Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 253 Don't Run Away, Young Man, The Old Man Walks Slowly, You Make It Hard For Me To Cat

Cao Yu didn't give up on Zhang Wei's inquiry, and responded with a smile:

"I heard from my dad that Mr. Liu Shu went to the Grassland Province two days ago. Brother Wei, you know that once a ghost of the ghost king level appears, it is enough to attract the attention of the Department of Health and Dao. Even if it is a good ghost, it will also receive attention. "

"Plus, Mr. Liu Shu is very law-abiding, and he flew there by plane, haha, so he was immediately known by the Department of Health and Dao in the grassland area."

"Then the person in charge of the Grassland Province, he told my dad that as soon as he found out about Mr. Willow, he immediately sent someone to find Mr. Willow, and wanted to ask Mr. Willow for help, because the province of the Grassland has a powerful one who has reached the ghost king level. Ghost."

"That ghost, like Mr. Willow, is also a plant essence. It is said to be a grass."

"Brother Wei, you know that spirits such as animals and plants have their own special talents, similar to water ghosts, and are more difficult to deal with ghosts and monsters."

"And the Grassland Province has a large area and few people, and the grasslands are everywhere. It is not easy to find a grass ghost, so the person in charge of the Department of Health and Dao in the grassland area wants to ask Mr. Willow for help. After all, Mr. Willow is also a plant, and he is not ordinary Ghost King."

"It's just that before the person in charge sent someone to find Mr. Willow, Mr. Liu met the ghost king grass demon first."

"By the time the person in charge arrived, Mr. Liu Shu had already started fighting with the Ghost King Grass Demon."

That's all for words.

Cao Yu recalled what his father Cao Yushan said to him before, and continued with a smile:

"Brother Wei, my dad said that when the person in charge of the grassland area said this, the expression on his face was wonderful. The people who sent them saw with their own eyes that the old man Liushu twisted the head of the ghost king grass demon, and finally the ghost king grass demon died. turned into a blade of grass."

"Then the willow old man took the body of the ghost king grass demon and gave it to the sent person, saying that you came at the right time, and I was still thinking about how to find you. This grass is given to you, just like the last time the ghost king traded. Tell Zhang Wei."

The words fell.

Cao Yu looked at Zhang Wei and said bluntly:

"Afterwards, the person in charge of the prairie area got the situation, and was immediately confused. I didn't expect that I hadn't found Mr. Liu Shu. He settled the matter first, and even took the initiative to deal with the person in charge of the prairie area. Brother Wei, you don't know, in fact, the prairie area The person in charge really wants that Ghost King Grass Demon."

"Mr. Liu Shu completely predicted his prediction. The person in charge of the grassland is very happy. My dad said that the person in charge always had a sullen face like a Sima, but the corners of his mouth did not come down during the Shuigui video conference last time." Yes, haha"

Cao Yu's words echoed in his ears.

Zhang Wei was stunned, with a surprised expression on his face, and couldn't help muttering in his heart:

"I'm just kidding, does the old man take it seriously?"

According to the person in charge of the grassland area, it was a coincidence that the old man Liushu met the ghost king grass demon first, but only Zhang Wei understood that it was not a coincidence at all, and there was no other reason. Seeing that the ghost king kills more, let him make a deal with the Secretary of Wei Dao.

It was just a joke.

did not expect……

Old man Liu Shu really took it seriously, he shot and killed the bad ghost king when he really saw it.

Just when Zhang Wei was surprised.


Zhang Wei sensed something, looked in one direction, and Cao Yu noticed Zhang Wei's actions.

Immediately afterwards.

Seeing this, Cao Yu said:

"Brother Wei, do you want to see the old man, or are you thinking that the ghost king and the grass demon have traded, I guess the person in charge of the grassland will call you after the report is over."

He saw the direction Zhang Wei was looking at. That direction was the fence of the road, but at the same time... it was also the direction of the Prairie Province.

In fact.

Zhang Wei was indeed looking in the direction of the Grassland Province, but he didn't mean to see the old man, but just now, a system prompt sounded in his mind.

That's what old man Liu Shu is using, and he sent it to bless the system.

