Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 261 Embarrassed, Quickly Dig Out Three Rooms And One Living Room

Zhang Wei came to the fourth floor to patrol while singing.

At the end of the corridor, there is a self-portrait of a noble gentleman.

【Ding! When the portrait ghost saw the host, he felt a burst of excitement, here he comes! Another unlucky guy is coming]

[Host obtains system points +30]

Meet Zhang Wei.

The portrait ghost was very happy, and he could frighten people again, but it didn't take long for him to be happy.

【Ding! The portrait ghost made light footsteps, oh, I forgot, he must not be able to hear his singing, I will change to a louder one]

[Host obtains system points +30]

Zhang Wei sings too loudly.

The other party couldn't hear his own footsteps at all.

【Ding! The portrait ghost made heavy footsteps, you can definitely hear it now...]

[Host obtains system points +40]

The cold system prompt sounded.

Zhang Wei changed to singing on the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau, and groaned:


【Ding! The corner of the ghost's mouth twitches, stomping his feet in the painting, making heavy footsteps, stop singing, listen to my footsteps...]

[Host obtains system points +50]

The system prompt sounds.

Zhang Wei changed the topic, and the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau soared to a high pitch, changing the dolphin sound.


【Ding! The portrait ghost wants to swear, you are paralyzed, you step on the horse...]

[Host obtains system points +60]

Zhang Wei's soaring dolphin sound echoed in his ears, and the corner of the portrait's mouth twitched violently. It knew that unless Zhang Wei was a player who liked to play shooting games such as PlayerUnknown's Battlegrounds, he couldn't hear the footsteps at all. useless.

for a while.

The portrait ghost stopped in the portrait, intending to skip the footsteps and go directly to the eye movement of the portrait.

Also at this time.

Zhang Wei patrolled the fourth floor.

Follow him out from the last private room at the end of the corridor.

【Ding! The portrait ghost is gearing up, come, come, look at my eyes... look at my eyes, look at my eyes as you step on your horse】

[Host obtains system points +70]

Unexpectedly, Zhang Wei didn't look at the self-portrait of the noble gentleman at all. He walked out of the private room and turned his head without looking back. He walked all the way to the fourth floor and the third floor.

Portrait Ghost: "..."


Watching Zhang Wei walk down the stairs, the portrait ghost inexplicably felt like a girlfriend showing off a gadget she just learned to her boyfriend, but the boyfriend didn't react as expected.

Zhang Wei was about to walk out of the third floor and walk past the last self-portrait.

The portrait is in a hurry.

No matter what to play tricks on Zhang Wei, he got out of the portrait.

If Li Gao and the others were here now, they would be horrified to find that not far behind Zhang Wei, there is a self-portrait hanging on the wall. The characters in the painting are moving. Mirror surface, ripples.

Immediately afterwards.

A skinny hand that was as pale as a tree branch stretched out to look out, half of its body slowly appeared from the painting, and then a face emerged, the skin of that face was as pale as a cold corpse, upon closer inspection, that face It looks exactly like the character in the portrait.

【Ding! The portrait ghost is a little angry and annoying, Ma De, met a nervous security guard, he can't be scared, so he can only do it, alas...]

[Host obtains system points +40]

With the system prompt beeping.

The portrait ghost has already emerged half of its body from the painting.

Then just when it poked its head out and just stretched out one foot to land...

The portrait ghost stopped, his face slightly stunned.

It stared blankly ahead.

In front of it, Zhang Wei was standing in front of him at some point.

【Ding! The portrait ghost is sluggish, uh...]

[Host obtains system points +40]

On one side is a portrait ghost showing half of its body from the painting, and on the other side is Zhang Wei standing quietly looking at the portrait ghost.

The two eyes met each other, looking at each other quietly.

At this moment, Zhang Wei suddenly said:

"It's okay, you can continue, just treat me as air, and I will watch quietly."

Portrait Ghost: "..."

