Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 264 Tailor Exposed? The Progress Of Saving Mr. Huang's Family

Think of sacrifices.

Zhang Wei's eyes sparkled, Sen Luosi made sacrifices in the Northeast, so what is the purpose of their sacrifices?

Sacrifice, whether it is Daxia or abroad, has existed since ancient times, especially in ancient times, almost every place had the custom of offering sacrifices, even now, there are still some common and immoral sacrifices.

For example, in the Fumin area, people will worship gods every month and offer some sacrifices to the gods. In some remote areas, they will also kill sheep and pigs to make sacrifices to the gods for peace and harmony. Today’s sacrifices Products, mostly edible, non-taboo.

But in ancient times.

Sacrifice is not limited to pigs, sheep, fruit biscuits, etc., but people, especially in times of severe drought and other disasters, the ancients always sacrificed people, choosing virgins, virgins, etc. to sacrifice to the so-called Gods of the river, such as the god of the river, pray for rain to drive away disasters.


Sacrifice is not only offering sacrifices to the gods, but also various taboo sacrificial ceremonies, such as ancient man-made bridges, where people were sacrificed as living piles to make the bridge stable and not collapse after it was built, such as sacrificing human life, giving yourself Prolonging life, such as casting swords, casting people as sacrifices, and so on.

"I don't know what the purpose of Sen Luosi's sacrifice is, and what kind of taboo sacrifice it is."

Zhang Wei murmured, continuing to read the content and comments of the post.

can be seen.

Some users who commented coincided with their own thoughts, they all thought of sacrifice, and they discussed and guessed the purpose of Sen Luosi's sacrifice.


It is said that the analysis team of the Department of Health and Dao also put Sen Luosi's purpose in the Northeast as a sacrifice, and are now collecting clues to investigate the purpose of Sen Luosi's sacrifice.

"Sacrificing people, demons, and ghosts, this kind of sacrifice should not be an ordinary sacrifice, and there is such a big commotion, it is definitely not a small ritual sacrifice."

Zhang Wei spoke to himself.

There are many types of sacrifices, and it is not easy to find, but if it is a large-scale ritual sacrifice, there are fewer types. As far as I know, the most common type of taboo large-scale sacrifice ceremony is to sacrifice gods, and this kind of god is not Guanyin Bodhisattva, etc. Righteous gods are evil gods, evil gods, and fierce gods.

This kind is also very common in the West, such as sacrificing life to summon Satan, Solomon's seventy-two pillar demon gods, and so on.

Think for a while.

Zhang Wei couldn't think of a reason, so he couldn't help but shake off the thoughts in his mind, and his eyes fell on Sen Luosi's arrest of the grandson of Mrs. Huang's family in the post.

see this.

Zhang Wei recalled the agreement with Captain Huang Qingshan:

"I don't know how the rescue of Mr. Huang's family is going."

When going to the Northeast for support, Huang Qingshan once approached Zhang Wei and asked Zhang Wei to help save the Huang family's grandfather within two years. At that time, Zhang Wei felt that he was weak and did not give a clear answer. He only responded that he would consider it. .


Now that I have almost reached the ghost king level, if I add the help of Mr. Liushu and Huahua, and the blessing of the system, I think I should have a certain ability to help Mr. Huang's family.


Zhang Wei called Huang Qingshan to ask about the situation.

The call will be connected soon.

"Zhang Wei, why are you free to look for me today?"

Listening to Huang Qingshan's voice on the phone, Zhang Wei responded with a smile:

"Haha, of course, you can go to the Three Treasures Hall if you have nothing to do. Captain Huang, I just saw the forum of the Ministry of Defense and found that some people said that the situation in the Northeast seems to be not optimistic. Three Qilin guards died in the line of duty. How is the situation recently?"

When it came to the situation in Northeast China, Zhang Wei could feel the voice on the phone. There was a silence for a while, and there was a faint sigh. Even if he didn't see Huang Qingshan, Zhang Wei could guess that Huang Qingshan was probably rubbing his temples now.

as predicted.

Huang Qingshan, far in the northeast, heard Zhang Wei's words, rubbed his temples, and said with a wry smile:

"Oh, that post is true. Three Qilin guards died in the line of duty, two from the Northeast, and one was a support. Although the loss was avoided in the end, and many ghosts and exorcists of Senluosi were captured alive, but ...did not catch the mastermind."

As soon as his words came out.

Zhang Wei frowned and said bluntly:

"Captain Huang, do you mean that the Senluosi personnel mentioned in the post who came with the support of Senluosi and caused the death of three Qilin guards are the masterminds of Senluosi in the Northeast this time?"

Huang Qingshan nodded solemnly:

"There is a high probability that it is the mastermind. Her strength is too strong, beyond expectations. She has already competed with the bespectacled man Sen Luosi met decades ago in the operation of the Department of Defense to destroy Sen Luosi. I don't know Zhang Wei, do you know the man with glasses?"

"I know, Xiaoxue and the others told me before that Captain Huang, the mastermind, showed up, and the Department of Health and Dao can carry out the arrest, so it is convenient to disclose the mastermind's information."

"The arrest is already underway, and it's nothing to disclose. Sen Luosi's high-level arrests will be released, and this is no exception. After all, this can prevent other ghost exorcists and ghosts from being harmed, and can also provide information in time. We are the Department of Health and Justice."

Huang Qingshan said in a simple summary:

"The mastermind is very powerful. It is preliminarily speculated that it is similar to the man with glasses, and then it is a ghost of a little girl. It is suspected that it is a ghost that became a ghost after being dismembered during life, but it has a bit of a mortician's technique."

