Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 30 The Situation Is Critical, Hurry Back To The Northeast

Realizing that Wu Nian and the others had an accident, Zhang Wei quickly asked:

"Wu Nian, Zhang Chao and the others have lost contact? Are you sure?"

"High degree of confidence."

Lu Lianxue spoke.

at this time.

Lu Lianxue on the other side of the phone.

He held a phone call with Zhang Wei with his mobile phone in one hand, and held a mouse in the other hand, scrolling the wheel, and browsing the content of the Department of Health Forum.

That was a post about the disappearance of the little monk Wu Nian.

Look at the content of the post.

She told Zhang Wei:

"There are already personnel from the Department of Health and Dao in the northeast who have come out to confirm it."

"Northeast Security Department, He Wunian and the team members who went on missions with him have completely lost contact and can't be contacted at all."

Zhang Wei frowned and said:

"Where's the positioning radar?"

He had talked with Lu Lianxue before.

In order to ensure the safety of the personnel, the Department of Health and Dao provided the personnel with certain magic weapons.

It is also equipped with a mobile phone that cannot be disturbed by certain ghosts.

at the same time.

The mobile phone is also equipped with a positioning device.

The location of personnel can be known in real time, so that personnel can be rescued immediately if they are injured or in danger.

"The positioning radar has also lost contact."

Lu Lianxue swipe the scroll wheel to view the post:

"Northeast Security Department lost the positioning signals of Wu Nian and his teammates."

"Generally speaking."

"There are only two situations when the positioning signal disappears."

"One is that the magnetic field may be chaotic or the signal cannot be accepted in places where they may go, such as underground, deep mountains and old forests."

"It's hard not to get a signal in these places."

"There are not many deep mountains and old forests in the northeast."

"The other is that they may have entered the ghost realm."

"And it's still in a large ghost domain."

"Because the Ministry of Health's mobile phone is specially made, even if you enter the ghost domain, you can still receive it."

Speaking of which.

Lu Lianxue paused, looking at the latest floor content of the post.

"The Department of Northeast Health gave a guess."

"Wu Nian and the others went deep into the mountains and forests this morning to hunt down a red-clothed ghost, and they lost contact."

"That deep mountain and old forest can be covered by signal towers."

"So basically a judgment."

"Wu Nian they lost contact..."

"Either deep underground."

"Either in a haunted area of ​​strong ghosts."

"I just saw that Wu Nian lost contact with them, so come over and ask Zhang Wei if you want to go with us."

The words did not fall.

Lu Lianxue looked at the forum and added solemnly:

"Actually, it's not just Wu Nian who lost contact this time."

"Many people from the Northeast Defense Department lost contact today."

"It is said."

"In addition to the Ministry of Health, there are also some idle ghost exorcists in the northeast who have also disappeared."

"Even a few disciples from the monk's house have disappeared."

"Among them is the most beloved granddaughter of the eighth grandfather of the Hu family. She also disappeared this morning."

"Now the five major masters are all falling apart."

"Especially the Hu family."

"Almost all the descendants of the Hu family, as well as the disciples of the Hu family have been dispatched."

Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled.

There will be silence.

He rubbed his temples:

"Brother Wu Nian and the others are really worrying. Let me go with you, monitor."

Although Wu Nian and Zhang Chao only knew him for one day.

But Zhang Wei still intends to find them.

without him.

His principle is to treat people who are good to him, and he will treat them even more kindly.

Everything is driven by the heart, and I seek peace of mind.

"it is good."

Lu Lianxue nodded:

"Then I'll book a ticket for you here, the plane at 9:30 tomorrow morning."

"At that time, I will go to your dormitory to find you, and Captain Lin will drive us to the private airport."

"Because this is an emergency support, use the Department of Health's private jet to go quickly."

Talked to Lu Lianxue for a few words.

After all, I went out to play with my friends.

Zhang Wei hung up the phone.

Once in the store.

Li Junfei and the others all looked at Zhang Wei.

Zhang Wei didn't know about Zhang Ya's chat with them before.

"Why are you looking at me like that?" Zhang Wei sat down on his seat.

"Brother Wei, what did you talk to the monitor about, why are you so embarrassed to talk about it in front of us?"

Li Junfei moved his ass and moved to Zhang Wei's side.

With a wretched smile on his face.

"Did the squad leader ask you out? Then we must not hinder your date."

"Then you won't be able to see Brother Wei for a few days. After all, someone as fierce as Brother Wei must be like Houyi. You have to shoot nine days in a row."

"Or, the squad leader confessed to you."

"Then Brother Wei, you plan to refuse. You are afraid that if we hear it, it will spread and the squad leader will lose face, so go out and say it?"

Zhang Wei knocked Li Junfei on the head.

"What are you talking about?"

"She came to me because she had something important to say."

Just when Zhang Wei said this.

The waiter also brought up the ordered Thai dishes.

Side took the Thai food.

Zhang Wei said slowly:

"Junfei, I plan to go to the northeast again tomorrow, there is something going on there."

"I still have two days left on my leave."

"If I don't come back after two days, you can help me extend the leave time with the teacher in charge."

When Li Junfei heard this, his brows suddenly raised.

To the northeast?

Although he is an ordinary person, like Yu Weihong, Zhang Wei didn't say much to Li Junfei.

But Li Junfei is not stupid.

After chatting with Yu Xiaoqi and Yu Weihong and Zhang Wei, he was able to realize that something might happen in the Northeast, so Zhang Wei came back early.

but now……

It's only been a day.

Zhang Wei was about to fly back to the northeast immediately.

Li Junfei has already realized that Zhang Wei's going to the Northeast may not be too easy.

"Understood Brother Wei, rest assured to leave the leave to me."

He changed his wretched expression and patted his chest.

the other side.

Zhang Ya and the others who didn't know the truth looked puzzled.

Qiu Xiaolin took a deep look at Zhang Wei.

Get along with Zhang Wei for many years.

She knows Zhang Wei.

Although Zhang Wei is usually idle, he attaches great importance to his studies. Unless it is very important, he usually does not ask for leave, and he goes to school as usual even if he is sick.

She remembers it well.

When I knew Zhang Wei, Zhang Wei only asked for leave once.

That time Zhang Wei's grandma passed away.

Also that time.

It was the first time she saw Zhang Wei cry, and it was distressing.

"Are you ok."

Qiu Xiaolin hesitated for a moment, but said it anyway.

It must be an urgent matter for Zhang Wei to go to the Northeast, and she knew that Zhang Wei had no relatives in the Northeast, so it was obvious that there was something extremely important for him to go to the Northeast.


Zhang Wei, who was eating Thai food, was stunned.

He looked up at Qiu Xiaolin.

There was a hint of worry on his lovely round face.

Li Junfei, Zhang Ya and the others don't know what kind of riddle Qiu Xiaolin's words are playing.

But Zhang Wei, who is familiar with each other, knows.

Zhang Wei raised a smile.

"Don't worry, it's fine."

in words.

He recalled the past in his mind, that time when his grandma passed away, he cried sadly, but Qiu Xiaolin chose to stay with him, which resulted in missing the piano grade exam and being scolded by his family.

"Are you sure?" Qiu Xiaolin gave Zhang Wei a blank look.

"There's nothing uncertain about that."

Zhang Wei took a bite of Thai seafood rice, chewed and said:

"It's just to find a friend. My friend gets married and asks me to be the best man."


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