【Ding! Huahua gave a friendly shout to the host]

[Host obtains system points +1]

The cat is well-behaved, lying lazily on grandma's shoulder.

It looks a little chubby, like a miniature version of the cat teacher in Natsume's friend account.

With the meow.

Zhang Wei responded with a smile.

This scene.

Seen by grandma and others, they subconsciously followed Zhang Wei's gaze.

"What are you looking at."

Aunt asked in horror.

She found that what Zhang Wei was looking at was not grandma, but the position on grandma's shoulder.

There was obviously nothing there.

However, the young man showed a 'weird' smile on his grandma's shoulder.

Aunt looked inexplicably horrified.

Let alone Aunt, even grandma Qiu Xiaolin and others were taken aback.


Zhang Wei simply ignored Aunt's inquiry.

Continue to chat with grandma.

Also follow the conversation.

Qiu Xiaolin and the others found out.

Grandma is not a local, but came to Luxia City in the past two years, and it was the first time. They moved here because of their son Azhou's work.

In other words.

Cihuamao had never been brought to Luxia City.

No one even knew that Cihuamao had died of illness in his hometown three years ago.

"Mom, have you told someone about Huahua?"

Aunt seemed to think of something, and took a hard look at Zhang Wei.

Apparently she thought that Zhang Wei had heard about it from somewhere, and used it here to pretend to be a ghost.

However, the next second.

Grandma shook her head:

"No, I haven't told anyone."

"I usually chat with other old ladies in the community, and I also talk about other things."

"Rongrong, you didn't want me to talk about Huahua, so I didn't."

Grandma said with a sad face.

Although Aunt doesn't want to see grandma raising a cat, he thinks the cat is dirty or something.

But grandma loves Huahua very much and raises her like a little son.

When Huahua died of illness, she was sad for a long time.

How did Zhang Wei know about Huahua?

This doubt.

Horror emerged in the hearts of Qiu Xiaolin, Aunt and others.

"Young man, why do you know my Huahua?"

Different from Aunt.

Faced with grandma's question, Zhang Wei responded with a slight smile.

"I have special eyes. I can see things that others can't."

The words did not fall.

He pointed to grandma's shoulder.

"I see, grandma, you have a raccoon cat on your shoulder."

His words were very soft, but they exploded in everyone's ears like a bomb, making one's scalp tingle, and even goosebumps all over his body.


Aunt was so frightened that he stood up and cried out.

Then she seemed to remember something, pointed at grandma and said angrily:

"Mom, I told you a long time ago, don't keep cats, cats are dirty and hairy."

"It's all right now, the cat is still haunting us after it's dead, I think it may have been caused by Huahua when A Zhou crashed into a car."

"Yes, that must be the case. I said why my shoulders are getting heavy recently. I saw the doctor take an X-ray. The doctor said that there is no problem, but it is heavy and painful."

"Dare to love is Huahua's pressure on our shoulders, mom..."

The more she spoke, the angrier she became, and she raised her voice a little.

Everyone around in the car heard it, and couldn't help frowning and looked over.

Just don't wait for her to finish.

"Shut up!"

"Idiot, if you don't speak, no one will think you are dumb."

"Think about it with your walnut-sized cerebellum, if Huahua wanted to harm you, she would have killed your whole family three years ago, would she wait three years before putting pressure on your shoulders?"

"Don't push everything on others, don't you think about yourself, what immoral things did you do?"

Was scolded by Zhang Wei for a while.

Aunt froze for a moment, then raised his hand angrily to point at Zhang Wei.


But in the next second, he faltered.

Looking at Zhang Wei's eyes, she felt terrified.

Immediately afterwards.

She reacted, her expression froze, but she still insisted:

"What do you mean? You said it yourself, Huahua stood on my mother's shoulder."

Zhang Wei didn't get used to Aunt and said:

"When I said that Hua Hua was standing on Grandma's shoulders, did that mean she was pressing on Grandma's and your shoulders?"

"What is Huahua doing?"

Zhang Ya couldn't help asking questions curiously.

Feel the eyes of grandma, Qiu Xiaolin and the others.

Zhang Wei said bluntly:

"Huahua is protecting grandma and the whole family."

He glanced at Aunt coldly, then raised a smile to look at grandma.

"Grandma, you have a wonderful cat."

"The heaviness and soreness on your shoulders is not caused by Huahua."

"On the contrary, it's Huahua protecting you. Otherwise, you wouldn't just have a sore shoulder. Maybe your son Azhou will be fine in a car accident. It's also related to Huahua's protection."

That's all for words.

Zhang Wei changed his face again and looked at Aunt coldly.

"You have to thank grandma."

