Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 250: The Man With Presbyopic Glasses Was Shocked, The Orange Cat Really Went To Mount Wutai

Regarding the message sent by Zhang Chao, Zhang Wei smiled and returned the message:

【Zhang Wei】: So Cao Yu, aren't you afraid that I will report to Cao Yu that you despise him?

[Zhang Chao]: Haha, don’t be afraid, and what I said was not that I disliked Cao Yu, but that Cao Yu’s means of exorcising ghosts is too fierce. If you go to exorcise ghosts, at least the ghosts can be caught alive. If Cao Yu wants to go, The ghost is paralyzed at least half of the body.

[Zhang Chao]: And I just heard about Cao Yu yesterday, and he started tinkering with the excavator. If he goes to the restaurant to drive out ghosts, I’m afraid he will demolish the restaurant, hahaha.

[Zhang Chao]: So, Zhang Wei, what evil did you do to give people such an enlightenment to exorcise ghosts, I really doubt that one day he will become a Qilin guard, even excavators will not look down on him, and he will directly drive a fighter jet Exorcising ghosts means air strikes and bombings against ghosts.

[Zhang Chao]: Oh, yes, if this is paired with Wu Nian's brothers, it happens to be a combat brigade of exorcising ghosts. Cao Yu is in charge of flying the fighter jet, and Wu Nian's brother Wu Nian is on the fighter plane, shooting with a machine gun.

As Wu Nian's partner, Zhang Chao learned about the situation from Wu Nian immediately after his senior brother returned to Mount Wutai.

I still remember.

Zhang Chao talked with Wu Nian on the phone, and when he learned about the matter, he couldn't help being surprised and said:

"Fuck, Wutaishan joins the army, this is it."

Think here.

Zhang Chao, who is far away in Sichuan Province, sent a message to Zhang Wei with a smile:

[Zhang Chao]: Zhang Wei, you may not know about Wu Nian's brother, I know from Wu Nian. Not only do I know, I also saw the video that Wu Nian sent me. Lin was shooting and practicing guns in the back mountain.

【Zhang Wei】: Practice guns in the back mountain? what's the situation?

Later, under Zhang Chao's narration, Zhang Wei understood the situation, and he was stunned, a little dumbfounded:

【Zhang Wei】: It's none of my business, it's Captain Lin Tong who asked me to teach them the fastest way to exorcise ghosts, I definitely did my best to teach them.

[Zhang Chao]: You are devoid of all conscience.

【Zhang Wei】: Slander, blatant slander, I'm clearly doing my best.

[Zhang Chao]: Come on, I don't believe it, then tell me, what did you do to me, Luo Fang, that friend I asked you to fetch the cat, he recently re-entered the Department of Health and Dao, and brought Nima back He followed his cats in, and now his cats can kill ghosts one by one.

[Zhang Chao]: Don't tell me, is this what you did your best to help me get the cat? I really can't say anything.

It was when Zhang Wei was astonished that he found out about Luo Fang and planned to ask and explain.

Zhang Chao seemed to know what he was thinking, and sent the message first:

[Zhang Chao]: Zhang Wei, don't say anything, I won't listen, you apologize yourself, Kodak is holding a knife jpg


Under Zhang Wei's inquiry, Zhang Wei learned about the situation.

Luo Fang, the ghost exorcist who broke his leg after exorcising ghosts and was transferred to the logistics department of the Ministry of Health, since the last time he saw Zhang Wei's Tiannv Beast, he went 'crazy' and started to use his cat Dealing with ghosts turned out to be really tricky for him.

His little female cat, which gave birth to the 'Heavenly Female Beast', has successfully killed a ghost, and her pet's reputation for exorcising ghosts is very famous in their Department of Health and Dao.


Hearing from Zhang Chao, now that Luo Fang has come to an end, he is racking his brains to improve his strength, and is considering buying a small Chinese pastoral black dog to accompany the little female cat.

Since ancient times, there have been folklore that black dogs have the ability to exorcise evil spirits. This kind of dog can easily exorcise ghosts with a little training. At that time, the combination of cats and dogs will definitely be more powerful in exorcising ghosts.

Learn about the situation.

