Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 257 Ah, Yes, Yes, The Rainbow Cat And The Blue Rabbit Have Joined The Battle

With the system prompt beeping.

Zombies are dead.

Slow Sheep has no ink marks, picks up the zombie's body and puts it on the snail's back, then rides up to find Mr. Willow.


The old man Liushu, who was far away in a restaurant in Huhe City, sensed the arrival of the slow sheep, and went out to meet the slow sheep.

Looking at the dead zombie on the snail, Mr. Willow was a little surprised:

"Huh? Ghost King level? Is this a pretext for promotion? No, it seems to be promoted forcibly, but it's okay, this is just right, even if it is a ghost king who paid a price for promotion, it is also a ghost king, and it can be traded with the Secretary of Defense."

The old man Liu Shu smiled cheerfully, and he was even happier after eating the delicious food in the grassland province:

"Now this old man can have an account with Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei's kindness to travel to this old man is not wasted."


The old man Liu Shu thanked the slow sheep, and after the slow sheep responded, it turned back into a doll ornament.

Hanging the slow sheep and sheep doll ornaments back to his waist, Mr. Liu Shu looked at the string of doll ornaments on his waist, with a kind smile on his kind face:

"Zhang Wei didn't fool around with the old man. These ornaments are really useful. It seems that when you meet the ghost king in the future, you don't need the old man to take action. It's really convenient."

The words fell.

The old man Liu Shu turned around and prepared to eat the roasted whole lamb and other delicacies he ordered in the restaurant.

He ordered too much, and he didn't finish eating until the evening. Afterwards, Mr. Liu Shu paid the bill and planned to continue to visit Huhe City. There are many specialties of food in each region, even if he can't finish it all day.

the other side.

When Mr. Willow finished paying and left.


It was evening.

There was one more post on the Department of Health Forum. Immediately after the post was released, it quickly spread like a plague. It reached the top ten posts of the day, and it continued to increase. It is very possible to break into the top three.

no way.

The title of that post is so catchy.

All users who logged into the Ministry of Health's forum saw this post, whether it was a human or a ghost, they were all attracted and couldn't help but click in.

at the same time.

Luxia City, an e-sports hotel.

Fatty took advantage of lol queuing time and clicked on the Weidaosi forum out of boredom. The next second he raised his brows:

"Huh? Slow sheep?"

He was attracted by the post that went straight to the top ten. Looking at the title, his face was full of surprise:

[Yaoshou, another world has invaded! The Qingqing Grassland invaded the grasslands of Inner Mongolia, and slow sheep appeared! ! 】

Look at the sticker.

The fat man laughed and said:

"What kind of sand sculpture post is this? Is it so funny? Why don't you make a fruit treasure special attack for the green grassland invasion? Is it because my fruit treasure special attack has no cards, haha."


The fat man smiled and clicked on the post.

The content of the post is not much written, it is said that it has received the latest news that a half-step ghost king-level zombie appeared in the grassland province, and the other party was being chased and killed by a slow sheep.

Same time.

Perhaps for fear that the water friends who read the post would not believe it, the poster finally said:

[To be honest, if someone tells me that another world is invading, I don't know how to believe it, let alone the Qingqing Grassland invasion, and the f*cking slow sheep chasing zombies to fight, isn't this pure nonsense. 】

【but! 】

[This is indeed true. I am in the Prairie Province, and it is not just me. Besides me, there are many witnesses such as ghost exorcists and ordinary citizens. They all witnessed slow sheep and sheep beating zombies. 】

[If I saw it alone, it might be my hallucination, but if a few dozen people saw it together, it couldn’t be an hallucination, and there are also ghost exorcists. They feel the power of zombies just like me. 】

[Of course, I know there must be some people who don’t believe it. I’ll attach below the interview video of the witnesses I interviewed after witnessing the slow sheep and sheep chasing and beating zombies, and attach a photo taken by the witnesses inadvertently. 】

The fat man looked down.

The publisher did release an interview video and a photo that looks very blurry, but from the blurry silhouette running on the photo, it can be seen that it is a slow sheep, mainly a snail mount.

The interview video is not too long. About ten people were interviewed, including exorcists and ordinary people. They told what they saw one after another.

Looking at the video and photos, Fatty laughed so hard that he even queued up lol and forgot to start:

"The Department of Health Forum is more fun than the Haunted Nest Forum. I laughed so hard. The interview was so real that I almost believed it."

in words.

Fatty didn't care about queuing lol, picked up the keyboard and sent a comment to the post:

[Ah, yes yes yes, Qingqing Grassland has invaded, and Slow Yang Yang did research and accidentally broke the dimensional wall.

Oh! correct.

I also received news that the Dimensional Wall was broken, which affected not only the Qingqing Grassland. I heard that Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit appeared in front of the Dimensional Wall. Force is in charge, but blue cat is naughty and intelligence is responsible, this kind of dimensional technology has to be handed over to them, after all, blue cat is naughty and asks three thousand questions, thumbs up jpg]

As the fat man finished posting this comment.

Not long after.

Its comment received more than 1,000 likes, as well as various replies.

Fatty didn't pay attention to these. After he finished posting the comments and read them for a while, he went to other posts. In his opinion, this was a completely rumor-making post, purely for entertainment.

But the fat man underestimated the popularity of the post.

After he checked the Ministry of Health's forum and found no interesting posts, he turned to the Haunted Nest forum.

But it was discovered.

There are also similar posts on the Ghost Nest forum, saying that there are ghosts in Huhe City, the grassland province, who saw zombies being beaten by slow sheep and sheep. Several ghosts in Huhe City also said they saw it.

"Which ghost exorcist is colluding with ghosts? There are also ghost dens. This operation is too annoying."

The fat man read the post.

Like the Weidaosi forum, the post on the ghost nest forum is also hotly discussed. In addition to the same as the Weidaosi forum, some people said that they want to go to see it together, and many ghosts said that they want to shoot when they see the slow sheep. Kill him.

Even after Fatty posted a comment, many ghosts replied and liked Fatty.

It's just different from the ghost exorcists of the Department of Health and Dao. The ghost den forum itself is a villain forum established by the fat man. Anyone who can be in the ghost den is a ghost, or an evil ghost exorcist.

to this end.

Many ghosts expressed that they hope to have Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit. At least the Rainbow Cat and Blue Rabbit and the Seven Heroes have come.

More ghosts said that the blue cat naughty will appear soon, and if you want to eat the blue cat naughty, you have to live broadcast it now.

for a while.

This is the first time I encountered similar posts in two forums. The fat man went back and forth between the Weidaosi and the ghost den forums, scrolling back and forth to read the comments:

"It would be great if slow sheep and blue cats were really naughty. I really want to see them lol with ghosts. Yes, it has to be the king of ghosts. This damn picture feels so high-end that it suddenly rises, hahahaha"


at the same time.

Banyan City, a restaurant in the city center.

With Cao Yu as the host, Zhang Wei played in Rongcheng for a day until 6:30 in the evening. He looked at the sky and saw that night was coming, so he stopped playing and asked Cao Yu to drive him to the hotel.

This is a star-rated hotel with luxurious decoration. As it is near the evening, this kind of thing happens to be the busiest time for the hotel, and vehicles drive into the hotel parking lot from time to time.

Just arrived at the door of the hotel.

Relying on his strength, even if Zhang Wei didn't go in, he could still feel the yin in the hotel, and he was sure that there was a ghost in this restaurant.

"Brother Wei, my car is parked, how is this restaurant? Is there a ghost?"

After parking the car, Cao Yu came over and asked.


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