"The mortician?"

Zhang Wei's eyes lit up when he heard this.

Huang Qingshan seemed to know what Zhang Wei was thinking, and said bluntly;

"Have you thought of your iron coffin zombie?"

"Yes." Zhang Wei nodded noncommittally.

"Our Department of Health's conjecture team also thought of this, because the mastermind, apart from her appearance, looks like a little girl, but what's weird is that she has some body parts, which seem to be pieced together. This is the technique of a corpse seamstress."

Huang Qingshan sighed and continued:

"If it is really a mortician, then it will be difficult. A mortician can manipulate corpses, and can even mend and dismember corpses. That little girl may not be the real face of the mastermind, so it will be very difficult to arrest."

"It's no wonder Captain Huang you are sighing non-stop. Is that the case? But can we investigate from the clue of the mortician? Nowadays, the industry of mortician is less and less. There should not be many people who know how to do it." craft."

"Indeed, this is the only thing that makes me feel lucky. We have already begun to investigate the mortician step by step. In addition, Zhang Wei, please be careful. If the iron coffin zombie is really related to the mortician of Sen Luosi, then you are the same Being targeted by Senluosi's northeast mastermind, this is a senior Senluosi."

Huang Qingshan spoke out.

Although he told Zhang Wei in a concentrated voice that he wanted Zhang Wei to pay attention to it, Zhang Wei didn't care. He was being targeted by Senluosi's senior management, and he was not a light seam mortician. He also had a pet Huahua who was currently in his contract. , that weight is no less than that of a mortician.

But Zhang Wei still spoke:

"Thank you, Captain Huang, for reminding me. I will pay attention to it. By the way, besides the fact that Sen Luosi's northeast mastermind is the ghost of the mortician, is there any other progress?"

Zhang Wei spoke out his conjecture about the sacrifice.

Huang Qingshan listened and said:

"Sacrifice, this is also the current investigation direction of the Department of Health and Dao's conjecture team. The specifics depend on the search clues."


After the two discussed the matter of offering sacrifices for a while, Zhang Wei didn't hold back, and asked Huang Qingshan again:

"By the way, Captain Huang, I saw in the post that Grandpa Huang's grandson was taken away. I would like to ask how the treatment of Grandpa Huang is progressing. Has he been cured?"

"Don't mention this, it gives me a headache when I say this."

Huang Qingshan sighed again. Although he said that he had a headache, he still told Zhang Wei. After all, Zhang Wei is also one of the candidates who might save Mr. Huang's family in the future:

"Recently, our Department of Health and Dao has recruited a lot of people. We have organized the first batch of people to save Mr. Huang's family, but in the end... well, four of them died, and the others are still alive, but they all failed."

For Huang Qingshan, someone died.

Zhang Wei was not surprised. The Five Immortals of the Northeast have existed since ancient times, and Grandpa Huang was one of them. It was an absolutely ancient and powerful existence. How could there be no danger in trying to save that kind of existence? That's why he didn't Dare to accept this request for help.

Also at this time.

Huang Qingshan continued:

"It's just that the Huang family's grandpa hasn't been cured, otherwise it wouldn't be Sen Luosi's turn to arrest the Huang family's grandpa's grandson. Sen Luosi clearly saw that the Huang family was weak, so he took the opportunity to act."

"Originally, there was a shortage of manpower in the Northeast, but now four of them failed and died. Now I am like a bitter melon, and I am so worried."

"However, our Department of Health and Dao does not intend to give up. We have already started to organize the second and third batches. If it doesn't work, let the door-closing zombie come in. Anyway, the Department of Health and Dao has already made a deal with it."

Zhang Wei thought for a while and said:

"Captain Huang, count me in for the rescue of the Huang family's grandpa, but before that, can you tell me how to save the Huang family's grandpa, and... I don't plan to save it now, can I save it later? I have some insights recently, and I plan to improve my strength a bit before going to save the insurance point."

Originally, Zhang Wei felt that he was strong enough.

But knowing that four of them died, he felt that he had to reach the ghost king level first.

at the same time.

When Huang Qingshan heard Zhang Wei's words, the brows that had been wrinkled in sorrow for the past few days were relaxed for the first time:

"What did Zhang Wei say to you?! Say it again? Did you promise to save Mr. Huang's family? Really, don't lie to me, I'm too old to take a joke, hahaha."

In the past, Zhang Wei promised to save the old man of the Huang family, Huang Qingshan would not be too excited, at most he was happy that one more person saved the old man of the Huang family.

But now it is different.

These days, he has heard many stories about Zhang Wei's deeds from his subordinates.

I still remember.

Knowing that Zhang Wei killed the ghost king for the first time, Huang Qingshan was shocked beyond words. Zhang Wei was not as strong as himself when he came to Northeast China. After leaving, he was stronger than himself, but now he can even single out the ghost king.

I thought it was because Zhang Wei was lucky and had a hole card in his hand.

But as Zhang Wei came again and again, killing the ghost king and making deals with the Secretary of Defense, Huang Qingshan gradually became dull from shock.

to this end.

Now that Zhang Wei is going to save the old man of the Huang family, Huang Qingshan is excited. Zhang Wei is now not only physically strong, but also powerful, and he has great hopes of saving the old man of the Huang family.

Immediately afterwards.

After receiving Zhang Wei's affirmative reply, Huang Qingshan said excitedly:

"Hahaha, okay, okay, okay, it's safer to wait until you become stronger, anyway, it's too late, I'll report it to you first, then how about you and Wu Nian together, just like you There is one."


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