Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 249 Xia Mei: Build Mount Wutai? Good Idea Zhang Wei

Look at the message from Zhang Wei.

Wu Nian fell into silence again, only the corners of his mouth twitched, which proved that his mood at this time was not as calm as it appeared on the surface.

I thought I could discuss a solution with Zhang Wei.

Who knows the result.

The method Zhang Wei proposed, but Wu Nian really wanted to refute this idea, but he didn't know how to refute it for a while, because Zhang Wei's method was not only considered from the perspective of Buddhism, but also from the perspective of economics. Considered……

Also at this time.

【Zhang Wei】: Wu Nian, what do you think of my statement.

One last message with a message from Zhang Wei.

boom! ! ! !

There was a loud bang.

If it were someone else, this movement would definitely follow the sound, but not only Wu Nian, but even Xia Mei didn't look at it, they were very clear about the loud noise, it was coming from the back mountain, it was Wu Nian The brothers and sisters were playing with grenades in the middle of the night.

The opposite of.

Wu Nian was silent, no one knew what he was thinking.

Xia Mei noticed the change in Wu Nian's expression, hung up the phone of the king, turned her head and asked:

"What's wrong with you, Wu Nian, did you argue with Zhang Wei?"

Although playing the king in anger, Xia Mei paid a lot of attention to Wu Nian, and for this reason, she saw Wu Nian chatting with Zhang Wei. At first, Wu Nian, the idiot, smiled, but after a while Silent, has been silent until now.

At the beginning of watching Wu Nian, Xia Mei was still jealous, Zhang Wei made Wu Nian laugh again, (〃>盒<) Damn it, why is it so difficult for me to make Wu Nian laugh, next time I see Zhang Wei, I have to find Zhang Not to learn from.

But Xia Mei soon noticed that Wu Nian was silent, and couldn't help but care:

"Did Zhang Wei make you angry? Or did you make Zhang Wei angry? Look at your silence, Wu Nian, you won't make Zhang Wei angry, right? What are you guys talking about?"

"Amitabha, I'm fine, I'm just talking to Zhang Wei about Mount Wutai, I'm thinking about something."

Wu Nian didn't tell Xia Mei about the situation, and there was no way to tell. It couldn't be said that Zhang Wei wanted the monk to blow up Wutai Mountain, and said it was economical.


Wu Nian sent Zhang Wei back a message:

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, does Zhang Wei have other solutions?

【Zhang Wei】: No, this is the only way I can think of to get the best of both worlds. Although I don’t know much about Buddhism, I think my method is enough to deal with your troublesome uncle. Trust me, just do it. That's right, Crayon Shin-chan confidently smiles on her hips jpg

Watching the news.

Wu Nian silently raised her head, looked at the night sky where the stars are sparse and the full moon is missing, clasped her hands together and said leisurely:

"Amitabha, sin, sin, Buddha, do you think the method Zhang Wei said is feasible? Should the monk... build a new Wutai Mountain temple."


It was not loud, but Xia Mei, who was always paying attention to Wu Nian, heard it, and she turned her head to look.

build? Mount Wutai Temple?

Subconsciously, she looked at the Mount Wutai Temple around her. It was on the steps in front of the main hall of Mount Wutai, surrounded by the courtyard walls of Mount Wutai. It was mottled. Even though it had been repainted several times, it could not stop the erosion of the years, and some of the walls were peeled off. Fallen, mossy, old and dilapidated.

Wu Nian talked about Wutai Mountain with Zhang Wei. Could it be that it was about the construction of Wutai Mountain temple?

To this.

Xia Mei said bluntly:

"Wu Nian, you are not talking about whether to build a new Wutai Mountain temple, I think what Zhang Wei said is very good, rebuilding the Wutai Mountain Temple, you monks live much more comfortably, and a good environment can be used to practice with peace of mind Ah, it’s just like studying, only with a good environment can we learn better.”

Wu Nian: "????"


the other side.

Fumin Province, Rongcheng City, a star hotel.

at this time.

Zhang Wei chatted with Wu Nian for a while, and while waiting for Wu Nian to reply, he couldn't help murmuring:

"It's no wonder that Wu Nian has always been profound in Buddhism. His feelings are not only his intelligence, but also his good teacher elders. He puts aside the Buddhist problems that make things difficult for him every day. Fortunately, I am not a monk, otherwise I will be bored to death."

He is talking.

A grunt interrupted his thoughts, it was his stomach screaming, he couldn't help touching his stomach and said:

"Sure enough, no matter whether I'm an exorcist or not, as a human being, I'll be hungry at night, even if I've already eaten dinner, let's order a supper."

Zhang Wei opened the food delivery app and said to himself:

"I just received a discount coupon from Meituan today, tsk tsk, the study of human psychology in these takeaways is really thorough, give me a discount coupon, let us feel that it is worth spending money to buy discounted food, but in fact, it will be more profitable if we don't buy it, After all, money doesn’t need to be spent.”

"What would you like to eat? Why don't you order a sinful barbecue?"

Think here.

Zhang Wei ordered barbecue, and sent Zhang Chao and Qiu Xiaolin the takeaway screenshots of ordering barbecue.

Not long.

A message from Zhang Chao who was not asleep.

[Zhang Chao]: Fuck, dog, you have to send me every takeout order tonight, you are so sinister, I am so angry that I also order a barbecue now, kicking the table legs jpg

[Zhang Chao]: Screenshot of the takeaway barbecue I ordered jpg

Looking at Zhang Chao's screenshot of the barbecue takeaway he bought, Zhang Wei laughed out loud.

【Zhang Wei】: Oh, you actually ordered more than me. Is this the suppression from the descendants of the Maoshan faction? I love it.

[Zhang Chao]: Hey, this top ten star on the Rising Star List has won the prize. It's just a small amount of money, and the heirs of the Maoshan School can still afford it.

[Zhang Wei]: As expected of this heir of the Maoshan School, he played calljpg with two fluorescent sticks.

【Zhang Wei】: But to be honest, you can eat as much as you want, don't waste food, don't waste it.

[Zhang Chao]: I finished eating. I ordered my sister and I. One person can’t finish it, but two people can finish it.

【Zhang Wei】: Hiss! Are you with Miss Mei? It's 12:30 now, you... When did you and Sister Mei develop to this point.

[Zhang Chao]: Put up the middle finger jpg

[Zhang Chao]: What are you talking about, I came out with my sister to catch ghosts, and now I am staying at some ghosts, and it happened that the ghosts did not come, so you sent this picture again and showed it to my sister. She was greedy, she wanted me Order a BBQ.

Immediately afterwards.

After chatting for a while.

[Zhang Chao]: Zhang Wei, are you still in Rongcheng City? That's good, I don't have to bother Cao Yu.

【Zhang Wei】: What's the matter? What's the matter?

[Zhang Chao]: I have a classmate who called me tonight and wanted me to help him exorcise ghosts. There was something wrong with a restaurant he opened in Rongcheng. It seemed to be haunted. I originally planned to find Cao Yu. , after all, he is a snake.

[Zhang Chao]: But since Zhang Wei is there, you can help me. Compared with Cao Yu, I am more assured that you will help me, hahaha.


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