Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 252 Mr. Willow, He Went To The Grassland?

the other side.

Huahua carried the bazooka and passed by the man with reading glasses. It didn't care about the man's expression, let alone what the man was thinking. Anyway, it was already blown up, and it happened to be seen by the other party, so it was easier to shoot. Enter Senluo Division.

What it's thinking about now is how to find an opportunity to report the good news to its owner, Zhang Wei.

As it thinks.

The man with presbyopic glasses also followed, with a smile on his sickly face:

"I just wanted to come here to do something, so I came here to take a look. I didn't expect you to be so cruel, Orange Cat. This is not burning Wutai Mountain, it's clearly bombing, haha."

He prevaricates a reason casually, not wanting to be left with a bad impression by Huahua, saying that he is following her.

Such a ruthless ghost certainly doesn't like being followed.

The words did not fall.

The man with presbyopic glasses continued:

"Orange cat, where did you get this bazooka?"

Facing the question, Huahua's chubby cat face turned around:

"Here, I saw there was one on Mount Wutai, so I just took it and fried it."

It has already matched up its words with Wu Nian, and it is not afraid of the man with presbyopic glasses asking. After all, its owner Zhang Wei has taught it that lying must be drafted, otherwise it is easy to be exposed, so Huahua is very cautious. .

The man with presbyopic glasses was stunned for a moment, and listened to Huahua's description of the military affairs in Wutai Mountain, and he couldn't hide his astonishment:

"Wutai Mountain engages in arms? Is this a big move?"

"Probably, I don't really understand, meow~" Huahua said casually.

"There must be a big move. Orange cat, you may not know that Mount Wutai is one of the Buddhist orthodoxy. The Buddhist family is not good at handling arms. Now that there are arms going up the mountain, there must be a big move."

The man with presbyopic glasses analyzed it swearingly, fearing that Huahua had only been a ghost for a few years and didn't know monks well, so he continued:

"Buddhas don't know how to use firearms, not to mention that they don't know how to use them at all. They chant sutras to drive out ghosts, and use Buddhism to drive out ghosts."

Think here.

He frowned and said in a low voice:

"No, for such a big event, I have to tell Sen Luosi about it as soon as possible. If it is used against us Sen Luosi, Sen Luosi will be caught off guard very easily."

Regarding his words, Huahua, who learned about the arms incident from Wu Nian, glanced at the man with presbyopic glasses.


That's not for dealing with Senros, that's what my master did.

I thought so.

But Huahua opened her mouth on the surface:

"Meow~ Is it that serious, but you don't have to worry about it. Ammunition can't deal with ghosts. What are you afraid of? Bullets can kill you at most, but they can't kill us ghosts."

Man with presbyopic glasses: "..."

He couldn't laugh or cry and looked at Huahua, Huahua's words were a bit fucked up, but it was also reasonable, guns were mostly used against people, ghosts were not afraid of bullets, and they Sen Luosi were not all ghost exorcists, ghosts accounted for the majority.


In order to avoid Wutai Mountain chasing over.

The man with presbyopic glasses quickly left Mount Wutai with his flowers. Before he left, he glanced at Mount Wutai behind him. The eyes under the pair of presbyopic glasses flickered, and he murmured in his heart:

"Tailor, Sen Luosi has attracted enough attention this time, and you should also give a little effort to complete the progress as soon as possible."


Banyan City, a star hotel.

at this time.

In front of the hotel where Zhang Wei was staying, Cao Yu knocked on the door of his room.

"Brother Wei, are you awake?"

After Cao Yu opened his mouth, he looked down at his phone. It was past 10 o'clock in the morning, and he deliberately called Zhang Wei late, so as not to make Zhang Wei sleep late.


The door opens.

Zhang Wei came out:

"I woke up and went to have breakfast by the way. Didn't you give me the hotel's breakfast voucher yesterday? It's not for nothing. Now I use it. It feels very cost-effective."

Cao Yu smiled:

"The breakfast in this hotel is good, otherwise I wouldn't let Brother Wei live here. By the way, Brother Wei, Zhang Chao told me this morning, are you going out to help Zhang Chao with something? Where are you going? Huh? I'll drive you there."

"Yes, I'm going to tell you about this. I'm going to a restaurant. Here's the address."

Without any ink marks, Zhang Wei took out the address information that Zhang Chao had sent him.

"This is in the city center, I know that place, Brother Wei, when are you going to go there?"

"nighttime then."

Zhang Wei thought for a while and said:

"I originally planned to go early, but you said that it's in the city center, so there are probably a lot of people, and the boss is not good at entertaining me. I'd better go there later. Anyway, it's early in the morning, and ghosts generally don't dare to mess around."

Cao Yu nodded:

"Okay, then I'll take Brother Wei to go shopping around there. There is a hand-made shop in the city center. Brother Wei, you will open it for sale, and I will pay for it. Haha, there are also some interesting shops over there. It's near the hotel, so I can see the surroundings of the hotel."

"Don't be so polite. If you pay the bill, you will go bankrupt. Believe it or not, you can buy a house by building a wall. It's not just talk."

"Haha, I know, but it's okay. Brother Wei, you saved my life. You should pay the bill. If it weren't for the old man Liushu's action last time, Lianfeng and I must have died at the hands of that ghost king."

"Then you can just thank the old man, you don't need to thank me, I can't help."

"Mr. Willow also said the same thing. It said it would thank Brother Wei if it wanted to thank you. It wouldn't be able to come there without Brother Wei."

The words are not finished yet.

Cao Yu smiled and said:

"Besides, I also want to thank Mr. Liushu, but I have to wait until Mr. Liushu comes back. Now I want to thank him, but I can't thank him. Mr. Liushu is too far away from me. I heard that the old man went to the grassland province, so I would like to thank Brother Wei first. .”

"Has the old man gone to the Prairie Province?"

Zhang Wei looked over upon hearing this.

The last time Lu Lianfeng was attacked by the ghost king, since then, Mr. Liushu will send photos to Zhang Wei wherever he travels, but for the past two days, Mr. Liushu has not posted any photos.

Even so.

But Zhang Wei is not worried that something will happen to Mr. Liushu. He has a connection with the ghost back pattern, and he can always know that Mr. Liu's life is not in danger.

Now after hearing Cao Yu's words, he understands why the old man Liu Shu didn't post any photos to share. It turned out that he went to the grassland province, which is a province covered by grassland and one of the provinces with the largest land area.

Also because the land is large, and the population is not large, the signal in some places is relatively poor, so the old man is probably unable to post photos to share.

"Yes, Mr. Liushu went to the grassland. I also heard from my dad's discussion about the treatment of water ghosts, and from the person in charge of the Department of Health and Dao of the Grassland Province."

in words.

Cao Yu looked at Zhang Wei lightly:

"Hey, brother Wei, don't you know that old man Liushu has gone to the grassland province? Yes, it's too big over there, and there are places where there is no signal. Then brother Wei, you probably don't know that old man Liushu has been in the grassland province for the past two days. matter."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei came to pay attention:

"Did the old man do anything in the Prairie Province?"


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