Stronger Than The Old Heavenly Master, You Say He Is A Newcomer?

Chapter 265 The Way To Save Mr. Huang's Family, Caller Id In The Early Morning

Huang Qingshan spoke out.

Zhang Wei didn't refuse, he knew that Wu Nian also promised to help save the Mrs. Huang's family, if he went with him, at least he could have someone to take care of him and reduce the danger.

Immediately afterwards.

After getting Zhang Wei's consent, Huang Qingshan didn't hold back and continued:

"Well, I'll make arrangements for you when the time comes. Since Zhang Wei agreed to save Mr. Huang's family, there are some things that are inconvenient to disclose before. Let me tell you now, so that you can make preparations in advance."

"Saving the old man of the Huang family doesn't mean that you need to save him directly, but that you need to go to a place and get something from that place. That thing can cure the old man of the Huang family."

"That place is very dangerous. If the body is not strong enough, there is basically no way to go there. This is why it is necessary to find someone with a strong body for help."

"I told you just now that the Ministry of Health organized the first group of people to go to this place, and you have seen the danger. Four people died. For the specific situation, Zhang Wei, wait for me, and I will get the report Let me tell you."

Regarding the rescue of the Huang family's grandpa and Zhang Wei's safety, Huang Qingshan did not dare to neglect, and hurriedly went to get the report information after the first group of people went.

Not long.

When Zhang Wei chatted with Qiu Xiaolin again, Huang Qingshan came back.

He took the report and said directly:

"The first batch of people, 20 people, were carefully selected. Their physical strength was comparable to that of zombies. The least powerful were Qilin guards. Three of them cultivated the Buddhist family and cultivated the Buddhist golden body. Three of them This is also the deepest in that place.”

"It's a pity that they all failed. They couldn't find that thing. They felt that they couldn't stand it on the way and turned back. Four of them unfortunately died."

"The four of them, according to the explanation of the people who went with them, one of them died because their physical bodies couldn't bear it, the other three died because they went too deep, two died of poisoning, and one died because they went too deep and couldn't stand it."

Hearing this, Zhang Wei couldn't help but ask:

"Poisoned? What did they die of poisoning?"

Huang Qingshan replied:

"There is miasma in that place. The miasma is poisonous and invasive to a certain extent. This is the most important reason why those who go there need physical strength. If the body cannot hold the miasma, it is death. The deeper you go, the heavier the miasma will be."

"So Zhang Wei, you can't underestimate that place. Don't look at it because of 20 people, four of them died. It seems that the death rate is not high, and they can get out of the body. Not necessarily. There are many dangers there. The reason why there are few deaths is Because the Secretary of Health and Dao has explained that the first batch of people to go can be careful and don't go too deep."

"Because the Department of Health's conjecture team has analyzed that the place is very difficult, and the first batch of people who go there will probably fail, so they will go to be the vanguard."

"in addition."

"Aside from miasma, what dangers are there? This can only be obtained through some classics. It is said that there are poisonous insects, poisonous weeds, etc. In short, it is very dangerous and cannot be underestimated."

Facing Huang Qingshan and telling.

After Zhang Wei nodded in response, he asked curiously:

"Captain Huang, where is that place?"


This time Huang Qingshan did not answer Zhang Wei, and apologized:

"I'm sorry, Zhang Wei, considering that if the place is exposed, there will be unscrupulous people, such as Sen Luosi, who will take the opportunity to make trouble, and there is a possibility of destroying the place to prevent the rescue of Mr. Huang's family, so I can't say it for the time being."

The words speak.

Zhang Wei was not surprised. He had already guessed when Huang Qingshan told the report earlier. If the other party really wanted to talk about the place, he must have said it from the beginning without being ambiguous. It was just that he was curious and asked.

Then Zhang Wei responded:

"It's okay, this is understandable. Sen Luosi has shot at the grandson of the Huang family grandpa, and Bao Buqi may also shoot at the Huang family grandpa. For things like sacrifices, the better the sacrifices, the better the effect."

Huang Qingshan nodded in agreement:

"Using the grandpa of the Huang family as a sacrifice must have the best effect, so the possibility that Sen Luosi will focus on the grandpa of the Huang family cannot be ruled out. After all, he is injured."

After chatting with Huang Qingshan for a while, Zhang Wei hung up the phone with the reminder that the high-speed rail was about to arrive.

Before waiting for the high-speed train to arrive at the station.

Zhang Wei recalled the content of the conversation with Huang Qingshan, and said softly to himself:

"Where is the place with miasma, poisonous insects, and poisonous weeds?"

"This kind of place is rare no matter whether it is domestic or foreign."

He thought of some places, both foreign and domestic, but unfortunately there was little information, and he couldn't judge which place was correct.

with thoughts.

Zhang Wei walked out of the high-speed rail, until he saw two beautiful figures waiting for him at the exit of the high-speed rail, he immediately let go of his thoughts and walked up:

"How are you two concubines, I don't see you every day like three autumns, but I even miss you."

Qiu Xiaolin and Lu Lianxue laughed out loud.

To this.

Zhang Wei said again:

"How do you say it? What's the arrangement now?"

Qiu Xiaolin blinked her watery eyes, and a cute smile appeared on Xiaoyuan's face:

"It's still early, it's only noon, why don't you go eat first, Xiaoxue hasn't eaten yet, she said she will wait for you to eat together."

Lu Lianxue pinched Qiu Xiaolin:

"No way, I'm obviously waiting for you, Xiao Lin, to eat together, and you also said that I'll wait for you to eat."

Watching the two of you talking to each other.

Zhang Wei pushed the unnecessary glasses on his face and said:

"Since there is no arrangement, I suggest going to the figure shop now."

Listen to the three words of hand-made shop.

Qiu Xiaolin and the two looked over together, as if they had rehearsed beforehand, they said in unison:


They couldn't help but look at each other, each smiling sweetly.


Taking advantage of the weekend, with Qiu Xiaolin coming, Zhang Wei took the two of them to the handicraft store. He knew that the two of them liked anime very much, and the three of them talked about anime along the way. , either a hand-made shop, or an anime-themed restaurant and so on.

until the evening.

The hotels Zhang Wei took them to were all anime-themed e-sports hotels.



the next day.

Zhang Wei woke up.

Looking at Lu Lianxue and Qiu Xiaolin who had been cheating with her all night lol, and were exhausted, she raised a smile:

"Sure enough, I now understand why humans are social animals."


Zhang Wei woke them up and pointed to the first light of dawn outside the window:

"Look, it's just early in the morning, when the first rays of the sun just shot in, it must be dark early in the morning."

Just when Qiu Xiaolin and the others were about to respond.

Jingle Bell.

Zhang Wei's cell phone rang.


The sudden ringtone of the phone made Zhang Wei's mouth twitch, and he said speechlessly:

"This early in the morning, which psychopath called."

Originally, Zhang Wei didn't plan to answer the call, and would finish the matter at hand first, but Lu Lianxue looked at the caller ID on the phone, and asked Zhang Wei to answer the call first.


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