"If grandma hadn't treated Huahua kindly, Huahua wouldn't have thought of protecting grandma after she died so that your family wouldn't be killed by evil spirits."

"It was grandma who saved your whole family, understand, that loud bastard."

"To be honest, if you weren't grandma's daughter-in-law, Huahua was afraid that grandma would be sad if you died, so he protected you."

"Otherwise, you should check in at Lord Yan's side now."

Aunt was silent, stunned.

Grandma's old face was filled with tears.

"Hua Hua, my Hua Hua."

Grandma murmured and touched her shoulder.

She wants to see Huahua, wants to touch Huahua, but she can't see it.

"Grandma, don't be sad, Huahua is on your shoulder, rubbing against your neck now, if you are sad, it will be sad too."

Zhang Wei saw grandma's behavior.

Reach out and pat grandma.

Grandma trembled when she heard the words, her lips trembled, and she nodded heavily.

"Thank you, lad."

She made a decision.

No matter what the daughter-in-law said this time, when she returned home, she would get a small token for Hua Hua as an offering, so as to prevent him from becoming a lonely ghost.

Also at this moment.


Huahua yelled at Zhang Wei.

【Ding! Huahua thanks the host for defending it]

[Host obtains system points +2]

【Ding! Huahua thanks the host for comforting grandma]

[Host obtains system points +2]

[Trigger special reward—ghost back pattern]

A cold system prompt sounded in my mind.

Zhang Wei smiled slightly.

I didn't expect that my unintentional actions would have unexpected rewards from the system and special rewards.

Can't help it.

He glanced at the 'ghost back pattern' information rewarded by the system.

[Ghost back tattoo: The host can tattoo the subdued ghost on his back, bless himself, gain the ability of the ghost, and then drive the ghost to come out of the tattoo on his back and make him fight. 】

"nice one!"

Zhang Wei said in surprise.

at this time.

"Brother Wei, what is harming grandma and the others?"

This is Li Junfei who is asking questions.

Compared with others, Li Junfei knew Zhang Wei best, he knew that Brother Wei must have discovered something.


Grandma, Qiu Xiaolin and the others all looked at Zhang Wei.

Qiu Xiaolin's beautiful eyes were even more moving. She never expected that this 'bad guy' was hiding such an unknown side.

"It's a baby ghost."

Zhang Wei looked at the footprints on Grandma's and Aunt's shoulders.

The footprints are small, not adult footprints, but baby footprints.


As Zhang Wei said, he looked towards Aunt, and his eyes pointed directly at the baby's footprints on the other's shoulder.

Compared to the footprints on grandma's shoulders.

The footprints on the shoulders should be deeper and clearer.

"Baby ghost?"

Li Junfei and the others were taken aback, inexplicably thinking of those creepy baby ghosts in the movie.

Zhang Wei nodded:

"Well, it's a baby ghost."

"Originally, the baby ghost was planning to kill grandma and the loud stuff, but with Hua Hua, the baby ghost was temporarily driven away."

"But even though the baby ghost ran away, it still left footprints on the shoulders of grandma and the loud voice. That's the ghost's curse."

Grandma was terrified.

The old face was pale, holding Zhang Wei's hand tightly.

"Young man, what's going on? Why does my house attract baby ghosts? Is there any way to save us?"

Zhang Wei patted grandma's hand.

"Grandma, don't worry, I'm here."

[Bless the host with both hands for 1000 system points]

in words.

With the system prompt beeping.

Zhang Wei stretched out his hand to gently wipe the grandma's shoulder, and the baby's ghost footprint was easily erased by him.


The moment it was erased, there was a shrill baby cry from the footprints.

【Ding! The baby ghost screamed, my ghost curse was removed? ! 】

[Host obtains system points +3]

Even Grandma, Aunt, Qiu Xiaolin and the others vaguely heard it, and their bodies trembled in shock.


Zhang Wei looked at Aunt.

"It's you, loud voice."

While he was talking, Bian Gao raised his hand and slapped Aunt on the shoulder.

Snapped! !

One of the slaps almost shattered Aunt's shoulder.

Aunt rubbed her shoulders in pain, but didn't dare to scold Zhang Wei anymore, because after Zhang Wei's filming, apart from the pain in her shoulders, the previous heaviness and soreness were really gone, and after all the previous things, she had already realized Zhang Wei Wei is so powerful that he dare not bluff.

Finish these.

Zhang Wei clapped his hands, and clicked on Captain Lin Tong's call in the mobile communication.

"Grandma is fine now. You can call this Mr. Lin Tong later and tell him what happened."

"He'll take care of the baby ghost for you."

"As for grandma, you just said, how could you provoke the baby ghost?"

"Then you have to ask your loud voice."


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