Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 26 Baby Footprints, Cat Spirits After Death

"Brother Wei, what are you doing, the car is coming, get up quickly."

Li Junfei's voice came.

Interrupting Zhang Wei's attention, he turned and walked onto the bus.


Get in the car.

Li Junfei waved and pointed to the seat beside him.

There are many people on the bus.

Except for the seat next to Li Junfei, the other seats were full of passengers.

Zhang Wei sat down straight.

Just when the car is ready to start.

"Wait a minute, the driver waits a moment."

An urgent shout sounded from outside the car.

I saw the three generations of grandparents and grandchildren that Zhang Wei was watching earlier, they saw the car approaching, and the Aunt hurried over, and it was she who shouted.


Aunt walked quickly into the car with the baby in his arms.

He said to the driver, "Wait, there are still people coming", then turned his head and shouted to the grandma who came trotting over.

"Mom, hurry up, really, it's always slow."

"I'm coming."

Grandma is about sixty years old, most of her hair is gray, and her legs and feet are not convenient.

Running all the way is not as fast as Aunt.

Wait until you get in the car.

With his hands on his knees, he was out of breath.

Aunt didn't see it, and was still complaining:

"Fortunately, I caught up. Mom, I told you, don't always burn incense before going out. If you don't punish those who worship Buddha, we don't have to run like this."

She rambled on and on.

Many people in the car frowned.

If it weren't for the fact that it was someone else's business, some people would have been dissatisfied.

Maybe it was because Aunt was used to complaining, but the old lady smiled kindly, and in turn cared.

"This is not the latest when Ah Zhou went to the hospital."

"I'm thinking about praying to Buddha more, bless you."

"Rong Rong, you ran just now, you didn't bump the child, did you?"

Aunt rolled his eyes at grandma, and hugged the child:

"That's not because you dawdled, I ran so fast."


She glanced at the bus and found that all the seats were full, and the dissatisfaction on her face deepened, and she couldn't help complaining in a low voice.

"Look, mom, you dawdled out, there is no seat to sit now."

At this moment.

I haven't waited for grandma to feel embarrassed and want to apologize.

"Grandma, Aunt, you sit here."

It was Zhang Wei who spoke.

As a person who has received nine years of compulsory education, let’s not talk about the Aunt, but only about the grandma. It is right to give up the seat to the elderly, and regardless of the Aunt, you must also consider the baby she is holding.

Grandma couldn't hold back Zhang Wei after hearing this, so she quickly thanked him, and then pulled Aunt to sit over him.

"Rongrong, sit there."

Aunt was not polite to grandma, and sat directly on Zhang Wei's chair.

at the same time.

Qiu Xiaolin and the others also got up to give up their seats to grandma, but in the end Li Junfei gave priority to women, and grandma took Li Junfei's original seat.

"Thank you lad."

Grandma thanked Xiang Zhang Wei and Li Junfei.


The bus starts.

On the way, grandma took out a few apples from the plastic bag in her hand and handed them to Zhang Wei and the others, wanting to thank Zhang Wei and the others.

Although Aunt didn't speak, he frowns.

Obviously dissatisfied with grandma giving Zhang Wei the apple.

In her opinion.

Giving up your seat to elderly women is the right thing to do, there is no need to thank you or anything.

Zhang Wei directly ignored his expression.

Also rejected grandma's kindness.

Immediately afterwards.

He glanced at Aunt, then at grandma and the apple in her hand.

Think of the old lady as a nice person.

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"Grandma, I just heard from you that you are going to the hospital?"

"Yeah, my son Azhou was driving late at night a few days ago, and he accidentally ran into it. Now I am going to the hospital with my daughter-in-law to see my son."

Grandma smiled back.

It's just that she didn't finish her sentence, and Aunt couldn't help but tugged at her sleeves, obviously she didn't like grandma talking about things like this.

"Accidentally bumped?"

Zhang Wei murmured.

It was confirmed that his son was fine, but he had a broken bone and had to rest in the hospital for two days.

