Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 258 Midnight Hotel, Strange Footsteps

Zhang Wei nodded when he heard the words:

"There are ghosts. Although the ghosts are handled well, there are still some residues."

Cao Yu heard that he was just about to respond, when a voice came from the door of the hotel.

It was a young man.

Zhang Wei recognized the person who came. When Zhang Chao told him about the hotel, he later sent him a photo of his friend. The person who came was Zhang Chao’s friend from the hotel.

"Are you Mr. Zhang Wei?"

Zhang Chao's friend said.

After confirming Zhang Wei's identity, Zhang Chao's friend hurriedly handed over his business card and said:

"Hi, I'm Zhang Liangzhe, Zhang Chao's friend, Zhang Chao should have mentioned me to you."

Zhang Wei nodded and shook hands with him politely:

"Yes, Mr. Zhang, Chao Zhang mentioned you to me before, I didn't expect you to open this big restaurant at such a young age."

"I'm overwhelmed, I'm just taking care of by my family. How can I have such a great ability to start my own business and start such a big business."

Zhang Liangzhe responded with a smile.

The two of them had a brief conversation. Zhang Wei didn't go to the ink marks. After being invited into the hotel by Zhang Liangzhe, he bluntly cut to the point:

"Mr. Zhang, from what Zhang Chao said, do you think something dirty has come in your hotel?"


Zhang Liangzhe nodded:

"Actually, I didn't believe it at first. After all, dirty things are not everywhere in the streets. How could it be so unlucky to encounter them? Moreover, when my restaurant was being built, I specially asked a feng shui master to do the calculations."

"But something has happened these days. I feel that there may be dirty things in my hotel."

Listening to his words, Zhang Wei captured the key information:

"What happened these days? It means when did it start, Mr. Zhang, you think there is something dirty."

The words are not finished.

Zhang Wei added another sentence:

"When I came here just now, my friend Cao Yu next to me, he is from the Department of Sanitation of Rongcheng City. He helped me investigate this restaurant and said that there are records from the hospital. Three security guards in your hotel have entered the hospital. Is it related to this matter?"

Zhang Liangzhe nodded heavily when he heard it:

"Yes, it's related to this incident. It's the hospital where the three of them entered. I felt something dirty. It happened two days ago..."

Facing Zhang Wei for questioning.

Zhang Liangzhe told the whole story.


two days ago.

Li Gao, a disabled person with a left hand disability, is 25 years old. When he was 20 years old, his left hand was disabled due to some incidents. Last year, he went out to work with people from the same village. As a disabled person, he did his best to find a job. It's hard to find a job these days, let alone a disabled person.

But Li Gao was lucky and met Zhang Liangzhe.

In addition to recruiting a security guard from the same village, the other party did not dislike Li Gao during the interview. On the contrary, after learning that Li Gao was disabled and wanted to work to earn money to support his family, he made an exception and recruited him as a security guard for his hotel.

That night when the restaurant was closed, Li Gao followed the security guards from the same village on duty to close the restaurant door as usual.

as usual.

Because he was grateful to Zhang Liangzhe for recruiting him, even though he had been employed for more than a year, Li Gao did not sleep lazily there like an old fritter security guard, holding a flashlight and patrolling the restaurant routinely.

In the quiet night when no one was there, the hotel was silent, except for Li Gao, everything was so quiet that a needle could be heard.

Da da da.

Li Gao was walking in the corridor of the hotel, his flashlight swept across the wall, and he habitually glanced at the murals on the wall.

Zhang Liangzhe’s hotel is a star-rated hotel, and because of his wealth and wealth, he spent a lot of effort on the decoration during the construction. Walking in the corridor, looking at the murals on the walls on both sides, it feels like walking in a hotel rather than in a hotel. Like a Parisian art museum.

Every mural is an imitation of a famous painting, and even at the end of each corridor, there are some calligraphy, paintings and portraits of famous artists, which are very valuable.

Li Gao's daily patrol is to check whether these murals and porcelain bottles have been stolen.

at this time.

Li Gao patrolled to the second floor. I don't know if it's because he didn't wear enough clothes today. He felt that it was extremely cold today and couldn't help shivering. However, he still planned to go to the security room to get dressed after the patrol.

It continued to walk towards the third floor.

along the way.

He was holding a flashlight, and the light could barely illuminate a small area. Every time the light swept over the wall murals, especially those realistic self-portraits, Li Gao always felt terrified, even though he had been working for a year.

