Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 25 What Kind Of Bloody Drama Is This?

Watching the actions of Zhang Wei and Qiu Xiaolin.

Li Junfei was taken aback for a moment, but quickly realized.

"Brother Wei, do you know each other?"

That is more than knowing.

This guy was also my middle school and half high school deskmate, and my first love.

in addition.

Still my enemy.

Zhang Wei responded with a grunt in his heart.

Hands involuntarily covered their foreheads, index fingers and thumbs opened on both temples, quite a headache.

"What's the situation today, what kind of bloody drama is unfolding."

Not only Zhang Wei.

Qiu Xiaolin's little round face was also swollen, originally baby fat, now swollen, obviously angry, but inexplicably makes people feel more cute.

But in Zhang Wei's eyes.

This little round face is not cute at all.

He had no choice but to squeeze hard in revenge.

"Huh! o(≧mouth≦)o"

Qiu Xiaolin noticed Zhang Wei holding his forehead, couldn't help snorting, and turned away.

Girlfriend: "???"

Li Junfei: "???"

The two looked at each other, a little confused for a moment.

It seems that it is not as simple as knowing each other.

"Cough, brother Wei, this is Qiu Xiaolin, my neighbor when I was young, and this is...Xiaolin, why don't you introduce me?"

In order to ease the atmosphere.

Li Junfei could only bite the bullet and speak, motioning for Qiu Xiaolin to point to his best friend.

Qiu Xiaolin knew that now was not the time to quarrel with Zhang Wei.

turn around.

He raised a smile and introduced Li Junfei and Zhang Wei:

"This is my good classmate, roommate and sister, Zhang Ya."

Li Junfei nodded quickly and took the conversation.

"Hello, hello, I'm Li Junfei, this is brother Wei, Zhang Wei, my classmate and roommate, or my good buddy."

not for a while.

The two sides got to know each other and talked.

Although Zhang Wei and Qiu Xiaolin have little communication.

Fortunately, there was a neutral atmosphere between Zhang Ya and Li Junfei, and the four of them got along pretty well.

for a long time.

Had lunch together.

Zhang Wei put down his chopsticks:

"We're full, shall we go to the S shop now?"


When s was mentioned, Qiu Xiaolin and Zhang Ya immediately became more energetic.

Zhang Wei stood up.

"Then I'll go check out first."

Qiu Xiaolin and the others nodded. Zhang Wei did not pay, not because they were stingy or revenged on Zhang Wei, but because of the AA system that they had agreed upon before they came. In their view, everyone is a student with no source of income, and they don't want Zhang Wei to spend money on them.

After all, when friends come out to play, the most important thing is not to save face, but to have fun. The AA system is the best, so that there will be no bad disputes due to money.

"Then I have to go quickly. You go downstairs and wait for us. I'll go buy milk tea."

Li Junfei also got up at this time, and checked the time.

"We have to go through several stops from here to the S store, it's a bit far."

"Buy some milk tea to drink on the way."

"Xiao Lin, Zhang Ya, what do you drink?"

"I drink taro paste Bobo milk tea."

Zhang Ya stretched out her hand and gave a sexy and playful smile.

"I drink peach oolong tea." Qiu Xiaolin thought for a while and said, "Drink some oolong tea after meals to cleanse the stomach and keep in good health, hee hee."

Li Junfei nodded.

Just when I was about to ask Zhang Wei what to drink, I found that Zhang Wei had disappeared and went to check out.

"Forget it, buy the same one as mine for Brother Wei."

He knew that Zhang Wei went to check out so quickly, because the next bus would come soon.

Think about it.

He also got up and hurried to buy milk tea.

for a moment.

The gate on the first floor of the mall.

Zhang Wei had finished paying the bill and came out, chatting about S with Zhang Ya and Qiu Xiaolin.

Not long.

Li Junfei ran over with a bag.

"Sorry, it's too late, here is the milk tea you want."

"By the way, Brother Wei, I just watched you go to pay the bill. If you don't know what you want to drink, just buy the same milk tea as me."

"It's okay." Zhang Wei waved his hand.

He doesn't care what to drink, as long as it doesn't taste like matcha.

However, the next second.

After receiving the milk tea from Li Junfei, the corner of Zhang Wei's mouth twitched.

That's a cup of... matcha cheese milk cap.

Li Junfei, you bought so many milk teas, but you chose the one I don't like.

Zhang Wei couldn't laugh or cry.

Still took the matcha cheese milk cap in his hand.

Just ready to take it.


"Give me that cup of matcha cheese milk cap, I suddenly want to drink it."

Li Junfei, Zhang Ya and others were all taken aback.

Shunsheng looked at Qiu Xiaolin.

Zhang Wei was also stunned for a moment, took a deep look at Qiu Xiaolin, and covered Qiu Xiaolin with the matcha cheese milk in his hand.

Take the milk cap.

Qiu Xiaolin also handed over the milk tea in her hand.

"Then this peach oolong is for you."

The two sides exchanged milk tea.

Seeing this, Li Junfei and Zhang Ya looked at each other, a little dumbfounded.

She thought that Qiu Xiaolin was deliberately looking for an opportunity to take revenge on Zhang Wei, and refused to give Zhang Wei a good milk cap.

On the way to the bus station.

Out of curiosity, Zhang Ya pulled Qiu Xiaolin and whispered:

"Xiaolin can't tell. I usually see you as cute and cute, but you actually have such a domineering side. Could it be that the legendary enemy camera is extremely jealous?"

As soon as his words came out.

Qiu Xiaolin, who was drinking the milk cap, shook her head, and after a moment of silence, she said slowly:

"No, it's just that he doesn't like drinking matcha."

She didn't tell Zhang Ya that in fact, not only did Zhang Wei not like drinking matcha, but he would be allergic to too much matcha, just like some people would be allergic to seafood if he ate too much.

That's why.

Only then did Qiu Xiaolin 'snatch' away the milk cap from Zhang Wei's hand.

Even if she doesn't get along with Zhang Wei.

But I still don't want Zhang Wei to be allergic and get sick.

They talked quietly, whispering among the girls.

Zhang Wei and Li Junfei who were walking behind did not hear it.

However, Li Junfei didn't know the reason.

Zhang Wei knew it.

After all, how could he not know his situation, so he couldn't help but look at Qiu Xiaolin who was walking in front. At this time, she was talking and laughing with Zhang Ya, and Zhang Wei could just see that she turned to Zhang Ya, who was as fat as a baby. smiling.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei was about to say something.


He seemed to have a sense, and looked not far away, a grandma and Aunt trotting towards the bus station, and the baby in Aunt's hands.

Same time.

They have reached the bus station.

The bus stopped just in front of the station and the doors opened.


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