Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 260 Portrait Of A Ghost With A Confused Face

Banyan City, a star hotel.

At 10:20 in the evening, Zhang Wei was sitting on the seat in the security room of the hotel. Just now, Zhang Liangzhe brought him a security uniform, and he immediately changed into it, preparing to be the security guard here all night.

at this time.

There was still a while before the restaurant closed, Zhang Wei was so bored that he picked up his mobile phone and waited for the ghost to appear.


As soon as he landed on the Ministry of Health's forum, Zhang Wei was attracted by a post, which was the post about slow sheep and sheep in the grassland province.

He was not surprised that the slow sheep was discovered, and with the blessing of the system, he could know the movement over there. If the slow sheep chased into Huhe City, more or less people must have seen it. He clicked on the comment on the post and looked at it. Posted a comment with the most likes.

Looking at the comments, Zhang Wei laughed out loud:

"Who is the one who commented on the Rainbow Cat Blue Rabbit and Blue Cat Naughty Invasion? You are a genius. Speaking of which, I don't have rainbow cat blue rabbit and blue cat naughty figurines. I will buy them sometime, and then I can call my little boy to buy them." Lin, I remember she said that she liked watching these two anime when she was a child."

Thinking of Qiu Xiaolin.

Zhang Wei immediately wanted to chat with Xiaolin, but he just quit this post, and before he could cut the screen, he was attracted by another post.

[An accident happened, Sen Luosi attacked, Mount Wutai was bombed! 】


Mount Wutai was bombed?

Seeing the title of this post, Zhang Wei frowned, and suddenly remembered the chat with Wu Nian last night:

"It can't be such a coincidence. Just after I finished talking to Wu Nian, Mount Wutai exploded? Did I get infected by Zhang Chao's crow's mouth, or... the story of Wu Nian..."

He murmured, and when he clicked on the post, he recalled the chat with Wu Nian, and had a faint guess in his heart... Could it be that Wu Nian's story is not a story, someone really asked him to help burn Mount Wutai.

Think about it.

Zhang Wei muttered:

"This is too coquettish, who careless please Wu Nian did it, this operation is even more coquettish than the comment on the previous post I saw that rainbow cat and blue rabbit, I thought I was enough to show off, but I didn't expect to be so coquettish Are they all so introverted?"

Then he clicked on the post to read.

[Wutai Mountain was hit by a bazooka shell this morning. According to the Wutai Mountain personnel, someone saw a cat spirit carrying a bazooka, which combined with the bombing of the monk’s residence building in Wutai Mountain, and what happened in Sanjin Province recently.

The Department of Health has reason to suspect that this is a purposeful and targeted attack by Senluosi on Mount Wutai.

Although there have been no reports of casualties so far.


Sen Luosi is simply audacious.

Their behavior completely ignores the power of our ghost exorcists, is a provocation to Wutai Mountain, and is a contempt for the Secretary of Health! ! ! 】

Looking at the content of this post, Zhang Wei's complexion changed, and there was a strange look in his eyes:

"...Cat spirit? Carrying a bazooka?"

Although he didn't want to doubt, but thinking of the previous request to Wu Nian and the chat with Wu Nian, a chubby and cute orange cat appeared in Zhang Wei's mind, which was his contracted cat spirit, Hua Hua.

Could it be that Huahua was looking for Wu Nian, and Wutai Mountain was blown up.

Just when Zhang Wei's idea first came out.

Ding dong.

Zhang Wei instinctively looked at the sound of a text message, and the text message showed that it was from Huahua.

Click to open the text message.

Huahua said that she finally got rid of the attention of the man with presbyopic glasses, and sent a message to Zhang Wei, telling Zhang Wei that she had brought him a surprise, which was good news. Under Wu Nian's suggestion, it should be burned instead of fried, and successfully penetrated into the interior of Senluo Division, which was highly praised by Senluo Division's internal personnel.

Even though he didn't meet Huahua, Zhang Wei could tell from the content of Huahua's message that Huahua was very excited and wanted to express to himself, "Master, please praise me, am I doing a great job?"

for a while.

Zhang Wei couldn't laugh or cry.

I thought it was some heartless person who let Wu Nian blow up Wutai Mountain, but I dare to be the clown.

I didn't expect that.

I thought it would take some time for Huahua to enter the interior of Senluosi, who knew it would be so fast, should Huahua praise you or say you, and how did you come up with the idea of ​​burning Mount Wutai? Could it be that I let it I watched Mission: Impossible too much, and I was brainwashed by Zero Zero Seven who burned and destroyed the villain's base at every turn.

But Wu Nian is really a good brother, this helps.

Think here.

Zhang Wei murmured:

"It seems that I have to find a time to thank Wu Nian. I have helped Huahua a lot, and I have to praise Huahua. I will just say it casually. I didn't expect Huahua to be so hard-working and dare to burn Wutai Mountain."

in words.

Zhang Wei glanced at this post again, and couldn't help muttering:

"But speaking of it...the target of this post is actually me?"

That being said.

But Zhang Wei didn't care, he was sending a text message of praise to Huahua, and a message to Wu Nian, "Good brother, thank you for helping to blow up Wutai Mountain, I will treat you to dinner next time. Your brothers and sisters."

Not long.

Zhang Wei received a WeChat message from Wu Nian.

[Wu Nian]: Amitabha, Zhang Wei is very polite. You are a benefactor of the little monk. You should do me a favor. Zhang Wei can rest assured that the little monk handled it very well. I sent away the brothers and sisters in advance. No one was injured. On the contrary, the little monk Maybe I have to thank you, because the suggestion of frying Mount Wutai is quite good.

Along with this message, Wu Nian also sent a video.

It was a ten-second screen-recorded video, which was filmed by Xia Mei's help. In the video, Wu Nian and his brothers and sisters were moving the materials for the house. The brothers and sisters were happily discussing how to build a new house.

See here.

Only then did Zhang Wei feel relieved.


Zhang Wei cut the screen to chat with Qiu Xiaolin, and they chatted until the restaurant was closed. When Zhang Wei looked up at the clock on the wall, it was already 11:30 p.m.

He glanced at the dark lights in the corridor outside the door.

Immediately afterwards.

When Zhang Wei sent Qiu Xiaolin the news, he picked up the flashlight and stood up. Although he was only acting as a security guard temporarily, Zhang Wei didn't plan to fish, and was going to patrol the restaurant routinely.


All the hotel staff had left, and he was the only one left in the Nuoda Hotel. Walking in the corridor, everything was so quiet that he could almost hear his own heartbeat.

However, Zhang Wei was not afraid at all. The flashlight scanned the self-portrait on the wall of the corridor, looked at a lifelike self-portrait of a woman on it, and hummed a song:

"Sister, sit on the bow of the boat, big brother... what's wrong with big brother? Oh, big brother, I'm tianing on you..., hey, hey, hey, hey, hey."

While singing, Zhang Wei twisted his buttocks and danced in front of the self-portrait:

"Sister, sit on the bedside, big brother is swimming in the hole, ummm, the bedside is dangling."

Sing along with the song.

A cold system prompt sounded in his mind.

【Ding! The portrait ghost looked dazed, fuck, this is singing, why did the song come from, it seems to be something, sister, you sit on the bow, big brother, you lick me... No, fuck, what is it. 】


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