Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 255 Child, This Industry Is Too Deep, You Can't Control Everyone

Feeling the sharp pain coming from the head, the zombie was stunned. The seemingly weak slow sheep knocked over with a crutch. Where did it hit the crutch?

for a while.

In this Nuoda grassland, with the old voices of "I'll kill you, I'll kill you!", there were screams one after another.

Look closely.

It was an old sheep half the size of a person, holding up a crutch and hitting a ferocious looking zombie. When the crutch fell and hit the zombie, the zombie screamed in pain.


The zombie resisted, and stretched out his hand to pinch the old sheep, but just as the hand was stretched out, the old sheep had quick eyes and quick hands, and a crutch fell on his hand, and the zombie retracted his hand in pain, unable to get close to the zombie at all.

Even if the zombie was furious and desperately opened his mouth to bite the old sheep, he would be swung over with a cane and slammed on the zombie's face.


The zombie flew upside down, as if the whole zombie had been hit in the face by a truck, while flying out, a few zombie teeth flew out of its mouth.

Also this time.

After being beaten to the ground, the zombie was lying on the ground, covering its face with its hands, its previous vicious expression was only frightened and wronged.

【Ding! Zombies are terrified, slow sheep? weak? 】

[Host obtains system points +80]

Watching the slow sheep coming up with a cane, he hammered his waist and said:

"Oh, it's useless to be old. I've only moved a few times. My old waist is about to break. I'm over 100 years old. I really can't afford it. It would be great if Xi Yangyang could help me."

As soon as his words came out.

【Ding! Zombies are scared, slow sheep will not shake people, right? Wrong, rocking sheep? run! ! 】

[Host obtains system points +90]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound.

Without saying a word, the zombie got up and took out the escaped ghost again, and rushed towards Huhe City with all its strength.

Slow Sheep was unexpectedly strong, it was too strong, it couldn't beat it, so it could only choose to run away like it did when it faced Old Man Liushu.


Under the urging of the fleeing ghost, the zombie rushed out with a speed so fast that human eyes could hardly catch it.

The zombie looked back at the slow sheep that was getting further and further away from him.

【Ding! The zombie breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, I can run fast. What's the use of being slow and strong, you can't catch up at all... Lying on the grass, slow sheep, you step on the horse...]

[Host obtains system points +100]

The fleeing zombie looked behind and was stunned.

Seeing that he had run away, the slow sheep at the back didn't panic at all, stroked his beard and said:

"Run so fast, how can an old man like me catch up with you, but it's okay, I have a way."

That's all for words.

The zombie saw that Slow Sheep raised his crutches and shouted:

"Come on!!! Snail."

next moment.

A burst of light suddenly appeared beside the slow sheep, and the light came and went quickly. When I looked again, there was a huge snail beside the slow sheep.

The zombies recognized the comer.

That is the mount of Slow Sheep.

Then the zombie saw that the slow sheep sat on the snail, held up the crutches and pointed to the far away self, signaling the snail to chase him

As soon as the words came out.

The zombie felt a blur in front of his eyes, and the snail, carrying the slow sheep and sheep, caught up with him in a flash, so fast that he caught up with him in a few blinks.

【Ding! The zombie looked at the snail that was keeping pace with him, and was stunned. 】

[Host obtains system points +120]

Isn't this the slow sheep snail it knows? Doesn't it mean that the slow sheep snail is slower than the slow sheep?

at the same time.

Slow Sheep was riding a snail, looking at the running zombies, while stroking the goatee, holding up the crutches and knocking on the zombie's head vigorously, muttering:

"See if you still run, see if you still run..."


Xie Xiangming, a new member of the Department of Health and Dao, in the pre-employment assessment, he became the exorcist of the Department of Health and Dao with excellent results, and was assigned to the Department of Health and Dao of Huhe City, Grassland Province.

Today is his first day at work.

to this end.

Xie Xiangming got up early in the morning, went to the station of the Huhe City Health Department early, and took on the task of daily patrol, and began to patrol Huhe City.

Patrol from morning until almost noon.

Although he didn't encounter supernatural incidents, Xie Xiangming's enthusiasm remained undiminished, and he patrolled harder, wanting to find some supernatural incidents to make merit for himself, wanting to be promoted as soon as possible, and wanting to make a name for himself in the Department of Health and Dao as soon as possible.

To this.

The colleague who accompanied him on patrol, and the captain of the Huhe City Health and Dao Department, could see his thoughts, but he didn't feel disgusted, because when he was Xie Xiangming's age, he had ambitions and had great ambitions. , I want to do a big job.

"Xiang Ming, don't be so anxious, ghosts are not so easy to meet."

The captain said with a smile:

"Do you want to meet a fierce ghost, deal with it, and gain some fame for yourself? At your age, I often have this kind of fantasy. When I meet a powerful ghost, I subdue it, and my reputation spreads, and then Become as powerful as those famous ghost exorcists, such as the recent popular ghost exorcists, Zhang Wei, Lu Lianfeng and others."

Being told his thoughts, Xie Xiangming blushed and said:

"No, Captain, don't talk nonsense. I just want to make some achievements quickly. After all, everyone values ​​me so much... Cough, by the way, Captain, have you ever thought about becoming famous and gaining prestige like Zhang Wei and the others?"

The captain patted his shoulder when he heard the words:

"Your little thought, you can't hide it from us old fritters. It's not embarrassing. I did have that kind of thought, but it was a long time ago, and I won't do it now."

"Ah? Why not now." Xie Xiangming asked.

"Well, when you really see ghosts and have dealt with ghosts a lot, you will understand that ghosts are not as easy to deal with as you imagined. Even if your talent is good and your test scores are excellent, but good talent and strength don't mean It is said that it can deal with ghosts very well.”

The captain continued with emotion:

"Ghosts are cunning and cunning, and they are very scheming, especially those powerful ghosts. They don't have any compassion for us humans. Even if they were human before they were alive, after becoming ghosts, they have already lost their humanity."

"They don't care about other things when they meet us. As long as they can kill us, they will use all means. But we can't. We need to protect innocent citizens and so on. It's easy to be involuntary and passively fall into danger."

"Ghost exorcising is a very dangerous job. Every year, ghost exorcisers from the Ministry of Health die in the task of exorcising ghosts."

"When I was your age, I used to imagine that I would be famous, majestic, and achieve a career, but I actually faced one after another ghost exorcism mission and saw too many dangerous ghosts. Famous, life is more important."

"In other words, I have seen too much, and I understand how much I am. Famous is not so easy to be famous, even if the talent is good, it is the same to be able to enter the Department of Health and Dao, no matter how much talent is good, isn't it, but why in the end? That's all it takes to get up."

"To put it mildly, I just looked away. It's better to guard my corner of the land safely and securely than to make a name for myself."

in words.

The captain looked at Xie Xiangming. He could see that he had said so much, but Xie Xiangming didn't listen to much. He was very ambitious at this age and couldn't listen to persuasion. He was the same at that time, so he could only say:

"Uncle, I have experienced a lot. When you experience more in the future, you will understand that this industry is too deep and not everyone can control it."


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