You must know that the countryside itself is the place where the most feudal customs still exist. He has lived in the countryside since he was a child, and he has heard some customs from his elders. According to folk customs, self-portraits should not be hung indiscriminately. It's easy to get dirty.

Also for this.

Every time he saw a self-portrait and stared at it for a few more seconds, Li Gao always felt as if the person in the painting would suddenly move the next moment.

"It's okay, it's just a painting, what are you afraid of?"

Li Gao habitually emboldened himself and said:

"It's been said on TV that feudal superstitions can't be trusted. Uncles and grandparents are talking about feudalism. Don't scare yourself, Li Gao."

But the more he emboldened himself, and it was extremely cold tonight, the more Li Gao thought wildly.

Talking and talking.

Instead, he remembered a folk tale that his uncle and grandpa told him when he was a child.

The uncle told him, do you know why there were sculptures and portraits of gods and gods among the people in ancient times and even in the period of the Republic of China, but there were few real people and portraits?

Because whether it’s a sculpture or a portrait, including those lifelike paper figurines, you can’t draw and make them casually. Once they are made, they will attract dirty things. The more lifelike they are, the easier it is to attract them.

For example, the paper man.

Most of the folk paper makers know a common saying...the paper figurines don’t draw eyes, the paper horses don’t raise their temples, and they don’t listen to people laughing and horses calling. If you don’t remember it, hell please.

Portraits also have similar taboos. Portraits are too realistic. You must not stare at them for a long time. It is easy to suck your soul into the realistic portraits.

Because people become ghosts after death, when they just became ghosts, their three souls and seven souls were in a daze, so it is easy to take the realistic portraits as people, so as to get into the dead body and return to the soul, if someone stares at them, it is easy to be photographed by the ghosts in the self-portrait soul.

Think here.

Li Gao swallowed his saliva, and glanced nervously at the several self-portraits on the walls on both sides, a little hairy, feeling that the portraits were looking at him.

Just when Li Gao was tense.

Da da……


Li Gao suddenly looked towards the stairs leading to the restaurant.

In this silent hotel corridor, Li Gao was alone, but he heard footsteps, which were footsteps other than his own.

Li Gao's breathing became heavy, he tried his best to calm himself down, and he pricked up his ears to listen.

Da da……

Accompanied by the subtle to imperceptible footsteps from the fourth floor, Li Gao's pupils shrank suddenly.

There are people on the fourth floor!

It was already twelve o'clock in the evening, and there was no one else in the hotel except himself and the other two security guards, and he knew that the two security guards did not come to patrol with him.

Whose footsteps are on the fourth floor? thief? still is……

As he remained motionless on the spot, he listened carefully to the sound, making sure that there were indeed footsteps, and Li Gao made sure that he had heard correctly.

Not an illusion!

There are really footsteps.

Although the voice was very soft, it was very clear in this so quiet corridor that you could hear a pin drop.

Same time.

Li Gao also dared to be sure with a high probability that it was not the voice of his companions. If it was his companions who were on patrol, there was no need to make such a soft sound that could only be made on tiptoe.


In order to ensure that there was no oolong, Li Gao deliberately picked up the walkie-talkie and talked to his companions in the security room.

"Hey, Lao Lin, are you two in the security room?"

"Ah? Yes, what's the matter." The voice of another security guard besides Lao Lin came from the intercom.

"I'm just asking, let Lao Lin talk. I'll see if you are really in the security room, or if you are deliberately teasing me and sneaking up to scare me. I just heard something in the corridor on the fourth floor."

"Li Gao, you are cowardly again, hahaha, Lao Lin and I are here."

"Are you sure there is movement on the fourth floor? I adjusted the surveillance just now, and there is no one in the corridor. I think you are scaring yourself again. You did the same thing when you were on duty on the first day, haha."

With the two companions laughing on the phone.

Although they laugh happily.

However, at this moment, Li Gao felt his scalp was heating up, and his breathing became heavy, as if a fire was burning in his throat, making his mouth dry.

No one monitoring the fourth floor?

how can that be.

He could hear it clearly, even now. There was movement on the fourth floor, and it was very close. It was near the stairs from the third floor to the fourth floor. That place was not a surveillance blind spot, so how could people not be seen.

this moment.

In the quiet corridor on the third floor of the hotel, Li Gao could clearly hear the sound of his heart beating violently due to nervousness, as well as the... rattling footsteps from the fourth floor.

In the end, out of security duty, Li Gao still walked towards the fourth floor.


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