Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 259 I Heard From Zhang Chao That You Are A Bit Different In Exorcising Ghosts

Li Gao was courageous, holding the flashlight tightly, and walked slowly to the fourth floor.

He tried to keep himself calm.

Not long after, Li Gao came to the fourth floor, which was similar to the previous floor. There were also portraits on both sides of the corridor on the fourth floor. Although the number was small, they were all authentic works. At the end of the corridor, there was a self-portrait worth a million dollars.

It is said that it was Zhang Zheliang's favorite painting, and it was used to decorate the hotel. For this reason, he specially added lights to the painting.


Standing far away at the stairs of the corridor on the fourth floor, in this dark corridor, everything is dark, only the light at the end of the opposite corridor is the light on the self-portrait frame, illuminating the self-portrait.

This scene is brightly lit during business hours, which would only make the self-portrait appear luxurious and high-profile, but at this moment, in the dark night, it only gives people inexplicable horror. From a distance, it seems that the person in the self-portrait is staring straight at the end of this dark corridor. In the corridor, it feels like the person in the self-portrait will smile and come alive in the next second.

I don't know if it's the horror of the self-portrait at the end, or psychological troubles, but after Li Gao walked up to the fourth floor with a flashlight, he felt even colder.

Accompanied by a clicking sound.

A gust of cold wind blew his neck, Li Gao shivered, subconsciously turned to look at a window not far away.

"Did the manager forget to close the window before leaving?"

in words.

Li Gao walked towards the window.

The wind is quite strong tonight, and there is a slight clicking sound. Listen carefully, isn't it the sound of formal footsteps heard on the third floor?


Li Gao breathed a sigh of relief:

"Damn, Lao Lin and the others were right. I made an oolong again. It turned out to be a window. I'm still too timid. I need to practice my courage, otherwise people will scare people and really scare people to death."

He went to the window and closed it.

However, the moment the window is closed, people in the dark will subconsciously look towards the light source, and Li Gao is no exception. He instinctively glances at the self-portrait in the corridor at the end.

Can't help but stunned.

It was a portrait in the style of the Nationalist period. It showed a noble gentleman in a well-fitting suit, whether it was luxuriously dressed, or sitting on a sofa chair, with a half-squatting German Shepherd dogs show the temperament of superiors.

The person in the painting is not serious, but looks forward with a smile.

If guests come here to see this painting during the day, they must have a sense of nobility, and feel that they are on the same floor as the person who made this self-portrait, which fully shows the dignity of the guests.

But now.

Looking at the gentleman in this painting, making eye contact with him...

Li Gao's back felt chills, he didn't know if it was because of his eyesight or psychological troubles, he noticed that the eyes of the gentleman with a noble smile in the painting in front of him seemed to move a little.

Recalling what my uncle and grandpa said, self-portraits are taboo.

Li Gaogang's relaxed heart raised it again, and he almost ejaculated in fear.

"Offended, don't take it for granted."

He hurriedly said a few words, and then slapped himself on the cheek a few times:

"Don't scare yourself. There are no ghosts in this world. Believe in science."

The words fell.

Li Gao patrolled around the fourth floor. After checking the last private room on the fourth floor, he found no one else. After excluding thieves coming in to steal things, he prepared to leave this floor and return to the security room on the first floor.

at this time.

Li Gao ruled out ghosts and thieves, and confirmed that the footsteps were caused by windows. He relaxed, and walked out of the private room with a grunt:

"Let me just say, how can there be dirty things, forget it, don't think about it, go to Lao Lin and the others to play mobile games... Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

There was a scream.

Li Gao was still smiling just a second ago.

The next second Li Gao walked out of the last private room, and subconsciously looked at the self-portrait of the only light source in the dark corridor, his pupils constricted instantly, and his scalp felt like it was going to explode.


Li Gao fell to the ground, shaking uncontrollably, looking at the self-portrait in horror.

I don't know when.

The eyes of the smiling noble gentleman in the self-portrait are now narrowed, and the smile is crescent-shaped.

This scene.

Weird to the extreme.

Li Gao has been working here for more than a year. He has patrolled the hotel hundreds of times. He has seen this painting hundreds of times. He knows what the painting looks like. He has seen it before, but now it doesn’t move. Self-portrait, those eyes smile...

Li Gao was terrified, he rolled and got up, and rushed to the stairs on the fourth floor in a panic.

During this period, he hurriedly picked up the walkie-talkie and asked for help:

"Old Lin, Old Lin!! There are ghosts! There are ghosts!! On the fourth floor there is... ah!!!"

Another scream of terror came out.

When Li Gao called for help with the walkie-talkie, he quickly ran to the third floor, but before he continued to run to the second floor, he was horrified to find that through the light of the flashlight shining on the wall when he was panicking, and the moonlight outside the window...

He saw it.

Not only the self-portrait on the fourth floor, but also all the self-portraits in the corridor on the third floor, all the eyes on it have become smiling.

And when he came downstairs.

All self-portraits turned their heads together and looked at Li Gao with a smile.

The scene is unspeakable horror.


Li Gao screamed in horror, his face was pale, and his eyes revealed fear.

at this time.

Lao Lin and the others' voices spread over the intercom:

"Li Gao, what's the matter with you, what's wrong, what's wrong with you, tell me clearly, wait for us, we'll come over right now."

Hearing that Li Gao couldn't care about other things, he quickly took out the walkie-talkie to explain the situation to Lao Lin and the others.

"Old Lin, in the restaurant..."

Yet the words were not spoken.


Li Gao felt a gust of cold wind blowing from the back of his neck, his body trembled, and he subconsciously looked behind him.

Also follow the look.

His face was full of horror like never before.

Behind him, there is a figure standing at a close distance, a 'person' who looks exactly like the noble gentleman in the self-portrait at the end of the corridor on the fourth floor, the only difference is that this 'person' is surprisingly dead than the skin of the person in the painting Generally whitish.


The noble gentleman with a face like a dead man met Li Gao's eyes and was smiling at Li Gao.




Zhang Liangzhe's office.

“Mr. Zhang Wei, that’s the way things are.”

Zhang Liangzhe looked at Zhang Wei as he spoke. He did not hide anything, and told Zhang Wei what he had experienced from Li Gao and the three of them:

"If Li Gao is the only one like this, then maybe Li Gao is timid, but the other two security guards, that is, Lao Lin and the others, also talked about the self-portrait laughing thing, and said they all went to hell. The three of them will not be all crazy Bar."

"Mr. Zhang Wei, do you think this matter can be handled? The price is not a problem, as long as the dirty things can be disposed of."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei said with a smile:

"Mr. Zhang is out. You are Zhang Chao's friend. It doesn't matter whether you have money or not. You can pay according to the market price. I can handle this thing. I will help you tonight."

"That's great, then Mr. Zhang Wei, I need to prepare something for you. I heard from Zhang Chao that you are a bit different in exorcising ghosts. You don't need to prepare chicken blood or anything. Do you need a yellow talisman? I'll ask someone to buy."

"I really don't need those. As for the yellow talismans, I don't need them either. I have so many yellow talismans that I can do wholesale. Mr. Zhang, just help me prepare individual things."


"A new security uniform."

"Huh? Security uniform? Why do you want this?"

For Mr. Zhang's inquiry.

Zhang Wei grinned and showed a mouthful of white teeth:

"Of course I'm wearing it. I'll work as a security guard at your place at night."


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