Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 31 Give You Green Arrow Gum For Self-Defense

That night.

Had dinner.

Seeing that it was getting late, Zhang Wei and the others didn't go shopping anymore.

Send Qiu Xiaolin and the others to the hotel where they live.

before leaving.

Watching the back of Qiu Xiaolin entering the hotel.

Perhaps it was because of what happened to grandma’s family on the bus this morning, or maybe it was because of the recent unrest in Northeast China, or maybe it was because of Qiu Xiaolin’s concern during the meal.

"Hello, Qiu Xiaolin."

Zhang Wei called to stop Qiu Xiaolin.

at this time.

Qiu Xiaolin was about to enter the hotel door, she couldn't help looking back.

She wondered: "What's wrong?"

Zhang Wei fumbled around every pocket on his body, trying to find something.

Fumbled for a meeting.

Fortunately, he found something.

It was a pack of Green Wrigley gum.


Zhang Wei was a little embarrassed, why is it food? Forget it, something is better than nothing.

I thought about it.

A system notification sounded in my mind.

【Ding! Blessing Green Wrigley Chewing Gum 1 System Point]

After knowing that there are ghosts in the world, I also experienced the grandma's family, whose daughter-in-law almost killed the whole family by ghosts with just one word, and the incident in the Northeast.

Let Zhang Wei know.

In this world, it is not so safe, especially for ordinary people.

Now I meet Qiu Xiaolin again.

After all, he couldn't rest assured, and decided to give Qiu Xiaolin one, bless the things ordered by the system, and ensure that he has the ability to protect himself when encountering ghosts.

However, he groped for a while, and only found chewing gum.

"this is for you."

Zhang Wei grinned and handed it over.

Qiu Xiaolin: "???"

After taking the Green Arrow gum, Qiu Xiaolin ( ̄△ ̄;)? ? ? Confused.

Why are you giving me chewing gum?

Could it be... I have bad breath? !

Qiu Xiaolin subconsciously covered her mouth and let out a soft breath.

(〃&39;▽&39;〃)......, no bad breath.

"What is this for?"

Qiu Xiaolin asked curiously.

Zhang Wei casually said:

"I'll give you something to eat, but I'll eat it when you are in danger from ghosts."

Li Junfei: (⊙o⊙)...

Zhang Ya, Qiu Xiaolin:  ̄▽ ̄? ? ?

The expressions of the two women seemed to be silently saying, "Huh? what is that? '.

"I met a ghost eating it? Is it possible to deal with ghosts after eating it?"

Qiu Xiaolin was so angry that she couldn't laugh or cry.

Although today I know that Zhang Wei has special abilities, but using chewing gum to fight ghosts is still beyond her understanding.

Not to mention Qiu Xiaolin.

Even Zhang Ya and even Li Junfei were stunned.

"Zhang Wei, why don't you give me a talisman, or draw a Taoist talisman on Xiaolin's hand like in Lin Zhengying's movie. This chewing gum is for ghosts, you fool ghosts, or fool people."

Zhang Ya almost laughed out loud.

It seems that Zhang Wei is planning to play tricks on Qiu Xiaolin.

In fact.

When Qiu Xiaolin took the chewing gum, she also thought that way for a second.


Believe it or not.

She still accepted it.

"Thank you, I'll take it then."

"Then this is for you."

As Qiu Xiaolin said, she took out a cartoon keychain from the little rabbit bag.

It was a cartoon keychain.

There is a q version of an anime character hanging on the keychain, which is the q version of a character named "Old Heavenly Master" in a certain country manga.

"Reciprocity is courteous."

Qiu Xiaolin handed it to Zhang Wei, smiling cutely.

Zhang Wei was not polite.

Accepted the cartoon keychain.


the next day.

Luxia University, male dormitory building.

Since there is no class today on Saturday, a student got up early to play lol. He set a small goal for himself, and today he wants to get a gold rank.

After washing up, I just went out to buy breakfast.


He saw a beautiful figure in front of him, walking towards the dormitory building.

He rubbed his eyes vigorously to make sure he wasn't dazzled.

The student froze.

"Lu, Lu Lianxue?!"

Good guy, isn't that Lu Lianxue? ! Why did she come to the boys' dormitory, my Cao!

"Hi, may I ask where dormitory 5138 is going?"

Lu Lianxue asked the student.

The student instinctively pointed to the left: "On the fifth floor, the corridor is to the left."

Until he came to his senses.

Lu Lianxue had already said "thank you" and walked into the dormitory building.

this moment.

The student couldn't care less about having breakfast, and rushed back to the dormitory with a shocked expression on his face.

"My Cao!!! Wake up quickly, big news!! Lu Lianxue has come to our boys dormitory!!"


"Huh? True or false."

Like a virus spreading, this dormitory spreads to the next dormitory, and the next dormitory spreads to another dormitory, one spreads to ten, ten spreads to hundreds.

Early in the morning.

The two male dormitory buildings of Luxia University are full of excitement.

All because the goddess Lu Lianxue unexpectedly came.

Everyone was aroused curiosity, which lucky guy hooked up with the goddess, and made the goddess come to him early in the morning.

"Squad leader, you are making a lot of noise."

Zhang Wei was knocked out by the class monitor, and he saw people in the surrounding corridors, all looking towards his dormitory.

Lu Lianxue blushed a little.

She didn't expect that she would make such a big fuss.

She looked at the buns in her hand.

Gritting his teeth, he handed it to Zhang Wei.

"Here, here you are."

Since she wanted to find Zhang Wei early in the morning and go to the Northeast together, Lu Lianxue was afraid that if she found him early in the morning, Zhang Wei would not have time to eat breakfast, so she bought breakfast specially, but who knew that with the current situation, she underestimated herself Influence'.

Following Lu Lianxue shyly gave the bun to Zhang Wei.


All the boys looked at Zhang Wei enviously.

In the eyes of many of them, the envy and jealousy are full.

Let a beautiful woman come to the boys' dormitory early in the morning and buy him breakfast in full view.

This situation.

Isn't it what they dreamed of?

Now the dream happened, but unfortunately...the hero is not them, crying blind, heartbroken, ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

"Damn it, Nima, was he a good person in the tenth life in his previous life? This life is such a blessing."

"Oh, I'm so envious."

And then in the limelight.

Zhang Wei and the monitor left the dormitory building.

When I got off the dormitory building.

Zhang Wei did not forget to tease Xiang Lu Lianxue:

"Squad leader, you said that we leave now and then return to school for several days, how will the school pass us on?"

"It's exciting to think about it, it feels like it's tarnishing you,"

Lu Lian gave Zhang Wei a white look.


the other side.

Luxia City, an airport.

at this time.

Lin Tong took Lu Lianxue, Zhang Wei, and Zhou Qin, another member of the Luxia City Health Department.

The four arrived at the airport.

Lift up your eyes and look.

Except for the small private plane ahead.

There are about a dozen other people, both men and women, old and young.

"Those are the exorcists we invited this time to support the Northeast."

Lu Lianxue introduced Zhang Wei.

at the same time.

The arrival of Zhang Wei and the others also attracted the attention of the exorcists present.


Many young people noticed Zhang Wei beside Lu Lianxue and were slightly surprised.

You must know that Lu Lianxue is a disciple of Longhu Mountain, with outstanding talent, well-known in the circle of ghost exorcists in Luxia City, and admirers are indispensable.

Seeing him getting close to Zhang Wei now, he couldn't help feeling hostile.


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