Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 28 Plant A Good Cause Today, And Reap Good Results In The Future, Everything Has A Cause And

All neatly.

Everyone looked at Aunt.

"Ask me? I haven't harmed any babies, how could I recruit..."

In the middle of speaking, Aunt suddenly stopped, as if thinking of something, his expression suddenly changed.

its complexion.

Zhang Wei saw it in his eyes: "While I'm still here, hurry up and tell me what awesome things you did."


Under the pressure of grandma.

Aunt was a little uncertain, and hesitated.

It turned out that recently a sister's daughter had an affair. She accidentally went to a bar for a one-night stand and got pregnant. She asked Aunt for help, and Aunt gave her advice to have an abortion before her husband found out.

That's all.

Aunt was still stubborn, he shouldn't be the baby ghost brought on by this matter, after all, he was just a suggestion.

To this.

Zhang Wei asked directly:

"Let me ask you how long ago your sister had an abortion."

"Is it because the shoulders became sore not long after the abortion?"

Aunt was speechless when asked.

its move.

Everyone immediately understood that Zhang Wei might be right.

Ignored Aunt's expression.

Zhang Wei said slowly:

"As the saying goes, when a person dies, he enters the six realms. In the next life, people and things are created by the previous life."

"Say it bluntly."

"Being able to be reborn as a human being, which one is not the result of hardships and merits in the previous life, in exchange for being reborn as a human being again in the next life."

"And they worked so hard to be reborn as humans in the next life."

"As a result, I was just born, and I haven't had time to enjoy the prosperity, happiness, warmth and other worldly things in the next life."

"Because of your one-sentence suggestion, I have re-entered reincarnation."

"Who do you think will be less resentful?

Li Junfei was stunned when he heard it: "No wonder it is said that a baby becomes a ghost, and it will be more powerful than other ghosts. It turns out that it has a huge resentment."

Zhang Wei nodded noncommittally.

at the same time.

Aunt had already been frightened by Zhang Wei's words, his face turned pale, and he felt frightened for a while.

She never thought of it.

Just because of my own words, almost killed the whole family.

"Brother Wei, is this the legendary 'misfortune comes from the mouth', haha."

Li Junfei also saw Aunt, and couldn't help but tease him.

Zhang Wei nodded.

"That's right, that's why I said, the ancients never deceived me. You must believe some words that have been passed down since ancient times."

Grandma is very grateful to Zhang Wei.

If it wasn't for Zhang Wei, maybe their family didn't know how they died.

To this.

Zhang Wei shook his head:

"Grandma, you don't have to thank me. I will help because of you."

"A friend of mine said that whether a person is rich or poor in his life depends on whether he works hard or not."

"Whether a person is a blessing or a curse in the end of his life depends on his good and evil deeds throughout his life."

"The so-called good will be rewarded with good, and evil will be rewarded with evil."

"It's like Huahua, grandma, you were kind to Huahua before you were alive, in exchange for Huahua's protection today."

That's all for words.

Zhang Wei raised a smile:

"Sow good causes today, and reap good fruits in the future. Everything has a cause and effect."

"If it wasn't for your kindness, grandma, I wouldn't help you today, so don't thank me, because it's grandma who let me choose to help you."

The words fell.

The bus has also arrived.

before getting off.

Zhang Wei looked at Aunt, and this look shocked Aunt, who had been in awe of Zhang Wei for a long time.

"Be nicer to grandma in the future, without grandma, you can't live so long."

Zhang Wei said softly.

Aunt nodded again and again: "Yes, yes, Mr. Xiao, you are right, I will not dare in the future."


Since this station is located in a downtown area, people got off the bus one after another.

Get a reply from Aunt.

Zhang Wei didn't bother Aunt any more, and went straight to grandma.

Under the puzzled eyes of Qiu Xiaolin, Li Junfen and others.

He looked over Grandma's shoulder, smiled and said:

"Huahua, humans and ghosts are different after all."

"Grandma is considered tall because of her age. As she gets older, her yang energy will be insufficient."

"You are a femininity. Although staying with grandma can protect grandma, it will also hurt grandma invisibly."

"I've already dealt with the ghost baby."

"And grandma has the phone number of my friend Captain Lin. If you encounter these things in the future, don't worry."

"If you want, how about being my partner when the baby ghost thing happens."


Huahua on her shoulder raised her eyes.

Those cat pupils reflected Zhang Wei's face at the moment.

【Ding! Huahua thanked the host for reminding. 】

[Host obtains system points +3]

Watch for a moment.

In the end, Huahua nodded. Being born with spirituality, how could it not know the difference between human beings and ghosts? It just couldn't let go of grandma, and now with Zhang Wei's help, it also fulfilled its wish.

【Ding! Huahua agreed to the host. 】

[Host obtains system points +10]

The system prompt sounds.

Zhang Wei responded with a smile.

"Then wait for the ghost baby to be resolved, come to me, and I will wait for you anytime."

When seeing Huahua.

Zhang Wei had the idea of ​​wanting Huahua, thinking that if there was a ghost by his side, he could swipe some points at any time.

And when he obtained the 'ghost back pattern', he became even more determined.

But he doesn't force it.

After all, Huahua is different from the ghosts she met before, she is a kind ghost, unless it agrees.


On the way to the S store.

There is a bus thing.

The topic of their conversation changed.

It's no longer just talking about anime and s.

Even Qiu Xiaolin couldn't help it, and asked Zhang Wei some supernatural topics from time to time.

Even if you enter the S store.

Qiu Xiaolin and the others had to ask a few questions while they were shopping for sex supplies.

"Brother Wei, what does that flower look like?"

Li Junfei asked.

"That's right, what does it look like, Zhang Wei tell us about it."

Zhang Ya shook Zhang Wei's arm with her coquettish hands.

And winking from time to time.

To this.

Zhang Wei glanced at Qiu Xiaolin.

Although she didn't speak, she approached carefully with her clothes on, her ears pricked up, and her actions betrayed her thoughts.

Looking at Qiu Xiaolin's cute eavesdropping appearance.

Zhang Wei recalled the past inexplicably.

Hehe smiled.

"It's okay to want to know, but I think someone doesn't seem to want to hear it. Let's talk halfway."

"Zhang Wei you..."

Qiu Xiaolin puffed out her cheeks, her small face looked fleshy and extremely cute.

Then he was angry for a while, gritted his teeth and said:

"Whoever said I don't want to hear it, I also want... want to hear it."

"I don't believe it, unless you act like a baby with me."

Perhaps because he remembered the past, Zhang Wei instinctively reached out and pinched Qiu Xiaolin's face habitually.

This pinch.

Both Zhang Wei and Qiu Xiaolin were stunned.

next moment.

Zhang Wei hurriedly coughed, and before Qiu Xiaolin looked at him with murderous eyes, he opened his mouth to change the topic

"Didn't you often act like a baby with me before? It's been a long time since you enjoyed it."


Qiu Xiaolin rolled Zhang Wei's eyes, and pulled Zhang Wei up after three years.

There was a smile on that little face.

Puffed little cheeks.

Shaking Zhang Wei's arms with both hands.

"I want to hear about Zhang Wei too, just tell me."

That smile, that appearance, was so cute that the customers around couldn't help but look sideways.


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