Learned that Zhang Wei invited Lu Lianxue.

Li Junfei and Li Junfei were both startled, and there was a lot of gossip bursting out of their wide eyes.

"Sure enough, Brother Wei and the squad leader got together."

Yu Xiaoqi clutched his mouth with his hands, making a heartache look:

"Brother Wei will leave our single dog group after all, and the number of single dog group members will be reduced by one from now on."

Li Junfei was laughing there.

Stretched out his elbow and poked Zhang Wei:

"I didn't expect that brother Wei got the squad leader without making a sound."

"If people at the school found out, I don't know how many men would be heartbroken on the spot."

"But it's true."

"The squad leader is so beautiful, he belongs to the Department of Health and Dao."

"Brother Wei is qualified to be with such a goddess."

Zhang Wei rolled his eyes, waved and said:

"Don't be poor, Junfei, pack up quickly and book a ticket."

"Then the school committee, call Uncle Yu over here, I have something to say to him."


Zhang Wei got up and prepared to go out.

After Li Junfei saw it, he was puzzled and said:

"Brother Wei, where are you going?"

"I'm going out to do something."

Zhang Wei turned the doorknob, turned around and replied.

He did not forget.

I have to give Wu Nian a photo of Namo Gatling Bodhisattva, and now I am going to the copy shop to print one.



【Ding! Blessing Namo Gatling Bodhisattva photo 1 system point]

Zhang Wei handed the photo of Namo Gatling Bodhisattva to Wu Nian.

"Here, Wu Nian, this is the photo of the Bodhisattva I enshrined."

Wu Nian clasped his hands together.


He habitually chanted a Buddha's name and looked at the photo of the Bodhisattva.

next second.

His outstretched hand stopped.

he sees.

The Namo Gatling Bodhisattva in the photo is exactly the online picture "Namo Gatling Bodhisattva" that Zhang Wei showed him last night.

If only these.

Wu Nian is fine, after all, apart from Gatlin, Bodhisattva looks like a Bodhisattva.

The key is the Weibo watermark in the lower right corner of the photo.

No matter how you look at this picture of enshrining a Bodhisattva, it is clearly a picture taken from Weibo.

Wu Nian couldn't laugh or cry, and couldn't help but come to mind, Zhang Wei worshiped and burned incense every day for this photo with Weibo watermark, wouldn't it feel like a drama to enshrine...

"Zhang Wei, did you really enshrine this Bodhisattva photo?"

Wu Nian couldn't help asking.


Zhang Wei showed a mouthful of flawless white teeth.

Wu Nian: "... Amitabha, let's go."


Talked with Wu Nian and Zhang Chao for a while.

Zhang Wei said goodbye to them.

He has other things to do, and he wants to find Yu Weihong.


That night.

"I'm sorry Zhang Wei, I'm only here now, the main construction site is in a hurry to start work, so I've been busy until now."

Brother Yu Weihong came in with a basket of fruit:

"I don't know what Zhang Wei you want from me. I heard that you will go back tomorrow. What time is the plane? I will drive you to the airport."

"Uncle Yu, I have something to tell you, you sit down first."

Zhang Wei took the fruit basket and sat down.

He pondered for a while and said:

"Uncle Yu, I'm on the plane at 10 o'clock tomorrow."

"I didn't come to you today to talk about this, but mainly to tell you something."

"that is."

"If you can supervise these things on the construction site, you can hand them over to others."

"I see that you also earn quite a lot. In fact, you can find an opportunity to take your family and leave the Northeast to travel to other places recently. After playing for a while, you can return to the Northeast."

The sound echoed in the ears of brothers Yu Weihong.

They were all stunned.

at this time.

Zhang Wei ignored the two people's loss of focus, and picked up an apple from the fruit basket to eat.

Brother Yu Weihong treated him well.

In addition, they are relatives of the school committee, Zhang Wei can't let them be in the northeast, they may face danger.

But they are not ghost exorcists, Zhang Wei can't say more, after all, knowing more will do harm to ordinary people like them, and will only increase panic.

You can only reveal some information to them vaguely.

As for whether they will understand, Zhang Wei is not worried.


Brother Yu Weihong is a self-made businessman, so how can he not have the ability to read words and deeds.


Brother Yu Weihong and the others quickly recovered and looked at each other.

"Zhang Wei, you mean Northeast..."

Yu Weihong was just about to say something.

But it was interrupted by Zhang Wei raising his hand:

"Uncle Yu, I just wanted to say that you are quite busy too, and you recently dug out the coffin, so you can find some time to relax."

Yu Weihong understood and nodded again and again:

"Haha, yes, Zhang Wei, you are right."

"I'm really exhausted recently, and I should take my wife out for a trip"

in words.

There was gratitude in Yu Weihong's eyes.

He is not an idiot, he has already heard Zhang Wei's surprise.

After thinking for a while, he took out another bank card.

Zhang Wei refused, and Yoyo said:

"Uncle Yu, no need, I'm just looking for a peace of mind."


the next day.

Luxia City Airport.

"Brother Wei, I have an appointment with that younger sister. Let's go back to school first, pack our luggage, and meet at noon later."

"At that time, I will introduce that younger sister to you."

"That younger sister is so beautiful. I heard that she is one of the four beauties in the school."


"She also brought her girlfriends."

Li Junfei crackled and chattered towards Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei touched his chin:

"Did you bring your girlfriends? It seems that she has a strong sense of self-protection and knows how to bring more people."

Li Junfei laughed when he heard this:

"Brother Wei, what are you talking about? That younger sister and I are childhood sweethearts. She used to live downstairs from my house, and we played together when we were young. Recently, we just got in touch and asked her to go to the manga show together."

"I see."

Zhang Wei nodded suddenly.


At noon, 1:20.

A bus stop near Luxia University.

As a bus stops, people get off it.

"Brother Wei, they are here."

Li Junfei looked at it, his eyes lit up, and he hurriedly waved to the two girls getting off the bus.

"Xiaolin, this way! This way!"

Zhang Wei followed Li Junfei's line of sight.

can be seen.

Two girls got off the bus.

A sexy dress, upper-middle-level appearance, 1.7 meters tall, standard model figure, stylish outfits, and a visual sense of a plane model displaying clothes on a certain treasure.

But Zhang Wei didn't look at her.

Instead, he looked at another girl.

It was about 1.6 meters tall, petite-looking, wearing cute cartoon short-sleeves, and a fluffy bunny bag slung across his body.

Different from the sexy girl next to her, she has a small round face, but it is not the kind of fat face, but the kind of small round face that is born with buns. It looks so cute that people can't help but want to pinch her baby fat little face .

at this time.

The cute girl heard Li Junfei's call.

Immediately happy to wave to Li Junfei.

Pulling his companion beside him, he walked towards Li Junfei.

"Brother Wei, let me introduce you, this is Xiaolin, and this is her best friend..."

Li Junfei introduced happily.

It's only halfway through.

"Brother Wei?"

He found that Zhang Wei was looking at Xiao Lin, and Xiao Lin was also looking at Zhang Wei in surprise.

next second.

The two were surprised in unison.

"Qiu Xiaolin?"

"Zhang Wei?"


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