At this moment, the air fell into silence for a while.

【Ding! The portrait ghost feels awkward and awkward, why aren't you afraid of me when you ride a horse? Scared? Can you give me some feedback, and... am I fucking coming out now, or not coming out? 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

The corner of the mouth of the ghost in the portrait twitches. This is no longer the girlfriend showing the boyfriend a gadget she just learned. The boyfriend doesn’t respond. It’s the boyfriend pointing his finger back at the girlfriend. The embarrassing girlfriend is about to scratch the soles of her feet. Out of three rooms and one living room.

In the end, the portrait ghost crawled out silently, because Zhang Wei couldn't be killed if he didn't crawl out, so he retreated? Just kidding, ghosts don't want to lose face.

And in the process of climbing out, the portrait ghost froze again.

On the way the portrait ghost crawled out and landed on the ground, Zhang Wei stretched out his hand to hold the portrait ghost's hand.

"Be careful, the ground is slippery."

【Ding! The portrait ghost is extremely embarrassed, just landing his feet on the ground, can you please stop being so considerate, I am very embarrassed, okay]

[Host obtains system points +60]

this moment.

A tinge of red appeared on the pale face of the portrait ghost, it was blushing...

It now has a feeling that it is regarded as a disabled person and needs the help of community volunteers to move around easily, and this community volunteer is the security guard in front of it.

At this time, Zhang Wei was still supporting the portrait ghost, with a look of concern on his face.


The portrait ghost is sluggish.

【Ding! The portrait ghost feels insulted, can you stop looking at me with such caring eyes for the mentally retarded, I am a ghost, not mentally retarded]

[Host obtains system points +40]


With the portrait ghost coming out, the air fell into silence again.

The portrait ghost stared blankly at Zhang Wei, and Zhang Wei also looked at the portrait ghost.

"What should I do now?" Zhang Wei asked suddenly.

The portrait ghost was stunned for a moment, unable to speak for a moment.

【Ding! The corner of the ghost's mouth twitches violently. How do I know what you should do? You should run away. I'm a ghost. When you see a ghost, run, run! 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

Seemingly seeing the portrait ghost's eyes, Zhang Wei suddenly realized, clapped his hands and said:

"Oh! Yes, I should run now, I'm sorry, I'm sorry."


Zhang Wei put on a terrified expression and yelled:

"Ah, ah, ghost, ah, ah, I'm so scared."

Seeing Zhang Wei's flamboyant acting skills, and the ah-ah sound that seemed to make a bed, the face of the portrait ghost twitched.

【Ding! Portrait of a ghost with a Sima face. 】

[Host obtains system points +50]

Accompanied by the system prompt sound in the mind.

The portrait ghost stood there in a daze, feeling like he had eaten shit. This feeling was not only because of Zhang Wei's exaggerated acting skills, but also because of Zhang Wei's next actions...

I saw Zhang Wei yelling ah ah ah, while running step by step and turning his head three times.

Every three steps, Zhang Wei turned his head to look at the portrait ghost, and stared at the portrait ghost with burning eyes.

The portrait ghost saw the meaning of that look, as if saying, I am running, do you see, I am running because of you, I am afraid, do you see, come and chase me.

To this.

Portrait Ghost's entire grimace was twitching violently because of Zhang Wei's actions.

Zhang Wei looked back three times at that step, he was walking rather than running, and the portrait hurt like hell.

Are you running?

Same time.

The portrait ghost looked at Zhang Wei's actions, and inexplicably came up with an idea. This security guard would not suddenly say "I'll buy some oranges, and you stay here, don't move around" after turning around every step.

This feeling is very strong.

Because the portrait ghost found out Zhang Wei's actions, he had the feeling that when a father goes to buy oranges, he doesn't forget to look back at his son.

【Ding! The portrait ghost looks like he wants to die, what the hell am I chasing after? Or not to chase? 】

[Host obtains system points +50]


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