Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 263 Sen Luosi's Purpose In The Northeast, Offering Sacrifices


Zhang Wei declined Zhang Liangzhe's invitation, and after saying goodbye to Cao Yu, he got on the high-speed train back to Luxia City.

On the way back.

Zhang Wei was not idle, he was browsing the Weidaosi forum while sending messages to Qiu Xiaolin and the others.

【Zhang Wei】: Concubine, have you been to Luxia City yet?

【Qiu Xiaolin】: Report to the emperor, the concubine will arrive in Luxia City in half an hour, how about you, the emperor, have you met with the lady of Du Nangong?

【Zhang Wei】: No, I am still on the way just like Aifei.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: The queen in Zhen Huan's biography covered her mouth in surprise jpg, oh my god, the emperor, why are you still on the road, are you coming back on horseback, it's so slow, all the flowers that the empress Nangong will be waiting for are gone.

【Zhang Wei】: Oh, okay? That's right, how about you, my concubine? Are you in a hurry to wait?

With Zhang Wei sending this message.

On the highway to Luxia City, Qiu Xiaolin on the bus laughed out loud:

"You brat, I know what to say, how can I use idioms in writing papers in the future."

The words did not fall.

Qiu Xiaolin seemed to have thought of something, her round face raised a cute smile and muttered:

"It's a good thing that Yaya and the others are not here, otherwise if they see this, they will definitely have an orgasm again."

While speaking, she did not forget to send a message to Zhang Wei.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: Your Majesty, my concubine is waiting for you to fight the enemy.

【Zhang Wei】: Concubine, don't worry, I will be invincible in this battle today, I can't wait, I want to drink and enjoy the screams of the enemy.

[Qiu Xiaolin]: What the emperor said is good, I hope the emperor is not talking on paper, the concubines don't expect to see the emperor's horse leather shroud at that time, Di Jia stretches out his hand and needs light jpg

【Zhang Wei】: My concubine, I will not let you down, I will return in triumph today, Zhao Yun charged jpg

This message is sent.

Zhang Wei, who was sitting on the high-speed rail, also had a smile on his face.

With a bright smile and handsome features, he was seen by a little girl sitting on the other side of the aisle.

She pulled her mother beside her and said:

"Mama, what is that big brother laughing at? Why is he smiling so happily? That big brother looks good, even better than those dancing big brothers on TV."

After hearing the words, the mother looked over and saw Zhang Wei's smile, and rubbed his head involuntarily:

"Maybe I'm looking at the results of the college entrance examination, baby, you have to study hard like the big brother, so that you can smile as happily as the big brother when the time comes."

"Okay, I'll try my best, Mama."

"Good~ good boy."

Zhang Wei didn't hear the conversation between the two of them, and was focused on chatting with Qiu Xiaolin.

Not long.

Zhang Wei gasped slightly:

"An accident happened in the Northeast?"

While chatting with Qiu Xiaolin, Zhang Wei took advantage of Qiu Xiaolin's reply and browsed the Ministry of Health's forum, and was attracted by a post that had just been posted.

Post title:

[Accident in the Northeast, three Qilin guards sacrificed! ! 】

Looking at this post, Zhang Wei's eyes brightened. Although it has been a while since he came back from supporting the Northeast last time, he has been paying attention to the situation in the Northeast, and sometimes sent Huang Qingshan a message to ask.

Not only that.

The reason why Zhang Wei asked Huahua to accept Sen Luosi's invitation was not only because he was being targeted by Sen Luosi, but also because he wanted to know himself and the enemy, but also because he wanted to know what purpose Sen Luosi had for the Northeast.

Also for this.

Zhang Wei has always paid attention to Northeast China. Whenever he finds a post about Northeast China on the Ministry of Health Forum, he will click in and read it. Whether it is a rumor or a true story, he will take a look to learn about the latest developments.

Through the forum of the Department of Health and Dao, as well as Lu Lianxue, Zhang Chao, Huang Qingshan and others, Zhang Wei has a certain understanding of the development of the Northeast even after leaving the Northeast.

As far as he knows.

There is currently progress in the Northeast. Apart from knowing that the incident was caused by Sen Luosi, he also knows that Sen Luosi's disturbance in the Northeast is just to deceive people's eyes and ears, and the real purpose is not to cause trouble.


In order to attract firepower to the Northeast, Sen Luosi made trouble in Sanjin City to attract firepower through the death of Master Kongjing.


The Department of Defense also found out in the Northeast that Sen Luosi has a behind-the-scenes person in the Northeast who is in charge of the Northeast. The top executives of the company do not give up their status.

But I don't know who is behind the scenes, I only know that the other party is different from the glasses, not a person, but a ghost.

The latter hides too deeply in that scene, never reveals himself, and never shows up. Except for Sen Luosi's high-level executives, there are hardly any people or ghosts.

Although the Department of Health's investigation of Senluosi in the Northeast is progressing slowly, the two sides have fought wits and courage, and have successively uncovered many things that Senluosi did in the Northeast, slowing down a lot of Senluosi's pace in the Northeast.


According to the analysis team of the Department of Health and Dao, they judged that if it were not for the Department of Health's repeated obstructions, Sen Luosi's goal in the northeast should be almost completed.

Recalling the information on events in the Northeast.

Zhang Wei looked at the post:

[I am a folk ghost exorcist who is supporting in the Northeast. I am here to post this post with the approval of the Department of Health and Dao. Just last night, the Department of Defense of the Northeast had a conflict with Sen Luosi.

The specific situation is that Sen Luosi arrested one of the Five Immortals in Northeast China, the grandson of a great-grandfather of the Huang family. Fortunately, the great-grandson's strength is good, and with the protection of the tokens of the great-grandfather of the Huang family, he was supported by the Ministry of Health. come over.

But Sen Luosi's support also arrived, and a large-scale battle broke out. I was on the scene.

A very powerful ghost appeared on Sen Luosi's side, suspected to be behind the scenes, killed three Qilin guards in a row, and took away the grandson of the Huang family grandpa.

I made this post to tell all the ghost exorcists, ghosts, and monsters who visit the forum that unless you support the Northeast, it is best not to go to the Northeast. Sen Luosi may soon achieve his goal recently and start arresting and killing monsters.

In addition to the grandson of Mrs. Huang's family, Mr. Hu's granddaughter was also arrested. Wei Daosi speculated that Sen Luosi may need monsters for his purpose, or he may need the five Northeast families, so no matter what, unless you are strong enough, otherwise Don't come to the Northeast, if you come, please report. 】

Look at the content of the post.

Zhang Wei frowned involuntarily:

"Has the man behind the scenes appeared? The loss of three Qilin guards is not a small loss."

He rested his hand lightly on his chin and murmured in thought:

"Before, Sen Luosi caught ghost exorcists and ghosts, and now he catches monsters. What is he going to do, sacrifice?"

Zhang Wei thought of a possibility... a sacrifice.

If Sen Luosi's arrest of people, ghosts, and demons is purposeful, then it must not just be taken as hostages. After all, there is no need to spend so much trouble for hostages, and there is no need for such a large number.

And according to the folklore taboo since ancient times.

Things that often require a large number of people are either doing coolies, such as building the Great Wall and the Mausoleum of Qin Shihuang, or offering sacrifices, such as human blood rituals.

Thinking of Sen Luosi's behavior in previous years.

Zhang Wei prefers the latter.


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