He looked at grandma:

"Grandma, are you sure your son was accidentally bumped, grandma, I'm not cursing your son, I don't mean anything else, I just want to ask, did any strange things happen to your son or him in the past few days before the collision?"

His words come out.

It wasn't just grandma who was stunned.

Aunt and Qiu Xiaolin all looked over.

"What do you mean, young man, you want to play tricks on my mother, don't you? My mother is easy to deceive, but I am not easy to deceive."

Aunt's complexion was not good, and he started rambling directly:

"What's wrong with learning at a young age, learning to deceive the elderly, how do you teach at home..."

The last sentence was not finished.

Zhang Wei has already looked over, his eyes are frighteningly deep and extremely piercing.

Aunt was so frightened that he swallowed back the words he was about to say.

Zhang Wei's voice also sounded at this moment.

"shut your mouth."

"If it's not for grandma's sake, I really don't want to deal with your family's affairs. It doesn't matter how many people die to me."

this moment.

Zhang Wei's awe-inspiring manner changed from his previous amiability.

If grandma hadn't held Aunt in time to prevent her from saying what she just said, Zhang Wei would have slapped her across the face.

There are two things he dislikes the most.

One is matcha.

The second is his family.

Perhaps it was because of her belief in Buddhism, and what Zhang Wei mentioned, grandma was not angry.

The opposite of.

It was rare for her to stop Aunt from losing her temper, and apologized to Zhang Wei and asked:

"Young man, what did you just say? How do you know that strange things have happened in my house recently?"

Not the same as facing Aunt.

Zhang Wei looked at grandma, his face regained his composure, and Qiu Xiaolin and the others were taken aback by the speed at which his face changed.

he smiles.

Instead of answering grandma's words, she said:

"Grandma, don't rush to believe me, just like someone in your family said, don't be fooled."

"Where will it be?" Grandma was embarrassed.

Zhang Wei continued:

"Grandma, did your family raise a civet cat before, but it's dead, right?"

"That cihua cat is fat, with a tuft of hair on its mouth, which looks like a triangle."

"and also."

"Grandma, you and this Aunt, who is capable of going to the sky and wants to stand shoulder to shoulder with the sun, have you always felt that your shoulders are heavy, as if you are carrying something?"

It's not loud.

On this small bus, only grandma and Qiu Xiaolin around heard it.

But it made grandma change color.

Even that Aunt looked at Zhang Wei with horror in his eyes.

"How do you know?"

Aunt and Grandma blurted out at the same time.

same moment.

Qiu Xiaolin, Zhang Ya, and Li Junfei also stared at Zhang Wei, and the former two did not hide their astonishment.

When Zhang Wei talked with grandma earlier, they were curious and couldn't help eavesdropping.

With the conversation so far.

Seeing the reaction of grandma and Aunt, they were stunned.

what happened? How did Zhang Wei know about their family?

Talk from both.

They knew that Zhang Wei was easy with them for the first time, but why did Zhang Wei know so well about grandma's family.

Just when they were surprised.

What grandma said immediately made them even more shocked.

"Young man, how do you know that Rongrong and I feel heavy and sore in our shoulders recently?"

"And how do you know that my family has a raccoon cat? Indeed, my family's Huahua has died. It died in my hometown three years ago."


Everyone was surprised.

Didn't notice.

At this moment, Zhang Wei's eyes are deep and ethereal, staring at grandma and Aunt.

to be exact.

It is a pair of baby footprints printed on the shoulders of grandma and Aunt.

Those footprints were like bare feet on the muddy ground, leaving them on their shoulders, obvious and weird, but they didn't seem to be able to see them.


Zhang Wei's eyes moved.

It landed on the grandma's other shoulder, a raccoon cat lying on its stomach.

That raccoon cat, whose body is transparent, is not a normal cat at all, it is the soul of a cat after death!

at this time.

The raccoon cat seemed to have sensed that Zhang Wei was looking at him.


It barked towards Zhang Wei.


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