Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 256 Slow Sheep's Hole Card, The Grass On Her Head

as predicted.

Xie Xiangming listened to the captain's words and nodded on the surface, but he didn't really listen to it in his heart. In his opinion, the captain's edges and corners have been worn away, and his concept is too decadent. He will not be like this. As long as he works hard, he will definitely be able to make a name for himself. His own talent assessment is A-level.

Think about it.

Xie Xiangming looked at the captain who got off the car and was about to eat, and said:

"Thank you Captain for your guidance, Captain, you go eat first, I'm not hungry yet, I'll go on patrol again..."

I haven't finished speaking two words for a while.

Xie Xiangming glanced away, his eyes widened in vain, looking at a place in the distance, as if he had seen a ghost, and froze in place.

As he kept rubbing his eyes to make sure that he was not mistaken, he called out in an instant:

"My God——"

just now.

He turned around and was about to continue patrolling, but he glanced out of the corner of his eye and suddenly saw a zombie covering his head on the roof of a row of scattered houses not far away, with a painful expression on his face. suffering from some kind of pain

But this wasn't the place where Xie Xiangming went to hell. What really drove him crazy was that next to that zombie, he saw a... slow sheep? !

"Is that slow sheep??"

Looking at the appearance of the slow sheep riding a snail, whether it is a snail or a slow sheep, no matter how you look at it, it is the same as the animation character of the cartoon "Joyful and Big Big Wolf" who accompanied him throughout his childhood. exactly the same.

Just when Xie Xiangming thought he had seen a ghost, when he thought he was hallucinating.

"Not good! There are ghosts!"

Not far away from Xie Xiangming, the captain who was about to enter the restaurant also felt a terrifying yin energy, his face suddenly changed, and while shouting at Xie Xiangming, he also looked in the direction of the yin energy.

Seeing the captain's shout, he suddenly slammed on the brakes and yelled out:

"What the hell is that?!"

Not to mention Xie Xiangming, the captain was completely insane.

A half-step ghost king level, the breath looks at the zombie who is about to break through the ghost king at any time, is being headshot, beaten by slow sheep?


Their speed is too fast, the zombies are running, and the slow sheep and sheep are riding on the snails, and they keep beating the zombies' heads over there.

A few can't breathe.

The slow sheep and zombies ran away without a trace.

Also at this time.

Xie Xiangming stared at the captain dumbfounded, and couldn't stop thinking about what the captain said before... Uncle, I have experienced a lot... This industry is too deep, you can't control it, child...

The captain also felt Xie Xiangming's gaze, and was about to ask Xie Xiangming what it was.

It was Xie Xiangming who spoke first:

"Captain, I understand what you mean. This industry is really... the water is too deep... too... dangerous."


at the same time.

far away.

The zombie is being violently beaten by slow sheep and sheep. Now it is not as arrogant as before. It is only embarrassed and miserable. The blood on the face and the spots on the corpse have been knocked into bruises. Not only the skull was cracked, but other bones Also broke a few.

【Ding! The zombies are terrified, I will not be killed by the slow sheep. 】

[Host obtains system points +120]

Sensing its own physical condition, the zombie panicked. Even if it had escaped ghosts, it could not escape the slow-moving snail. If it was knocked down according to this trend, it would definitely die.

Think about it.

Zombies are terrified like never before. I have thought that I will die one day, and I have even thought about various ways of death, such as being killed by ghost exorcists, being tortured by ghosts, etc., but I never thought that I would die in the hands of slow sheep and sheep. superior.

Facing the fear of death, the zombies stopped when they ran to an open space, and no longer chose to escape.

Rather than running down to a slow death, it is better to fight to the death.

can be seen.

The bloody face of the zombie at this moment seemed to have made some decision, and it was full of madness:

"You forced me."

The voice starts.

The chasing slow sheep felt that the moment the zombie uttered the words, its strength suddenly surged like a dam bursting, breaking through that layer of obstacles, and completely stepped from the half-step ghost king to the ghost king level.

If Mr. Willow was here, he would definitely be able to see the situation of the zombie. The other party had risked his life and used a special ghost method to forcibly upgrade to the ghost king level at his own expense. However, this cost is too high and cannot be reversed. of.

But now that their lives are almost gone, there is no need to care so much, the zombies choose to go all out.

"Is this the strength of the ghost king level, slow sheep, let me fight back."

Feeling the terrifying Yin energy in the body, the zombie roared at the slow sheep, and wanted to rush up in an instant to kill the slow sheep.


Didn't wait for it to rush out.

Slow Yangyang listened to his words, but smiled unhurriedly:

"Really? Not necessarily."

in words.

Slow Sheep stretched out his hand, and with a puff, it pulled off the grass growing on its head.

Zombie knows that plant of grass. It is said that it is called smart grass, which is the root of slow sheep's intelligence and can make slow sheep very smart.


The zombie didn't have time to think about what Slow Sheep was doing by pulling the grass off his head. His expression changed suddenly, and he felt a terrifying power erupting in front of him. He looked was emanating from Slow Sheep.

I saw that the moment the slow sheep pulled out the grass on its head, it seemed as if the seal had been released. Not only did its breath climb up to the ghost king level, but its half-person-height body was also rapidly expanding. Standing tall, it turned into a muscular slow sheep with a strong body.

boom! !

An extremely shocking aura rushed over.

【Ding! Zombies are numb, Mom! The slow sheep is swastizing, breaking the seal, playing tricks...]

[Host obtains system points +110]

The zombie looked at the slow sheep and sheep that looked like a cow. The zombie's face was sluggish, and his mouth couldn't stop opening. There was only one thought left in his mind... Drafting, is it true that the ancients said 'simple mind, well-developed limbs'? Come on, once the smart grass is pulled out, the IQ will drop, and the strength will increase, one increase and one decrease, and the energy will be conserved.

Yet no one can answer it.

The slow sheep has already rushed up, it stepped on the ground, with a bang, a deep pit was stepped on the ground, the slow sheep shot out like a cannonball, raised its muscular arm, clenched its hand into a fist, and punched onto the zombie.

His punches are powerful.

Even if the zombies have reached the ghost king level, they can't stand it.

bang bang bang...

Fist-to-flesh bangs came from this open space, accompanied by shrill screams.

If anyone is here, they will definitely see that a strong slow sheep is facing a terrifying zombie ghost king, pinching the neck of the zombie ghost king with one hand, lifting it, and punching it continuously with the other hand. Zombie ghost king belly.

en route.

The zombie ghost king tried to resist, but was easily resolved by the slow sheep. He could only break his ribs when he was beaten by the slow sheep, and he vomited blood continuously in his mouth.

Not long.

Accompanied by a warning sound, the screams in this open space also stopped.

【Ding! Before dying, the zombie was thinking, the grass on the slow sheep's head is real grass, or draft grass. 】

[Host obtains system points +120]

【Ding! Zombie death, mom, you may not believe me if you tell me, I was beaten to death by slow sheep in Qingqing grassland on the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, with fists]

[Host obtains system points +130]


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