he wanted to burn the temple, but the emperor just passed there once.

【Zhang Wei】: Then once the emperor passes by, the temple can still be rebuilt, but if the temple is burned down, it will be half a waste if it is not burned cleanly. From an economic point of view, it is very difficult to burn down the house and renovate it. Costly, Notre Dame de Paris is the best proof.

【Zhang Wei】: It is different when you bomb the temple. You can directly blow up the temple to pieces, so that you don’t need to renovate it, and you can build a new temple.

【Zhang Wei】: What do you think about Wu Nian? Anyway, the temple is gone, so instead of restoring the original temple, you have to live in the original renovated temple. How cool is a new temple.

【Zhang Wei】: For example, a house with three bedrooms and one living room, if you renovate it, it still has three bedrooms and one living room, but if you blow up the house, you can renovate it into a two-bedroom and one living room with a yard. Wouldn’t it be nice to live in a new home, Crooked Dragon King jpg

【Zhang Wei】: And if you blow up the temple, it will be very powerful. It can blow up the temple and make a hole at the same time. This directly saves the effort of digging the foundation pit, and it will blow it out for you. ,Hi! It also saves engineering costs, which is really cost-effective! is not it! Kazilan big eyes jpg

【Zhang Wei】: So I suggest blowing up the temple, so that the young monk will not violate the Dharma, because not to mention the elders of the master, even if the Buddha asks, the young monk can confidently say "Amitabha, Buddha, I want to give the Buddha Build a new temple."

【Zhang Wei】: After all, burning temples doesn’t seem like a new step in building new buildings, but it does look like demolition of temples. Think about it, isn’t demolition now all about demolition?

【Zhang Wei】: In this way, the little monk will be fine.

【Zhang Wei】: There is nothing wrong with the pilgrims, because anyway, burning and frying are next to the word fire, and the explosion is even more violent. The emperor might even praise the pilgrims. Aiqing, you actually overachieved, so ruthless! I will be rewarded greatly, and I will be appointed an official and a noble!" Cao Cao let out a wild laugh jpg.


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