Zhang Wei immediately replied casually:

"That's fine. Let's talk about Cao Yu. Is the Grassland Province the same as the Qingqing Grassland? There are a lot of sheep and a lot of lush grass."

in words.

Zhang Wei kept his eyes on the direction of the Grassland Province, his pupils flickered, and he smiled.


at the same time.

Prairie Province, a grassland near Huhe City.

It was noon at the moment, the sun was shining, and the wind was blowing. On this endless grassland, the grass was swaying, like a vast ocean of vegetation, which was spectacular and beautiful.


On such a magnificent grassland, there was a strange scene.

Those are two figures.

The former didn't mention the pale skin, just the skinny and rotting body was enough to know that it was not a living person, but a zombie.

And the latter...

It was an old man on crutches, with a kind old face. He walked very slowly, but he was able to follow the zombie who was running at the front.

"Don't come here!!"

The zombie looked at Old Man Willow behind him, terrified, his face full of horror.

Not so long ago.

The zombie is about to break through the ghost king level. It is a half-step ghost king level ghost. In order to break through the ghost king safely, it chose to come to the grassland province. There are a lot of land and few people here, and it is not easy to be discovered. Even he is cautious. The first target was a nomadic prairie villager. If he was killed, he would probably not be discovered for several days.

However, just as he started, an old man appeared.

That was the old man Liu Shu. He came to this grassland not long ago and was going to take a photo of the grassland scenery. Before, he was too busy chasing the ghost king and the grass demon, so he didn't have time to take pictures of the grassland scenery. Now he finally has time to take pictures.

But before he picked up his mobile phone to take pictures, with his strong strength, he felt that there were ghosts making trouble here, so he immediately put down his mobile phone and came to save people.

at this time.

Facing the words of the zombies, Old Man Liu Shu said leisurely:

"Young man, don't run away, this old man walks slowly, you make it hard for me to catch up."


The corner of the zombie's mouth twitched when he heard the words, and he wanted to scold his mother.

But it didn't scold, it's not stupid, it knows the strength of the old man Liu Shu, so it didn't dare to be careless at all, and ran as hard as it could, for fear of being overtaken, and even used its own trump card, which was precisely because of this. Only by holding the monster's hole card can the zombie avoid being caught up by Mr. Willow.

It is now fully focused on running away. It only needs to run for a while, and it will be able to get close to Huhe City. By then, it can rely on the large number of people in Huhe City to escape the pursuit of the ghost king old man.

Although I only had a face-to-face meeting with Mr. Willow.

But the zombies could see that apart from being powerful, the old man Liu Shu was also a kind-hearted ghost who put human life first, otherwise he would not have saved an innocent nomad casually.

the other side.

Run like hell against zombies.

The old man Liu Shu also noticed his intention, his old eyes were fixed on the front, he took out his mobile phone and clicked on the map to check:

"The old man remembers that there seems to be a city in front of him. Is this the idea you came up with, young man? It is indeed a good idea."

in words.

Mr. Liushu recalled that when he came by plane, the passengers beside him chatted with him. He talked about Huhe City and said that there are many delicious foods there, and there are many special snacks and local products in the grassland province. They must not be missed. .

Think here.

Old man Liu Shu couldn't help whispering:

"Young man, you really know how to pick your time, but it's just right, try the old stuff from Zhang Wei."

The words fell.

I saw the old man Liu Shu reaching out and taking out a string of small doll ornaments from his waist. These are some doll ornaments. Each doll is a character from some anime, such as White Beard of One Piece, Dragon Ball Turtle Immortal, One Punch Man with silver fangs, etc. Wait.

at the same time.

The zombie being hunted down, he always pays attention to the old man Liushu, and after he took out the pendant, he noticed it immediately:

"Huh? What is the ghost king going to do?"

Others are watching.

The old man Liu Shu picked up a bunch of doll ornaments, and then made a selection, and finally his eyes fell on the doll ornaments of the old village chief Man Yangyang in "Pleasant Goat and Big Big Wolf". His old eyes couldn't help but brighten up and said:

"Hey, this pendant looks good. It just so happens that this is a grassland. It should be pretty good to use sheep."


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