Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 29: Something Happened To Wu Nian And Zhang Chao

Even the female customers present felt moved when they saw it.


Zhang Wei coughed:

"Okay, then I'll talk about it."

Then described Huahua.

When it comes to Huahua is chubby, similar to the cat teacher in Natsume's Book of Friends.

Both Qiu Xiaolin and Zhang Ya's eyes lit up.

"Is it so cute, ah, I really want to see Huahua."

Zhang Ya's face was full of pity.

Qiu Xiaolin also nodded in agreement.

"It would be even better if I could touch the flowers."

"Yaya, do you think Huahua will transform into a handsome monster like Teacher Mao?"


"I've decided, this time s, I won't slut Ben Zina."

"I want a catwoman character!"

"Go! Yaya, let's buy cat ears."


Qiu Xiaolin took Zhang Ya to the headwear area.

Zhang Wei shook his head and followed.

Time flies.

After changing several pieces of s clothes in a row, Qiu Xiaolin decided on the role of s.

"We have bought things, what are you missing?"

Zhang Ya opened the mouth with the clothes she wanted to buy.

"I'm done buying it too."

Li Junfei said, looking at Zhang Wei.

"Brother Wei, what about you, why can't you buy it?"

Zhang Wei checked the purchase list.

"There is still one Uchiha Itachi's Akatsuki ring, and the Sharingan contact lens."

Qiu Xiaolin nodded and pulled Zhang Ya up:

"Then let's go buy it. I just want to buy a color contact lens."

"Yaya, I went to see the cosmetic contact lenses just now. There are many beautiful anime beauty products in this S shop."


I have to come out of the S store.

Zhang Wei looked up and saw that night had already fallen.

"Wow, it's almost 8 o'clock at 7 o'clock."

Li Junfei looked at the phone, touched his stomach and said:

"I just said why I'm so hungry. Sure enough, shopping is the most time-consuming."

Zhang Wei then said:

"Then let's find a place to eat. I know there is a delicious Thai restaurant nearby."

Qiu Xiaolin and the others did not refuse.

After shopping all afternoon, they were also hungry.


A Thai restaurant.

Just sat down.

Jingle Bell.

Zhang Wei's cell phone rang.

Caller ID——Squad leader Lu Lianxue.

Since Qiu Xiaolin and Zhang Ya were sitting opposite Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei's mobile phone was placed on the table.

When the phone comes.

Then they saw the three words 'Lu Lianxue' displayed on the phone.

Zhang Wei didn't notice their gazes.

Straight up the phone.

"Oh, why did the squad leader take the initiative to call me again?"

Zhang Wei was about to tease.

But it came from the phone, Lu Lianxue's words interrupted his speech.

"Zhang Wei, where are you now? Is there anyone else around? It's not convenient for Fang to talk. I have something important to tell you."

Its words.

With dignity.

Zhang Wei knew that Lu Lianxue was probably going to say something about demons and ghosts.

This kind of thing is not convenient for ordinary people to hear.

Immediately he got up.

"Junfei, you guys order first, and I'll answer the phone."

"Brother Wei, what do you want to eat?" Li Junfei asked hastily.

Zhang Wei replied after hearing the words:

"Whatever, what I don't like to eat, Xiao Lin knows, just ask her to order for me."

Watching Zhang Wei go out of the store to answer the phone.

Zhang Ya tugged on Qiu Xiaolin's sleeve, and said with an ambiguous smile:

"Ouch, people say what he likes to eat, Xiao Lin, you know it all, tsk tsk tsk."

"Hit you."

Qiu Xiaolin stretched out her hand and gently twisted Zhang Ya's waist.

To this.

Zhang Ya giggled and dodged Qiu Xiaolin's 'attack', blinking her slender eyelashes.

"What's wrong, Zhang Wei was picked up by other girls, is my Xiaolin jealous?"


Qiu Xiaolin attacked again:

"Yaya, don't talk nonsense."

However, after a few fights, the two stopped, and Qiu Xiaolin glanced at Zhang Wei, who was on the phone at the door of the store, from time to time through the floor-to-ceiling window sitting next to the store.

No one knew what Qiu Xiaolin was thinking.

Zhang Ya was curious.

Ask Li Junfei.

"Just to ask you, who is the person calling Zhang Wei, brother Junfei, do you know him?"

Li Junfei laughed and said:

"I know you, squad leader Lu Lianxue, not to mention me, basically the whole school knows each other."

"Oh? How to say?"

Zhang Ya ignited the soul of gossip.

Qiu Xiaolin seemed to be looking at the menu and ordering, and she glanced over at the right time.

Li Junfei didn't hold back, and said bluntly:

"Lu Lianxue is the monitor of our class, and also the class flower of our class."

"not only that."

"She's still our school's school belle, the dream goddess of all boys."

"The squad leader is so beautiful, even more beautiful than a star."

"Wow, is she so pretty? Then what is her relationship with Zhang Wei? Is she Zhang Wei's girlfriend?"

When Zhang Ya asked this, she covered her mouth and smiled, and turned to Qiu Xiaolin without restraint, clearly wanting to let Qiu Xiaolin see.

It's hard for Qiu Xiaolin not to see it.

She grinned cutely at Zhang Ya.

Li Junfei is not a fool, he also sees the relationship between Zhang Wei and Qiu Xiaolin.

He also smiled.

Immediately replied:

"Haha, it's not a girlfriend."

"The relationship between the squad leader and Brother Wei is quite complicated. In addition to the relationship between classmates and friends, there is also...well, how do you say it? Colleagues?"

"Well, there are some things that are inconvenient to tell you."

Li Junfei waved his hand, it's hard to say that both Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue are exorcists and so on.

at the same time.

I heard that Zhang Wei and Lu Lianxue are friends.

Qiu Xiaolin blinked, inexplicably relieved, but soon felt speechless again, what's wrong, why should I breathe a sigh of relief, crazy.

"Colleague? Have you ever worked part-time together?"

Zhang Ya guessed.

Out of a burning gossip, she asked about Lu Lianxue one after another.


at the same time.

outside the store.

Since this is the third floor of the shopping mall, Zhang Wei walked out of the store, walked to the front of the store, and leaned against the glass railing:

"There is no one around now, monitor, tell me, what happened?"

Its voice sounded.

Lu Lianxue on the phone didn't show off.

Said bluntly:

"Zhang Wei, I just received a call from Captain Lin, and the superior ordered me, Captain Lin, and Zhou Qin to take the earliest plane tomorrow and go to the Northeast for support."

"I'm calling to tell you this."

"I just want to ask you, do you want to go together?"

"The higher-ups told Captain Lin that if we can bring strong players, we can bring them together, the more the better."

"I think something big must have happened in the Northeast."

"Otherwise, there wouldn't be such a shortage of manpower, and even foreign aid would have to be called in."


"I don't mean anything else. The reason I called you is because you told me yesterday that you and the little monk Wu Nian got along very well and became good friends."

"I just received the notice from Captain Lin."

"I went to the Ministry of Health's forum to read it."

"Many people over there are now discussing the situation in the Northeast."

"I saw...someone was saying that the little monk Wu Nian lost contact with the Northeast Guardian Department at noon today."

"Not only the little monk Wu Nian, but also his team-mates and team leader lost contact."

As his words came from the phone.

Zhang Wei's heart skipped a beat.

Has something happened to Wu Nian and Zhang Chao? !


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