Zhang Wei was stunned. He didn't expect Luo Fang to be inspired by this, and murmured:

"Pet exorcising ghosts? Luckily Luo Fang figured it out, but it's pretty good. He can be a ghost exorcist again. Next time he goes to Zhang Chao's, he can ask Luo Fang to sit down."

Immediately afterwards.

After chatting with Zhang Chao for a while, Zhang Wei's order of barbecue delivery arrived. He put down the chat with Zhang Chao, and planned to go to bed early after eating the takeaway, so that he could go to Zhang Chao's friend's restaurant early.


the other side.

The next day, at 10 o'clock in the morning.

at this time.

In an old abandoned house in Sanjin City.


There was a meow, and suddenly a chubby orange cat jumped in from the window, it was Huahua.

The moment Huahua appeared.

A young figure walked out of the dilapidated old house. He was wearing a pair of reading glasses and looked a little sick. It was a man with reading glasses.

A few days ago, they came to Sanjin City. After discussing, they decided to take their own actions to make trouble and attract the attention of the Secretary of Health. Both of them made some noise, especially the man with presbyopic eyes. He made a big noise, not only Attract the Department of Health and Dao in the Sanjin area, and even the local ghost exorcism forces.


They also discussed, and after taking their own actions, they gathered in this old house every three days to report their respective achievements.

"Meow~ You are making a lot of noise."

Huahua habitually licked the cat's paws and washed the cat's face, and said leisurely.

Hearing this, the man with presbyopic glasses showed a sly smile on his sickly face:

"I've played with good intentions these days. It's much more comfortable than what Sen Luosi asked me to do before. Huahua, you are not bad. I heard that you gave a ghost king to the Secretary of Defense in front of you. It was torn to pieces, right? What a pity, I didn’t appreciate it.”

Compliments to the man with presbyopic glasses.

Huahua shook her head, and said in a tender female voice:

"Meow~ It's nothing compared to you. What I do is too weak. I have decided that I have to do something big."

"Oh? Do you want me to help? I'm happy to help."

When it comes to killing ghosts.

The sickly face of the man with presbyopic glasses was full of excitement, and he was eager to try it, and he couldn't wait to get started now.

"You don't need your help, just continue with your business, I can handle it myself, meow~"


The man with presbyopic glasses nodded. Although he was rejected, he was still curious about what Huahua was going to do, so he couldn't help asking:

"The orange cat, what are you planning to do?"

"Meow~ No, that's what I told you before."

Huahua didn't hide anything, and responded bluntly. Not long ago, it received a message from Wu Nian. After thinking about it all night, Wu Nian agreed to help Huahua.

the other side.

Hearing Huahua's words, the man with reading glasses froze for a moment, then seemed to remember something, his eyes under the reading glasses widened:

"You don't want to burn Mount Wutai, do you?!"

After receiving Huahua's nod and answer, the presbyopic man's heart beat wildly, and he felt that the cat in front of him was crazy, was he trying to compete with him, and he was really planning to burn.


It was too late for the man with presbyopic glasses to say anything, Huahua briefly reported the situation, then left a sentence and turned to leave:

"Meow~ The report is over, I'm leaving."

Seeing that look of can't wait to leave, even the chubby cat's face still had a humanized expression of excitement and excitement, the corners of the man's mouth twitched.

I thought the orange cat was talking about burning Wutai Mountain last time, but I didn't expect it to dare?


Think about it.

Out of his admiration for Huahua, he didn't want Huahua to die so soon, this was a rare ghost he could see.

to this end.

The man with presbyopic glasses followed Huahua quietly. In this way, even if something serious happened to Huahua, he would be able to save him easily, preventing Sen Luosi from losing an important talent in the future.

In order to avoid being discovered by Huahua, the man with presbyopic glasses did not follow Huahua closely, but chose to follow far away.

along the way.

He saw Huahua heading straight for Mount Wutai, her fast pace without any hesitation, and Huahua let out a few meows, and he could hear the excitement of the meows.

See here.

On the sickly face of the man with presbyopic glasses, he nodded with a satisfied smile:

"As expected of the ghost I like, it's crazier than me. I don't dare to be so crazy with its strength."


The man with presbyopic glasses followed Huahua all the way to the foot of Mount Wutai, and under his gaze, Huahua ran up Mount Wutai.


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